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Everything posted by bigorange

  1. bigorange

    2013 Archery Rocky Mtn Bighorn Sheep Video

    Excellent article on this hunt in this month's Eastmans' Bowhunting Journal. Congrats on the article too!
  2. I stopped by the Southeast Clay Target Center this weekend to check things out...what an awesome facility. 6 fields...3 trap and 3 combo either trap or skeet. $8 per round of 25 targets. Current hours are 8-12 Sat and Sun. Located across Harrison from the existing range near the fairgrounds. Rangemaster told me they're on a 3-month probation period which ends in January, and will be based on participation and also customer comments. It doesn't make sense to me to build such a nice facility and then close it, but I guess those decisions have to be made sometimes. Let's get out there and enjoy it and show our support while it's still available. Maybe a CWT shoot sometime? Any interest out there?
  3. bigorange

    Thoughts on the last 2 weeks of spring turkey hunting

    I drew a late tag and couldn't get out until this week...so I'll be there and hope they're still talking! Either way I'm out there enjoying it and giving it a try...much better than working!
  4. bigorange

    Called in a goulds yesterday!

    Awesome...have heard them camping up there before, but never tried calling. Based on the number of tags, that gobbler has probably never heard a call or been hunted.
  5. If you're intrigued by backpacking, there are a lot of places in 33 where you could hike in a long way and avoid the crowds...but that's honestly true of any of the southern AZ units. Coati is spot on...lots of hunters in the more popular areas, but the deer are still there too until they get shot at a couple of times, then they disappear. Might consider putting in for the 33 hunts (sounds like you are already) and then if you don't draw 33 you can pick up a leftover for one of the other units.
  6. bigorange


    PM answered.
  7. bigorange

    M1A/M14 mags $100 obo

    ttt weekend bump
  8. bigorange


    ttt weekend bump
  9. bigorange

    Turkey Hunt 2014

    Awesome...way to get it done! Love having the kids along too.
  10. bigorange

    AZ Rio Grande

    Awesome! Drove through that beautiful country earlier this week...will hopefully draw a tag one of these years.
  11. bigorange

    Finally took the plunge... NEW BOW!

    Nice new rig. Good shootin...
  12. bigorange

    Snow Bird Down

    Nice bird! Congrats to your buddy and nice job getting his first gobbler!
  13. bigorange

    Southeast Tucson trap/skeet range

    CWT shoot sounds great...especially if you have connections there.
  14. bigorange

    .45 acp fmj

    You switching calibers on us or just funding your elk hunt?
  15. bigorange

    Youth turkey hunt Memorabilia

    Looks awesome! Plus one on the spent shell and photo. Great ideas or keep it simple like you already did.
  16. bigorange

    2 Unit 27 tags filled! My wife's first big game animal. .

    Awesome...I'll be in 27 for the late tag. Hopefully still some gobbling by then. Congrats to your wife on an awesome first kill!
  17. Assuming I have access to the equipment, is reloading shotshells worth it? Any cost savings? Are the primers, powder, etc in same short supply as for rifle and handgun reloading? (Showing my ignorance here...I don't honestly know if the powder and primers are the same or not) I've saved lots of empty hulls and hate to just throw them away, but I don't want to waste my time either if not worth it... Thanks!
  18. bigorange

    Southeast Tucson trap/skeet range

    Just a quick update here...and a plug for a great facility. Went out there this morning and shot a couple rounds of trap. No comments on how I shot, but had a great time. Check it out if you have a chance...hopefully will expand the hours once better established and more folks shooting. Quite a few folks there today, and even had a couple waiting when we left.
  19. bigorange

    Stolen Bow update- got the bastards

    Awesome...glad you got it back! After years of discrimination, being a lefty finally paid off!
  20. bigorange

    2014-2015 deer regs.

    I like the archery OTC tag breakdown too. Much easier to read and nice to see Dec archery whitetail hunt in 34a again.
  21. bigorange

    2014-2015 deer regs.

    Check p 13 and make sure you're not on the list of revoked licenses...
  22. bigorange

    Youth Turkey 3-fer

    Congrats! Way to get it done...
  23. bigorange

    Amazon best cutomer service

    Have alway had nothing but great customer service from Amazon. Most recently, I ordered the wrong size nerf bars for my truck and they let me exchange with no return shipping charge even though it's not their policy if order the wrong size. I try to support local businesses as much as possible but Amazon is hard to beat!
  24. bigorange

    Emmy's First Long Beard

  25. bigorange

    Youth Turkey Hunts

    Awesome thread...BIG thanks to all the volunteers and even BIGGER good luck to all the youth hunters. 2 more years and we'll have our first Spring youth turkey tag in our house...can't wait!