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Everything posted by Willyhunts2

  1. Willyhunts2

    Who loves Duck Dynasty?

    Great show but just like any reality tv show after the first season or 2, it turns to a script type deal and you can deff tell. Still is entertaining though.
  2. Willyhunts2


    Only if it were a few months ago. Bought same one new for almost a grand. This is a good deal and personally I love the scope. Good luck with the sale!
  3. Willyhunts2

    turkey hunters

    I can't take sitting at work opening morning! Good luck to everyone and can't wait to see the pics starting to roll in.
  4. Willyhunts2

    White dodge

    White dodge truck with quad in the bed. Was heading north past the maverick station this morning.
  5. Willyhunts2

    Nice buck from Eagle Colorado

    That's one nice buck and welcome to the best hunting site around.
  6. Willyhunts2

    My First Muley Set!!!

    Sweet bone! Good job
  7. Willyhunts2

    Tundra @ Frys in Chandler

    Thanks. Ya I will catch you in there one of these days and say what's up.
  8. Willyhunts2

    Tundra @ Frys in Chandler

    That would be me. I saw your car when I was leaving.
  9. Willyhunts2

    5A Archery Early

    Had that hunt last year. Was a blast but couldn't seal the deal. We hunted northern end the whole time. Good luck and post pics!
  10. Willyhunts2

    Tree stands/blinds

    Who actually calls in to report stands that have been there for years? I know of one that has been there for at least 5 years and went to check the water hole out the other day and was greeted with a bull skeleton on the burm. I know it's the same guy every year and have had pics on my cam basically saying stay away ha. Forest service has just recently started cutting down stands in the area but I dont think they will get that far.
  11. Willyhunts2

    A buck that made through

    Nice deer for sure.
  12. Willyhunts2

    Tree stands/blinds

    It's the only tree in that spot that will hold a stand. I don't think it's legal to leave stands up year round so was just looking into what others know about the situation. It's public land so the way I see it is this guy leaves his stand up so nobody else will put there's up and hunt that spot.
  13. Willyhunts2

    17 points or more?

    I believe tj has drawn a tag 20 something years in a row. I know for a fact I have drawn elk every year when I put in archery bull first choice and cow second choice. If you want to hunt every year that's the way to go. At the same time there's folks on here that don't draw cow tags first choice archery. I'm a firm beliver that the company g and f contracts out to run the same comp program every year. I believe this program remembers certain numbers or names to draw people. How else you explain someone drawing unit 1 bull years in a row? It's not just luck, there is no way
  14. Willyhunts2

    Found your spot!!

    And wasting bullets
  15. Willyhunts2

    22 South Muzzleloader Bull

    Depends on the area you want to hunt. Never had the tag but spent a ton of time in that unit and during that hunt. North west gets hit pretty hard along with south of star valley but if you get into areas you wouldn't expect to see elk you might hit the jack pot! As far as cameras go never had one stolen there but expect people to see it on a water hole unless it's hidden good. We have a cabin in 22 north so over the years I have worked my way back down south of cabin in search of deer and seen way more elk then deer that time of year. Congrats on the tag and pm me if you need any help.
  16. Willyhunts2

    Horns and Bro's Big Deadhead

    Love the pic with bone on the back and the dog between you guys. Way to get it done!
  17. Willyhunts2

    First trip out and came back with 9 antlers!

    Dang congrats! Good afternoon for sure. I hiked for 8 hours sat and didn't find a single antler, so way to get it done in a short amour of time.
  18. Willyhunts2

    Gobblers late in the season

    Lots of good info. Thanks for all the responses!
  19. Willyhunts2

    Gobblers late in the season

    Just wondering if anyone has much luck the last part of the spring season. Drew the early unit 1 tag but obligations have me hunting the last part of the second hunt. I have taken gobblers the first week of the first hunt and first week of the second hunt but never hunted the very end of the season. Is it more like hunting them in the fall that late?
  20. Willyhunts2

    Mule Deer matching set. Lucked out!

    Nice sheds! I have 2 chocolate labs that fit that description but always love to get them out and run around while shed hunting. Congrats on the bone
  21. Willyhunts2

    draw results?

    I also had 5 points last year when I drew 5a. I always have hope cause everyone knows that guy that draws every year but I'm not that guy. Congrats to all who drew and good luck on your hunts!
  22. Willyhunts2

    draw results?

    Big browns, same thing happened to me last year with wells Fargo.
  23. Willyhunts2

    125" Coues Buck mounted for forum member "azbow"!

    Love the buck, mount, and pose! Good job azbow and good job taxidermist
  24. Willyhunts2

    Feeding the Frenzy - Story update

    That's awesome your buddy found those sheds. At least he did an not someone else so you can hold them and become even more obsessed with finding that deer. Good luck to you and hope to see some up close of your buck this fall!
  25. Willyhunts2


    Sweet sheds. Good job