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Everything posted by bigorange

  1. bigorange

    Crickets 2020

    So many excuses to choose, and unfortunately a lot of them are valid when a team sucks like this one. I haven’t even watched a full game this year. Hard to watch.
  2. bigorange

    Crickets 2020

    At least women’s basketball is worth talking about...saw several of their games last year, including the tournament championship. A very fun team to watch and hopefully they do well this year...lived in TN during the women’s basketball heyday there so I guess I have a place in my heart for the sport too.
  3. bigorange

    Crickets 2020

    Haven’t seen him on here in a while but I figured SunDevil would be here for this too...
  4. bigorange

    Crickets 2020

    I gave up at 23-0...surprised Cats even scored at all.
  5. bigorange

    New good old country music

    I went to high school in TN with a Kevin Murphy...he was into music too but a very different genre. Looking forward to listening...
  6. bigorange

    Spot and Stalk Mountain Lion Hunting

    I’m sure nobull can put you on 10 of them...for a price.
  7. bigorange

    FREE: Camp Coffee ***** NO LONGER AVAILABLE *****

    Airplane is like Blazing Saddles...if they edited the movie to re-release a PC version they’d have a 5 minute video.
  8. bigorange

    Origins of Catch & Release Tournaments

    Lots of fish accidentally getting away I’m sure...
  9. bigorange

    Origins of Catch & Release Tournaments

    Interesting read...thanks for sharing as always. I don’t know how true it is but one of the random topics on a recent episode of Meateater podcast mentioned that in some European countries (Germany I think was mentioned) fishermen are issued tags and it’s unlawful to release fish.
  10. bigorange

    FREE: Camp Coffee ***** NO LONGER AVAILABLE *****

    Depending on the company I tell folks I like my coffee like my women...black and bitter. My wife doesn’t really appreciate that comment. 😱
  11. bigorange

    2020 strikes again

    Ouch. What did you hit?
  12. bigorange

    Rut Activity

    Nothing in 35a last week...some smaller bucks hanging with does but that was it. Bigger bucks solo.
  13. bigorange

    Camera Poll

    Look him up on Instagram...he’s got a bunch. @SirRoyal2 is his handle there. Here’s one of the latest he shared after Ugg’s hunt
  14. bigorange

    FREE: Camp Coffee ***** NO LONGER AVAILABLE *****

    I was in until I saw it already has creamer/sugar. I’ve been trying a couple different ones as well...may have to try Medaglia. I like Death Wish but that stuff is pricey!
  15. bigorange

    Who’s Hunting This Weeked?

    Good reminder...same for 34a until Jan 1.
  16. bigorange

    North of the River Muley's

  17. bigorange

    Midway has ammo

    You shoot hollow points at the range?
  18. bigorange

    Steel & Paper Targets, $750.00

    That’s a heck of a setup...could have a lot of fun with all that.
  19. bigorange

    FYI --New Log-In For AGFD Portal

    Right but doesn’t say chit about updating login info.
  20. I always think these are cool to see and have seen 2 recovered from bucks this year. Thought I'd share in case others are interested. 120 grain Hornady GMX 6.5CM recovered from mule deer. Thought it might have retained more weight, but almost 90%. Hornady SST 7mm mag recovered from coues buck. Not sure the grain, but seems to have stayed together pretty well.
  21. I was interested in a good deal...heck the full propane can is worth about $40 alone.
  22. bigorange

    FYI --New Log-In For AGFD Portal

    I agree. I didn’t click the link from the email but went to the site to login like I usually do...my old login didn’t work and the temporary password in the email did work. Apparently legit, but would have been nice to see an announcement from AZGFD to alleviate suspicion.
  23. Good deal. I was just talking about a setup like this with my buddies. Edge won’t flake on the deal, but I’d like next if he changes his mind for any reason.
  24. bigorange

    FYI --New Log-In For AGFD Portal

    Mine worked too. Thanks for posting this since nothing else on the AZGFD site about it. Smelled fishy...