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Everything posted by bigorange

  1. bigorange

    Dano's Leftovers

    Makes for a short hunt, but you can't beat that kind of timeline!
  2. bigorange

    Pages and Pages of Sticker Pics

    Have another similar pic with a buck in the truck from this weekend...need to download it from my phone.
  3. bigorange

    2012 Recap

    Heck of a year and great looking family you've got there! Can't wait...3 more years and my son can start hunting. Congrats!
  4. bigorange

    Finally, 24b Delivers…

    Nice buck and great story...Congrats!
  5. Isn't that always the way? Saw several nice bucks scouting for early archery elk. Ton of turkeys too.
  6. bigorange

    Desert Muley 29" 3x3 for my Boy!!

    Great buck. Congrats!
  7. bigorange

    Shorts on the 3rd Hunt!

    Yeah...was hoping for a little cooler weather. At least maybe the wind will stay down.
  8. bigorange

    Can you find your sticker in this video??

    Original link is broken...here's the new one. Still need to send a photo of my truck...waiting for a trophy pic. That's my excuse... http://www.coueswhitetail.com/2012/08/coueswhitetail-com-sticker-video-2011/ And btw Jason Aldean is a bowhunter and frequently on Buck Commander. Maybe we should invite them out west to hunt some coues...
  9. bigorange

    Another buck in the books.

    Nice buck and story...congrats! Need to get a new hat though...just kidding.
  10. Appears to be similar to an article written by Korwin in 2009 on his website...list appears to be the same and maybe more restrictive. Updating my Christmas wish list. http://redflagnews.com/opinion/obamas-gun-ban-list-is-out-by-alan-korwin
  11. bigorange

    SCI jr deer camp 2012

    Awesome seeing groups come together like this to help out young hunters. Congrats to all...looks like it was a blast!
  12. bigorange

    Jr Hunt...

    Awesome buck! Would love to see the one that got away... CONGRATS!
  13. bigorange

    First successful Coues hunt

    Awesome buck...like the tall rack. I'll be in the Canelos next weekend looking for his brother! congrats!
  14. bigorange

    Redington Pass coues Whitetail

    Awesome buck. Congrats!
  15. bigorange


    Lots of things to be thankful for and easy to forget with everything going on lately. Please take a moment and post what you're thankful for. I'm thankful for my wonderful family, having a stable job, and that my dad and uncle took the time years ago to teach me about hunting. Thankful for all those who serve and have served to allow us to live in a country with such great freedoms. I'm even thankful for eating tag soup for Thanksgiving, but only because without the opportunity to fill tags there would be no tag soup! Happy Thanksgiving! Bradley
  16. bigorange

    spring results

    Heck of a year you're having...
  17. bigorange

    Draw results?

    Posted online now...got skunked on turkey this year. https://phx.az.gov/app/huntdraw/home.xhtml
  18. bigorange

    spring results

    Posted online now...bonus points look to have been updated which may explain the delay. In the past Bonus Points showed up later. 36ABC archery pig (my annual just-in-case pig tag to go with deer tag...no surprise there since >600 leftover) Skunked on Turkey https://phx.az.gov/app/huntdraw/home.xhtml
  19. bigorange

    spring results

    Whats the hunt number?...I have the book here. can look it up here too... http://www.azgfd.gov/regs/springregs.pdf
  20. bigorange

    spring results

  21. bigorange

    spring results

    Where is leftover list? Not seeing it on the site right now...
  22. bigorange

    packs for sale

    Have a k2 Longbed identical to that one...love it!
  23. bigorange

    New video up on YouTube

    34b based on this thread that Cole posted. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/35198-wifes-34b-buck/ Nice video...thanks for sharing.
  24. bigorange

    First BB gun recommendations

    BB guns have come a long way since I got my first one years ago...my son is 7 and will probably be getting his first one for Christmas this year. Ay recommendations out there on a good first BB gun. Not sure who'll be more excited between the two of us...
  25. bigorange

    The Red Ryder Buck

    Agree...great buck and even greater story!