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Everything posted by Willyhunts2

  1. Willyhunts2

    Yellow jeep

    In side the shop at arrowhead Honda in Peoria. Sticker on back window.
  2. Willyhunts2

    Yellow jeep

    We service the cuda parts washer.
  3. Willyhunts2

    How do you score sheds?

    I will take some better pics and add them after I get a number. They are a few years old so chalky were the sun hit and black/ brown on the bottom. I sent the pic to my friends during my turkey and everyone thought I was crazy cause the pics don't do it justice. Then They saw them when I got back and I wasn't as crazy as they thought ha.
  4. Willyhunts2

    Yellow jeep

    Ha that could explain the 2 techs looking at us like we were weird as my co-worker took a pic of the sticker. We are in there every month maybe I will see him. What's his name?
  5. Willyhunts2

    13th day bull

    Congrats on a nice bull.
  6. Willyhunts2

    Redemption Bull

    Nice bull congrats!
  7. Willyhunts2

    Trophy Cow down

    Nice looking cow. Looks like a great eater!
  8. Willyhunts2

    First archery elk

    Nice bull and congrats on your first.
  9. Willyhunts2

    First Hard Horn Buck of the Year

    Haha tasty
  10. Willyhunts2

    First Bull Unit 6A

    Nice bull congrats!
  11. Willyhunts2

    Prayers Answered

    Congrats on your first bull. Opening morning to, good job!
  12. Willyhunts2

    16yr old Andrew's first bull

    Congrats on an awesome bull! I'm 28 and still trying for my first haha!
  13. Willyhunts2

    One Sheep Tag!!!

    Tom, it was nice meeting you today at qt. I wish you the best of luck on your hunt! -will
  14. Willyhunts2

    Opening morning sucess

    Sweet congrats!
  15. Willyhunts2

    Decent Coues Buck

    That's a nice buck. Did you archery deer hunt the area at all?
  16. I almost posted on two other threads but decided I didn't want to get involved in it. Is there something in the air? Let's all cook up our dove and crack a beer haha
  17. Willyhunts2

    Decided to Hunt the Velvet Season

    With a buck like that who cares about December haha. Congrats on a great deer!
  18. Willyhunts2

    Looking to score on a nice drop tine buck!

    I hope to see the up close pic with a big smile behind him this weekend. Good luck!
  19. Willyhunts2

    Another toad hits the dirt

    That is a dream buck. Crazy someone got a pic of him walking along a road. That's wha it looks like anyways
  20. Willyhunts2

    Is Coconino enforcing the Travel Management Plan??

    Last year I was camped just a little past the 15 feet from the road, or whatever it is, for my whole elk hunt because I didn't feel like eating everyones dust. Forest service stopped by and just wanted to give us a map of the closes roads everytime but we already had one. Disnt get harassed at all for being to far off the road but I have a feeling it might be a different story if you are actually camped off a closed road. Good luck.
  21. Willyhunts2

    2013 archery velvet coues deer

    Awesome buck! What is that 3 years in a row on the august hunt for you? Way to get it done.
  22. Willyhunts2

    123" Velvet Buck

    What a buck! Huge congrats!!
  23. Willyhunts2

    Nice Bear

    Good looking bear. Congrats to your son.
  24. Willyhunts2

    Leupold vs vortex

    Kind of off topic but does anyone notice leupold glass in their range finders being really dark in low light conditions. I had the rx something or other and just bought the vortex and it's night and day literally. I know the leupold I had wasn't their high end stuff but for the same price it isn't even close.
  25. Willyhunts2

    Anyone else?

    Sounds like a good problem to have though haha.