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Everything posted by bigorange

  1. bigorange


    Nope, exact same spot the only deer I saw in there was a few does. Saw one small forky about four miles east of there. if you were with me we could have taken them and saved the Border Patrol lot of time and money Crazy. We were just talking about how traffic patterns had changed some and the changes in habits of the smugglers. Glad you stayed out of harm's way...and great job on the assist.
  2. bigorange


    Wow Steve...not the kind of excitement I hoped to hear about from your hunt today....same parking place and canyon as we went yesterday or were you in a different spot?
  3. bigorange

    Opening day Blues!! UPDATED

    Steve is the man! He put me on more bucks yesterday than I saw most of the season last year. Thanks for sharing your spot with me and hopefully we can get it done another day. When you called and said you needed help I was immediately thinking you had found the big boy and needed help packing him out! Sorry I was already tied up with family obligations otherwise I would have dropped everything and come to help. Glad you figured that out...still amazed! As a testament to CWT, if Steve hadn't reached anyone else or figured anything out I was ready and waiting to post a call for help here and I know Steve would have had help within a few minutes! Reminds me I need to put my jump box back in the truck...
  4. bigorange

    The RUT

    That must have been you I heard bugling
  5. bigorange

    find the coues

    It's right there under that mesquite. Next to the ocotillo.
  6. bigorange

    Bear Opener 34A

    Cool idea for a camera box...
  7. bigorange

    **Birkenstock NEW

    Don't knock the Birks. Great camp shoes after a long day in boots. Just not my size...
  8. bigorange

    Dutch ovens

    I'll take them if the sale falls through.
  9. bigorange

    Couple A Bucks

    +1 on all counts. Great first post!
  10. I had a drop-away and after my first elk hunt I switched to a biscuit and haven't looked back. I didn't like how the arrow tended to flop around and make more noise in the drop away. Plus it's probably me not practicing enough, but I couldn't load an arrow without taking my eyes off the animal and looking down. Biscuit has solved that for me. Shoot what you like and shoot it enough that you're confident with it. For spot and stalk it just seems a simpler and more foolproof option to me.
  11. bigorange

    Starting to panic... Lots of questions!

    +1 on gutless and the elk101 videos. I think I even saw a downloadable file that you could save on your phone in case you were in a real bind in the field and forget. This thread is a testament to what I love about CWT...lots of folks volunteering to help and that's no joke. Heck if the timing was right I'd drive up from Tucson to help you pack one out! Good luck and have a great hunt!
  12. bigorange

    WTS LS bobcat, and pool table

    Need more specs on that Hoover...looks to have some custom mods.
  13. bigorange


    Just don't lick them and wah your hands after picking them up. And yeah Steve is right about the Colorado river toads and dogs. Gotta keep those away...can be bad news.
  14. bigorange

    Too early for a role call??

    Let me know if you hit the old stomping grounds and need an extra set of eyes. I'll be somewhere down south.
  15. Seem to always see lots of white wings until about a week before season opens...I did see a couple last year while hunting and managed to hit one or two of them.
  16. bigorange

    Another Fabrication

    I never noticed this post until today...looking back or your thread about the new Nikon camera. Could have used that this weekend checking pics. My Canon won't read pics from my trailvam but nikons seem to work great. Anyway, loving the new box and yes the bracket for adjusting angle worked great and didn't have to find just the right angled tree.
  17. bigorange

    First setup, first pics

    Checked my cams from my first setup today...a few does and a small buck. I saw a couple of bucks in this area in January...glad to see some still there in the summer. Looking for the big boy. Thanks to Steve (Elkhunter1) for the custom lockbox. Great work!
  18. bigorange

    whats the best flashlight to carry in your pack

    +1 no power = no bueno
  19. bigorange


    Yeah 300 road was a highway this weekend. Pretty quiet once we got away from it though.
  20. bigorange


    Voting for you, so I guess we better come eat there soon. Bar? Even better. What's on tap?
  21. bigorange

    Photos from todays trip

    We were at Woods Canyon Lake over the weekend. Lots of eagle and osprey activity while we were there too. Only phone pics that didn't turn out great though.
  22. bigorange

    Ever mess up someone's hunt?

    I'm not proud to admit that I've been "that guy" but I learned my lesson and there's no way I'd do it again. In fact if I saw the other hunter again I'd apologize and buy him a beer or whatever his drink of choice might be...if you read this and it sounds familiar let me know. I'd honestly like to apologize. This was my first AZ deer hunt (not a valid excuse I know) a few years ago on a mulie tag. Hunting an area I didn't know at all with a friend who had only hunted it a few times. We had one hill picked out that would be our focus...first mistake not having several spots in mind. Arrived to find a truck at the access point to the hill...getting ready to go look for another spot and noticed the other hunter still there. I politely asked if we could share the hill and would stay out of their way. Turns out we were planning to hunt opposite sides of the hill anyway. I got an "It's a free country" in response and should have read that as "Don't be a jerk" but I didn't...second mistake. We hunted our side of the hill and never saw the other hunters. Saw no deer either and watched one other hunter a mile or so away kill a mulie. Only shot we heard the whole hunt and all we saw were whitetail does. My buddy and I even talked about it sitting on the hill glassing and weren't sure if we had done the right thing or not. Half expected to have a note on the truck when we climbed down...or worse. Probably deserved it. Again, not proud but learned my lesson. Have had similar situations since and have backed out and left the area to the other hunter.
  23. bigorange

    What is this?

    Definitely a tank. If not, definitely a UFO. I've seen tanks like this and the actually trough may be downhill quite a distance. Or maybe nearby and obscured by trees. Hopefully it's full and a popular watering hole for some big bucks!