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Everything posted by Willyhunts2

  1. Willyhunts2

    Today Is The Day.....

    Zima with a green jolly rancher dropped to the bottom. Ahhhhh now that's good stuff
  2. Willyhunts2

    They are starting to hit CC

    There's one in every crowd.Way more than one obviously.
  3. Willyhunts2

    They are starting to hit CC

    I didn't draw but guessed the draw would be out today or tomorrow but thinking about it now, with all those bad cards they had to try and get a hold of who knows if it's even this week!
  4. Willyhunts2

    They are starting to hit CC

    I know points have disappeared on a friend of mine. He didn't draw then where updated back to normal a month later, or whenever they update them.
  5. Willyhunts2

    7mm or .308?

    Couldn't agree more with that, and thats coming from 308 nut! I'm building a 7 RUM right now. Smoking round but pay for it in barrel life. The 7 mag is awesome ballistically but the .308 is right there to. There's a reason snipers still shoot .308. Depends on your application and what is expected. Long distance for hunting I would lean towards the 7mm mag just my opinion.
  6. Willyhunts2

    Interpreting Groups

    Simple answer, I can do it the first time and the second time but third is always crazy haha. Same with shooting bows, pool, and darts. I think it's all in my head and it is most of the time. If you think that third shot will be whacky before you squeeze the trigger it will be.
  7. Willyhunts2

    They are starting to hit CC

    Ha ya there's always the leftovers....... Maybe I will win the lotto the same day I pull a 5a leftover.
  8. Willyhunts2

    They are starting to hit CC

    A lot of cow hunts are pretty hard to draw, all you can do is keep putting in every year.
  9. Willyhunts2

    They are starting to hit CC

    Same here. Nobody I know last year drew elk. This year literally everyone I know drew elk tags. Even my bro in law noticed the same thing and was thinking there was a mistake or something. I'm still waiting for a card hit but hope is fading fast.
  10. Willyhunts2

    They are starting to hit CC

    Did you vanish with the charges? Creepy!
  11. Willyhunts2

    They are starting to hit CC

    That happened to me a few years ago with Wells Fargo charge just disappeared. I called wellsfargo and the guy said he can still see it as pending and not to worry. 30 minutes after that I just showed up again.
  12. Willyhunts2

    which tire to get?

    Lovin the cooper discoverer tires that I put on my tundra a few months ago. The only thing I would stay away from for sure, if you plan on playing in snow or mud, are the bf Goodrich all terrains.
  13. Willyhunts2

    They are starting to hit CC

    Come on guys they do it in alphabetical order and only got up to G so far so if your last name starts with a letter past G your good. That was a funny theory from last year haha.
  14. Willyhunts2

    They are starting to hit CC

    Last year nobody I knew drew elk. This year almost everyone I know has including 2 guys first year putting in September archery diff apps.
  15. Willyhunts2

    They are starting to hit CC

    I'm with ya capoeirajosh, we seem to be in the same boat. Don't give up hope and good luck to you! Our cards will be charged this coming week! Haha
  16. Willyhunts2

    Just said goodbye to a Great friend

    That really sucks. It's always hard when a pet, or I should say, family member leaves us. I'm sorry for your loss and may she rest in peace.
  17. Willyhunts2

    They are starting to hit CC

    Don't give up till the fat G&F lady sings! AKA posted results. I'm in the same boat. More and more people move here makes it harder to draw a decent tag every year. I was thinking about it earlier today, used to be way harder to draw rifle bull tags now it's the archery tags. Back in the day there weren't very many archery hunters but as it becomes more popular and the state grows the harder it will be to draw. Crazy to think what it will be like in another 20 years! Congrats to everyone that has drawn there tags so far and best of luck.
  18. Willyhunts2

    TROPHY ANTELOPE HUNTS Recap!!! Lots of Pics!

    Dang that's a beastalope! Did the hunter turn in the tag number and get the history of the goat?
  19. Willyhunts2

    They are starting to hit CC

    Any cards charged recently? Like have been checking ever 2 seconds and all the sudden there's a pending charge?
  20. Willyhunts2

    Angled Vortex Viper HD

    Is that case made just for that scope or fits others? Good luck with the sale!
  21. Willyhunts2

    They are starting to hit CC

    Are any cards being charged recently or all from this morning and last night?
  22. Willyhunts2

    They are starting to hit CC

    Congrats! Good karma for helping everyone out with draw odds!
  23. Willyhunts2

    They are starting to hit CC

    If anyone like me starts to lose hope early on DONT! Two years ago a week after the last card hit on here there was a spurt of 2 or 3 people on this sight that got their cards charged, checked my account and mine was charged to. I'm guessing I was next in line from a rejected app. It's still early in the process but don't lose hope till the results are posted!