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Everything posted by bigorange

  1. bigorange

    Ammo and Shooting Accessories at Sports authority

    Anyone know if that applies statewide or just Phoenix area?
  2. bigorange

    How Long Can the Meat Hang?

    Put some pepper on it and see how it hangs...
  3. bigorange

    Youth success 4 tags/ 4 filled

    Awesome...congrats! Love seeing the youth getting it done...
  4. bigorange

    Can't access the site?

    My buddy emailed asking me if site was down...he can't access from phone but hasn't tried computer since it's a blocked site at his workplace. I can access on phone and on computer no problem...
  5. bigorange

    Youth Deer and Javelina Video

    Awesome video...congrats to both hunters and the video creator! Which hunter made the video? My kids love it too...
  6. bigorange

    Youth Deer and Javelina Video

    Yeah I liked that KBS shirt too...was waiting for my kids to read it and ask me what it meant.
  7. bigorange

    Any regrets?

    I regret that I still have every gun I've ever owned...and it's not enough! Still need a bigger cabinet before I can add to the collection...don't get me wrong, most of them are sentimental single shots that have been in the family for years. I'll never get rid of most of them though.
  8. bigorange

    Matt's Youth Coues

    Congrats on a great buck...nice write-up too. Sounds like an awesome hunt.
  9. bigorange

    Another Awesome Hunt With The Boys

    Great job...congrats! That's some pretty awesome character on that buck.
  10. bigorange

    Happy B-day 125coues, azsroops, & bigorange

    Thanks! We're all lucky because we share a birthday with Amanda! Chef - the kids got me a wild game processing/cooking book...can't wait to try out some of the new recipes soon!
  11. bigorange

    Country Thunder

    Free introductory XM on my truck when I bought it...best thing I've found is no retuning or losing all signal out in the hills. Got to listen to football and get score updates while out scouting too...first camping trip to the mountains when we didn't have to retune along the drive sold my wife on it too!
  12. bigorange

    34a - help!

    Good job...looks like you're having fun scouting and have found some good spots!
  13. Great buck and awesome getting it done with your family like that! Nice write-up too...don't let anybody knock your choice...it's your tag and your hunt. And now your great memories too! Big congrats!
  14. bigorange


    If only it were chambered in 3 1/2...then it would be what I'm looking for...
  15. bigorange

    Honda Generators

    Gotta love autocorrect! Sweet deal...wish I had the extra cash right now.
  16. bigorange

    Noah's Buck

  17. bigorange

    Good yr for a 10 yr old

    Wow...what a first year. That will be hard to beat! Congrats!
  18. bigorange

    1st Jr Javi for the boy

    Congrats! Great start...Big 10 before age 20 would be awesome!
  19. bigorange

    Son's 1st buck!

    Awesome...congrats! I was hoping to see some nice Jr hunt bucks today!
  20. bigorange

    WOW - crickets

    Maybe the Trojans figured out how to play again after firing that clown...but yeah I'm not very impressed with Denker at QB...
  21. bigorange

    CO Elk hunt

    If no AZ tag next year and things work out otherwise, I might be up there with you...not sure what units yet. Unfortunately no info to share as I'm just starting to think about things too.
  22. bigorange

    What Camo Do You Prefer?

    +1 on what's cheapest and what's clean. Cabelas silent weave has been on sale btw so picked up another set last week. Usually one of the following or mix and match...mostly hunting southern units and desert. Seclusion 3d open country Kings desert Realtree AP Mossy Oak brush I even have some 20-yr old Mossy Oak treestand that I wear every once in a while for nostalgia or after hunting several day and everything else is getting ripe.
  23. bigorange

    Found gun and saddle bags

    Awesome..nice to hear stories like this!
  24. bigorange

    Issues with old ammo?

    Not sure where to post this, so the campfire it is...wondering what kind of issues (if any) to expect using old ammo. Specifically I have some shotgun shells from my dad that I remember him buying at least 25 yrs ago. Stored in the house at controlled temperature the entire time. I'm on the cheap side so I'd love to go ahead and use them, but want to make sure it's safe. I did shoot some of the .22lr ammo that he had from about the same time without any issues.. If not advisable to shoot, then what's the recommended method of disposal?
  25. bigorange

    Drop away rest

    I liked my Ripcord Code Red until I decided a drop-away wasn't the best rest for me...if you're in the Tucson area I'll make you a good deal on it or you can try it out...