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Everything posted by Willyhunts2

  1. Willyhunts2

    Anyone buy a deer tag today?

    Around 1:00 the wait was an unreal 1 and a half hours! I'm just going to wait till the 1st but my only fear is it will be the same way everywhere and they will run out if tags.
  2. Willyhunts2

    san tan valley chevy

    Ha that's my buddies truck, mike.
  3. Willyhunts2


    I know there has been a lot of talk with broadheads and it seems like I have started to follow the fancy 40 to 45 dollar ones recently. Rage, nap blood runners, nap kill zones. Lately I've been thinking about going back to the ol stingers because they are 10 bucks cheaper. They have always shot straight for me. Might be going back to the simpler the better. What is everyone else's experiences with them?
  4. Willyhunts2

    Anyone buy a deer tag today?

    Not really about procrastinating. It is not like you can run to the local walmart and buy a tag. You have to drive to an office and if you don't live close to an office or work the same hours they are open you don't really have a chance to buy one.
  5. Willyhunts2

    Anyone buy a deer tag today?

    I've been at big 5 before needing a deer, bear, and whatever else and if they run out they have to wait till game and fish gives them more. At least that's what the lady tells me. I know I haven't been able to buy a deer and turkey tag before there.
  6. Willyhunts2

    Anyone buy a deer tag today?

    Ya not sure about all the other offices, this was Mesa.
  7. Willyhunts2


    Sweet! Smoke those cats.
  8. Willyhunts2

    December Tag Filled

    Nice buck congrats to the hunter.
  9. Bchoitz, how many points it take you to draw the 35b tag? Don't mean to hi jack. Good luck to you love2hunt80. Looking forward to the pics and story.
  10. Willyhunts2

    Now I have two javi tags for 37B

    I've got that tag leftover ham. Maybe see ya out there. Good luck!
  11. Bottom line you either choose to hunt down there or not. Sometimes it's not even about the "scared" factor but trying to avoid the illegals stomping through the canyon your glassing. I hunt the border units but every year I'm reminded why some people choose not to. Anyways, shoot a toad big browns! Wish I could give you some info on where I saw big bucks but only saw 10 does the whole hunt ha.
  12. Willyhunts2

    Early December buck 2013

    All sorts of funk to that guy. Congrats!
  13. Willyhunts2

    My first couse

    That is a great first coues, huge congrats!
  14. Willyhunts2

    Trail Camera Sign

    Haha I need a few of those signs. That's awesome!
  15. Willyhunts2

    Silver tundra

    Sticker in bottom left corner of back window. Parked at riverview Toyota.
  16. We stayed at Parker canyons lake last 5 days. It was a typical camp ground experience but wasn't worry about my stuff being gone while out hunting. We did glass up 3 guys packing big burlap sacks on their backs just north of the lake. Hope you find someone to camp with and good luck.
  17. Willyhunts2


    I agree with almost every post. But still I'm kind of comparing these high dollar broadheads to cheaper ones. Everyone has their favorites and my broadhead might shoot perfect out of my bow and horrible out of my buddies. I've just noticed over time that my 45 almost 50 dollar broadheads, after tax, shoot just as good as the good stingers do out of my bow. I understand this is a Chevy dodge ford type of question was just wondering everyone's thoughts.
  18. Willyhunts2


    I agree with almost every post. But still I'm kind of comparing these high dollar broadheads to cheaper ones. Everyone has their favorites and my broadhead might shoot perfect out of my bow and horrible out of my buddies. I've just noticed over time that my 45 almost 50 dollar broadheads, after tax, shoot just as good as the good stingers do out of my bow. I understand this is a Chevy dodge ford type of question was just wondering everyone's thoughts.
  19. Willyhunts2

    Bears unit 35B

    I was wondering when kidso was going to chime in. I know your a sucker for those coats haha
  20. Willyhunts2

    Bears unit 35B

    That pic just might be in the hills that you speak of haha
  21. We will be camped at the lake to. I have verizon and have service all around the lake bit not sure with AT&T. I have very spotty service the more east I head. North and north west of lake I seem to have decent service but normally end up dropping a call after a few minutes. If you don't have service at the lake find a silver tundra with a cwt sticker on back window and you can use mine.
  22. Willyhunts2

    Wife's Mulie

    Congrats on a nice buck.
  23. Willyhunts2


    I agree broadheads are extremely important. I'm just thinking lately why spend almost double on a rage when a stinger does the same thing just with a small cutting diameter. Just wondering if anyone else is thinking the same way.
  24. Willyhunts2

    UofA got it done BIG TIME

    Kadeem for heisman, he's an awesome back that deserves a lot more respect but the fact of the matter is he doesn't play on a highly popular winning team. Not much love for the west coast. If he was playing for Alabama he would be for sure. That guy was gassed after his 35th run tonight and was still running the ball up oregons throat. Many props to him!
  25. Willyhunts2

    UofA got it done BIG TIME

    True. But different coaching styles can mean the difference between come backs and loses. Oregon has always struggled with u of a in Tucson in the recent years mainly because u of a has nothing to lose and Oregon thinks they will roll over. Tonight was a good example of that. Oregon didn't show up and u of a crushed them. I'm simply saying if chip was coaching still there would have been a lot less penalties and players getting their asses reamed on the side lines. Not the encouraging clap and make things better next time crap I have seen all year. I'm not taking anything away from the cats but when you follow a team your team you know every year there strong points and weaknesses. This year the talent is there but the coaching isn't in my opinion.