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Everything posted by AZLance

  1. AZLance

    Feral hogs in Arizona

    Wackycouesaddict, If someone shot me in the gut I would shoot back...
  2. AZLance

    Southern AZ Bear

    call, call, and keep calling...
  3. AZLance

    Pena Blanca is FULL

    The lake is full and has been running over the dam for a few days now...
  4. AZLance

    better news

    I actually got the "Shoot Shovel and Shutup" line from a Game and Fish officer a few years back!
  5. AZLance

    better news

    Shoot - Shovel - and Shut up!
  6. AZLance

    Pena Blanca is FULL

    They said on the news tonight that they would stock it in March or April...
  7. AZLance

    coues or mule deer?

  8. AZLance

    Pena Blanca is FULL

    my guess would be that it would take several months for the lake to stabilize, and be able to support fish...
  9. AZLance

    18 years is enough , PICK ME

    I have 17, still waiting for my first tag!
  10. AZLance

    Feral hogs in Arizona

    I found it hilarious, and dream of doing that someday. Like I have allays said, I don't hunt for the meat, that is what the grocery store is for, it is sometime an added bonus... I just love killing things...
  11. AZLance

    Feral hogs in Arizona

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiHmYsyVniE Watch this video, you will never hunt hogs the same again.....
  12. AZLance

    October elk action

    nice, is he still alive??
  13. very simple, get in your truck, and slowly run into the deer with the truck, obviously missing the front and hind quarters. Then get on your cell phone and call G&F or DPS and tell them that you hit the deer. They will have to issue you a salvage tag.
  14. AZLance

    what do you think he'll score

    score him on the ground.... shoot
  15. AZLance

    OT- Job openings

    Not True! BP still hires up to age 40.
  16. AZLance

    great spot

    [attac hment=20466:PICT0466.JPG]
  17. AZLance

    OT- Job openings

    is this with Wack-a-nut??
  18. AZLance

    great spot

    redneck, the camera had 938 pictures on it, and almost all had deer in it... There were many other deer, but smaller or bad pictures...
  19. AZLance

    great spot

    secret recipe.......
  20. AZLance

    Hunting 34A Alone...am I stupid???

    yep, the hunter by Helvitia was murdered, but it was by his girlfriend, after his wife confronted him and her about it... long story, media never followed up on it. They found the girlfriend a quarter of a mile away in her car with a self inflicted bullet wound...
  21. AZLance

    Coues Buck

    I lightened it up, and I think I see 4 points + eye guard.
  22. AZLance

    great spot

    Bone Collector, Its right next to the big tree, just east of the small draw with all the rocks...
  23. AZLance

    great spot

    yeah, I almost deleted that one, until that caught my eye...
  24. AZLance

    great spot

    more.... [attac hment=20477:PICT0708.JPG]
  25. AZLance

    Is this a wolf or hybrid?

    hey, my neighbor said to quit taking pictures of his dog...