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Everything posted by AZHUNTER05



    How much for the target?
  2. Good afternoon, My son was fortunate enough to draw a spring turkey tag for this upcoming season. Since I’m fairly new to turkey hunting shotguns. Does anyone have a turkey choke that they recommend for a youth model 870 (20 guage)? thanks in advance, Cameron

    Turkey choke recommendations for youth 870

    Thank you for the offer, Sir. However, I might as well invest in one myself so I’ll have one for future hunts.

    Turkey choke recommendations for youth 870

    I appreciate all the feedback guys, it was very helpful!

    Turkey choke recommendations for youth 870

    I plan on letting him practice with regular loads, so when it comes go time he’ll be in for a little bit of a surprise 😂

    Silencer wait time???

    I just received an email from Silencer Central stating they’re experiencing a 270 day wait time on E-Forms.

    Silencer wait time???

    I’m at 212 days and still counting.

    Hunters Ed field day

    We faced the same issue. The classes fill up extremely fast. I believe they release the new classes on Tuesday’s. I was able to get my son signed up by waking up super early in the morning and finding an open seat in the class. You just have to continually check the website for open field days. Good luck, Cameron

    Setting kids up for the shot

    It’s not 1975 anymore…there’s tons of great options out there that are WAY more stable shooting platforms than the ones you listed.
  10. AZHUNTER05

    Setting kids up for the shot

    My son just turned 10 this month and his first Javelina hunt next weekend. We’ve been doing a lot of practice with the .22 as well. I had him practice shooting prone off my pack, with a bipod, and using the triclawps. He was pretty accurate using all three. I would suggest trying as many different shooting positions as you can and figure out what he’s most comfortable with. However, the triclawps does have a few more advantages over the other options I previously mentioned. You can shoot standing up or from a seated position easier, it also allows you to lock it in place making it easier to hold steady and acquire the target, and can help take some of the recoil out of the shot. Good luck and be patient! Cameron
  11. I grew up squirrel hunting in Arizona and I’ve noticed a huge decline in squirrel numbers over the past few years. It seemed like not that long ago our hunting party would go out and have no problem shooting our daily limits. However, over the past two or three years we we’ve only been lucky enough to see one or two! Anyone else having this issue or am I just hunting the wrong units? I’m really trying hard to find my kids a few squirrels to shoot. Thanks, Cameron
  12. Thanks for your insight! I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one seeing a decline in squirrel numbers.
  13. We hunted up around Whitehorse lake a few years ago and didn’t see many. Maybe we’ll have to drive up there again. Thanks for the insight 👍
  14. AZHUNTER05

    2022 GMC Sierra 3500 AT4

    They’re buying those trucks with 15 year loans and are in debit up to their eyeballs!
  15. AZHUNTER05


    Its a great looking truck! The Tundra’s are hard to come by these days, so I just was curious why you would be so quick to sell it. Good luck with the sale 👍
  16. AZHUNTER05


    Just out of curiosity…why are you selling it?
  17. AZHUNTER05

    Deer/Sheep Regs

    lol…that’s true but they also hurt draw odds 🤷‍♂️
  18. AZHUNTER05

    Deer/Sheep Regs

    They apply for hunts every year.
  19. AZHUNTER05

    Hoyt Nitrum Turbo (price drop)

  20. AZHUNTER05

    Hoyt Nitrum Turbo (price drop)

    Hoyt nitrum turbo $400obo. Draw length is currently set at 29”. QAD rest included. Located in Anthem PM if interested
  21. Good morning, A few years back I decided to sell my 5th wheel and go back to tent hunting/camping. Now that I’ve sold the fifth wheel I still own my tow rig, which is a 2013 Ram 2500. I love the truck but my wife is the primary driver and hates how big it is. So…I’m considering down grading truck sizes and picking up a newer used Tacoma. I was curious if you Tacoma owners have any experience with towing four seater side by sides with your trucks, and if they have enough power to handle the load plus camping equipment? (I know Toyota just came out with a new Tundra, but I really don’t feel like dropping $50-$60k on a new truck and I’m not a fan of the older body styles. So that leaves me the Tacoma option. ) Thanks in advance, Caneron
  22. AZHUNTER05


    The sale is currently pending.
  23. AZHUNTER05


  24. AZHUNTER05

    18b Antelope 2021

    I sent you a pm
  25. AZHUNTER05


    Sold…please delete.