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Everything posted by bigorange

  1. bigorange

    Honda Generators

    Gotta love autocorrect! Sweet deal...wish I had the extra cash right now.
  2. bigorange

    Noah's Buck

  3. bigorange

    Good yr for a 10 yr old

    Wow...what a first year. That will be hard to beat! Congrats!
  4. bigorange

    1st Jr Javi for the boy

    Congrats! Great start...Big 10 before age 20 would be awesome!
  5. bigorange

    Son's 1st buck!

    Awesome...congrats! I was hoping to see some nice Jr hunt bucks today!
  6. bigorange

    WOW - crickets

    Maybe the Trojans figured out how to play again after firing that clown...but yeah I'm not very impressed with Denker at QB...
  7. bigorange

    CO Elk hunt

    If no AZ tag next year and things work out otherwise, I might be up there with you...not sure what units yet. Unfortunately no info to share as I'm just starting to think about things too.
  8. bigorange

    What Camo Do You Prefer?

    +1 on what's cheapest and what's clean. Cabelas silent weave has been on sale btw so picked up another set last week. Usually one of the following or mix and match...mostly hunting southern units and desert. Seclusion 3d open country Kings desert Realtree AP Mossy Oak brush I even have some 20-yr old Mossy Oak treestand that I wear every once in a while for nostalgia or after hunting several day and everything else is getting ripe.
  9. bigorange

    Found gun and saddle bags

    Awesome..nice to hear stories like this!
  10. bigorange

    Issues with old ammo?

    Not sure where to post this, so the campfire it is...wondering what kind of issues (if any) to expect using old ammo. Specifically I have some shotgun shells from my dad that I remember him buying at least 25 yrs ago. Stored in the house at controlled temperature the entire time. I'm on the cheap side so I'd love to go ahead and use them, but want to make sure it's safe. I did shoot some of the .22lr ammo that he had from about the same time without any issues.. If not advisable to shoot, then what's the recommended method of disposal?
  11. bigorange

    Drop away rest

    I liked my Ripcord Code Red until I decided a drop-away wasn't the best rest for me...if you're in the Tucson area I'll make you a good deal on it or you can try it out...
  12. bigorange

    SE Tucson skeet range open

    Haven't seen this posted on here yet. The SE Regional Shooting Park skeet range in Tucson is now open. Can't wait to try it out! http://webcms.pima.gov/recreation/shooting_sports/
  13. bigorange

    What knife to get?

    They're pretty easy to change in the field. Be a bit careful when u have blood on your hands though, you definitely don't wanna slip with a havalon. You can get through a coues with a single blade pretty easy. Practice changing the blade before you get in the field, but yeah pretty easy. I use a Leatherman for changing the blades and works fine for me.
  14. bigorange

    What knife to get?

    You're using the wrong kind of saw...gotta use one of the survival saw cables. They work great, just have to get it around the neck just right. Seriously though, love my Havalon...made short work of a coues last year on one blade.
  15. I haven't seem anything else about this...maybe I missed it. My buddy tried to buy a shotgun at Wal-Mart last night and was told no firearm purchases due to govt shutdown. I don't know all the details or if it was a unique issue that he ran into...just thought I'd throw it out there as an FYI.
  16. bigorange

    Govt shutdown and firearm purchases...

    Sounds to me like that Wal-Mart may have been jerking his chain...who knows.
  17. bigorange

    Issues with old ammo?

    Thanks guys. These are plastic hull Federal shells...$3.99 a box with the TN tax stickers still on them. I didn't think there would be issues, but wanted to check.
  18. bigorange

    Govt shutdown and firearm purchases...

    Googled it and everything I find says no change...I'll talk to him and see if I can get some details on why.
  19. bigorange

    Kyle's first buck!

  20. Thought this was cool. Might have to give this a try. http://www.diyprojectsworld.com/how-to-make-your-own-hunting-bow-out-of-a-bicycle-wheel.html
  21. I quit reading this thread for a day and it definitely went sideways... I think most of us as hunters are inherently more prepared (maybe not stockpiling preppers, but prepared) than the average citizen. just in skills, gear, and the fact that we have guns and ammo. I keep thinking about more things I could do to be prepared, but I never do them. It's a very scary thought what could happen.
  22. bigorange

    Wyoming 2013

    My buddy got back this week. 2 does in their camp of 3 or 4 hunters. Very windy and goats had definitely been hunted and shot at before. Not sure what unit.
  23. bigorange

    What Release Do You Shoot?

    Scott Wildcat...no specific reason other than it's the first one I tried and I liked it. No reason to change.
  24. bigorange

    Brothers First

    Congrats! Man that is really cool, especially the other guys getting video of the bull and sharing with you.
  25. bigorange

    Youth hunters and grades

    Lots of good suggestions and comments here...I think Rossislider's is probably the most important one though. If you've already set the expectation (And it sounds like you have by saying that he knows if he doesn't bring them up he's not hunting) then it's important to stick to it. It will be tough to enforce, but well worth it in the long run. Scooter (I almost missed that it was you without your Buckmark avatar! ) makes a good point too...if it's truly an issue of difficulty learning then taking away hunting may not help at all. If it's just due to not getting the work done, that's a different story. Good luck...make your decision (whatever it is) and stick to it. Consistency is critical.