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Everything posted by bigorange

  1. bigorange

    Meat in the heat

    Agree if you’re gonna euro it the head can wait. Heck bury it and come back in a couple months and it will be euro’d already. Just kidding on the part...sort of.
  2. bigorange

    2020 Wyoming Semi-live hunt

    He’s the one that said he was in Casey. BBC in Casey? 😂😂
  3. bigorange

    2020 Wyoming Semi-live hunt

    Big brown meat? 😂
  4. bigorange

    2020 Wyoming Semi-live hunt

    Hopefully the plan worked and he’s been busy processing meat all day.
  5. Shadow Valley posted this on Instagram...hadn’t seen it on here yet. Nice velvet buck!
  6. bigorange

    Annual Cwt tuna trip

    You’re gonna end up chartermaster yet...
  7. bigorange

    Auction tag coues

    Certainly not what I expected when I posted it. LoL
  8. bigorange

    loosing another Bashas

    You like the Hoff’s beef?!? 😂
  9. bigorange

    Royal Slammer

    Wow...that’s awesome!
  10. bigorange

    2020 Wyoming Semi-live hunt

    Fun...thanks for posting along the way and good luck!
  11. bigorange

    12A Turkeys + Grouse

  12. bigorange

    A Note From Scout

    Our first family dog just turned 3 (had a few dogs as a kid but never really connected to them) I’m almost losing it now just thinking about the idea of losing her. Got something in my eye now...
  13. bigorange

    1997 Newmar Mountain Aire Diesel Pusher

    Nice rig. I like the solar and the battery bank. Some nice mods to the storage areas too.
  14. bigorange

    Some guys will do anything to at laid

    Next you’re gonna tell me his teeth were gold plate too...
  15. bigorange

    Nocturnal Browns

    Don’t know about browns, but the biggest largemouth I’ve ever seen were nightfishing...
  16. bigorange

    Pronghorn and Water

    Can be any time, but also can usually pattern them. My hunt I was able to pattern a couple bucks using the same water hole between 11-1 most days so that’s when I sat and tried spot n stalk the rest of the day. Ended up killing mine on that water hole around noon.
  17. bigorange

    PointGuard Question

    Only if you have Pointguard.
  18. bigorange

    PointGuard Question

    Then my point is still valid...before tagging an OTC deer in August make sure it’s worth using Pointguard or eating the tag.
  19. bigorange

    PointGuard Question

    And I should add...I’m in that boat every year without the pointguard. Have to consider whether the OTC buck is worth eating/donating the drawn tag. A velvety coues in archery range in Aug would make that decision easy for me at this point. LoL
  20. bigorange

    PointGuard Question

    Well if he already got an otc deer this year (Jan) then he shouldn’t have put in for a tag...I was reading it as “if I get an otc deer” implying that he hadn’t yet...
  21. bigorange

    PointGuard Question

    Exactly...be sure you want to use Pointguard or make sure the OTC archery deer is worth it.
  22. bigorange

    Interesting #.. thought they were banned

  23. bigorange

    Buying OTC tags online

    This would be nice...then <gasp> maybe online leftovers too...
  24. bigorange

    Interesting #.. thought they were banned

    Hashtags aside...pretty cool that he did it with a bow. Is he really the first, though?
  25. bigorange

    Arctic Fox 22H Travel Trailer

    Bump for a nice looking rig. Arctic Fox makes very good trailers.