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Everything posted by bigorange

  1. bigorange

    Unbelievable Deal on 9mm Ammo

    Awesome deal…thanks for sharing.
  2. bigorange

    A Crappie Roosevelt Discussion

    Could teach Casey how to find them too…sounds like a CWT crappie cruise is in order.
  3. bigorange

    Hobie Mirage Kayak

    That mirage drive is so cool…brother in law has a big tandem with outrigger we’ve used off the gulf coast in FL
  4. bigorange

    A Crappie Roosevelt Discussion

    Good stuff…I grew up catching crappie with my dad in TN. Still my favorite fish all-around unless the smallies are biting.
  5. bigorange

    Alamo-any reports

    There’s also no bike in the basement.
  6. bigorange

    Old G&F Catchement on private property

    There’s an oddly placed cement pad on the state trust land behind my house…not a catchment but I’ve often wondered why it was there in the first place.
  7. bigorange

    Rossislider is a liar and coward

    Diagram the sentence.
  8. bigorange

    RDS 60 gallon transfer tank SOLD

    Location? Do you have dimensions? Can’t quite make out the model number in the pic…interested in one that would fit under a bed cover and thinking this is probably too tall.
  9. bigorange

    Kuiu ultra 1800 bag

    Still a good deal. I’ll pass to Curtis though if he still wants. Not sure this will work with my frame.
  10. bigorange

    Kuiu ultra 1800 bag

    I’ll take it for $30 but I think that’s a typo…?
  11. bigorange

    Remington 700 LR

    Sweet setup. I like the cow call on the gun vise just in case.
  12. bigorange


    Back to the poacher topic at hand…AZGFD has been advertising all their seized assets to be auctioned. Anyone know if any of this guy’s stuff is being auctioned?
  13. bigorange

    Sedona inexpensive place to stay???

    Hippies are generally swingers...might be just your style. LoL
  14. bigorange

    Bonus Points on draw app details

    I saw this mentioned in the draw results thread, but never really saw an answer as to whether there was any real explanation (and no I haven't personally asked AZGFD about it)...the bonus points listed on the draw application detail (at least on mine) don't make sense. My points show as zero, which might make sense seeing that I drew a tag last year but I have a loyalty point and a hunter ed point so it should be 2. The other 2 guys that applied with me are listed as 3 points each which might be correct...I'm honestly not sure. The group average is listed as 3 which my math says should be 2 if they averaged 0, 3, and 3. Unless of course mine really counted as 2 and they averaged 2, 3, and 3...nothing about this makes sense.
  15. bigorange

    Bonus Points on draw app details

    My points on the portal are correct, but my points in the application detail Look weird. I haven’t gone back to look at previous years to see if they looked weird too.
  16. bigorange

    AZ 3D shoots

    Same here. I’m not that competitive, but it makes it less fun for me if I feel like I’m competing. not 3D, but have you shot the walking courses at Tucson Mtn Park or Oro Valley? Fun way to shoot random distances in varied terrain.
  17. bigorange


    Every thread here takes off on tangents…sorry for pointing out what I observed in Tony’s “nailing the poacher” on the other forum.
  18. bigorange

    Bonus Points on draw app details

    That might explain it, although it still doesn’t really make sense to not include the hunter ed and loyalty points in the points displayed for each hunter but count them toward the average. I’d like to hope that as long as the correct average is used for the draw it should be okay, but hard to know when things don’t appear to add up.
  19. bigorange


    Thanks for clarifying that.
  20. bigorange

    Attention: Sierra Vista and Hereford Members

    I was hoping the follow-up post would include some (any?) outcome from the meeting...did the meeting happen and was there any outcome? Sorry to read the description of how things have gone and are going, but hopefully something positive can come of it.
  21. bigorange


    Well that's the thread of zingers I meant...after his prediction and calling you an idiot for picking Brady. LoL
  22. bigorange


    Wasn’t it zingers like that caused Tony to disappear here?
  23. bigorange

    No More Guides, No More Finder’s Fees in Utah

    It will definitely limit the “huge guide party” hunts with lots of finders out looking…which I assume is the intent. I’m sure others are right and the loopholes will be there though.
  24. bigorange

    AZ 3D shoots

    http://www.desertarchers.com/ list of shoots near Tucson on this website. They also have an email list you can join for updates and announcements.
  25. bigorange

    Draw Results

    Thanks…you too. Going to hunt Big Bo? We’re still deciding…