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Everything posted by Willyhunts2

  1. Willyhunts2

    My 1st deer

    Great shot and great deer congrats!
  2. Willyhunts2

    Help a college student with his class

    29 76 in a 55 on the 188 Was a 350 dollar ticket but cop agreed the speed limit should be higher than 55 and gave me a 45 dollar waste of fuel ticket. They have there radars are even driving opposite ways! Lesson learned P.S. Seth you need to spend more time working on biology over stats haha
  3. Willyhunts2

    4A cow

    That's a cool pic and enjoy the tasty meat!
  4. Willyhunts2

    Opening morning success!

    Nice buck and congrats to him.
  5. Willyhunts2

    FREE Weight bench and dog vest

    The vest to?
  6. Willyhunts2

    Chef checks one off his bucket list!!

    Awesome! Is that the reason I don't see your truck at john deer store anymore, to busy huntin? Congrats!
  7. Willyhunts2

    Daughter's First Deer (Long Read)

    Nice deer and way to get it done juggling school with the hunts!
  8. Willyhunts2

    Jake's 2nd Coues

    Great buck and congrats to your son. 440 yards is no chip shot.
  9. Willyhunts2

    Two tags/Two Elk

    Good job getting it done, the freezer is full!
  10. Willyhunts2


    I'm a duck fan and that one hurts! When you are ranked in the top 5 you have a target on your back every game and have to show up for every game which the sucks failed to do, not to take anything away from the cats as they played like they wanted it more. All the big boys are falling this weekend! My dad flew up there to watch the game so at least I didn't spend the money on that haha
  11. Willyhunts2

    help me please ltb

  12. Willyhunts2

    Looking to buy hunting rifle for under 400 dollars

    Bass pro has the Remington whitetail pro I think it's called on sale with scope for 300. Never owned or shot one, but I'm sure it would get the job done.
  13. Willyhunts2

    Is this someone baiting? (Pictures)

    That's what I was thinking, someone growing the sticky icky.
  14. Willyhunts2

    Elk Season Part I (pic heavy)

    Nice bulls and pics. Thanks for posting them up!
  15. Grant and country club. Was flashing CW gang signs, your lady friend was looking at me like what's that idiot doing ha!
  16. Willyhunts2

    Which one would you shoot?

    Neither, they both would taste a little fruity!
  17. Willyhunts2

    Opening Day Muzzleloader Buck

    Only 10 years?! I need to put in for muzzy hunts haha. Congrats on a stud goat!!
  18. Willyhunts2

    Tristar Over/Under 12 Gauge

    Don't need another swamp cooler? Haha, wish I had the cash good luck with the sale.
  19. Willyhunts2

    Complete Blessing: Spot and Stalk Archery Antelope

    That's crazy he got a pic of your goat and sent it after you arrowed him, that's pretty cool. Congrats on a great goat!
  20. Willyhunts2

    New world record Pronghorn

  21. Willyhunts2

    Wtb 168g vld's 7mm

    Anybody have a box sitting around they want to get rid of?
  22. Willyhunts2

    Wtb 168g vld's 7mm

    Was just at sportsmans mesa only 30 cal left. Will check Healy thanks. Tim shouldn't you be packing up your crap to get rained out this weekend instead of being a goober on the classifieds?
  23. Willyhunts2

    First deer ever 35B

    Way to get it don end congrats! If it was me I would have been busted long before he got to 22 yards haha.
  24. Willyhunts2

    12x50 Vortex Razor HD

    Just bought a pair and so far I love them.