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Everything posted by bigorange

  1. Not much story to it since it was a lucky opportunity that happened quickly with no elaborate stalk. Just lucky timing and things went just right. My buddy and I were out for a quick morning hunt in an area he has hunted a lot the past couple of years and I've been with him several times. He killed a buck there last week and I missed one 2 weeks ago (maybe this same buck that I killed) all within maybe a 300 yd area. Anyway we were heading to our first glassing spot and see a herd of does at the base of the hill. Try to pick out a buck for several minutes but can't, so we go on to glass. We've spotted more does and moved on to another spot when I glass back to the original herd and see that a buck has joined them. We circled back around to get the wind right and my buddy got a vantage point to help on the stalk. Not much of a stalk as I was almost immediately out in the open about 95 yards from the buck. He was pushing does around and they were the most vocal deer I've ever heard. Almost like a herd of elk with all the bleating by does and fawns and the buck grunting as he tended them. Frozen still and they never knew I was there until I shifted my footing and one doe pegged me. I was sure this would end like so many other stalks with the doe blowing out and taking the rest with her. After a good old standoff and staredown, the doe starts walking toward me and bringing the buck with her. I'd ranged enough bushes and yuccas before they spotted me that I knew where I could shoot. The buck came broadside at 60 yards so I decided to draw, again expecting the doe to blow out and ruin the stalk. No idea what happened, but when I squeezed the release it didn't fire...the hesitation caused me to jerk the shot and I see my arrow sail 10 yards wide. The buck stopped at 70 and gave me a 2nd shot. This one released much smoother but was a bad hit but decent penetration. I can see the arrow sticking out as he goes over the edge of the hill. I walk over to where he stood and grab my missed arrow...that same doe just looked at me and let me get 20 yards from her before taking off with the rest of the herd. My buddy tells me he didn't see the shot or the hit, but saw the buck run off with lots of blood showing. I make a beeline to the last spot I saw the buck hoping to see where he went to make trailing a little easier. At the time I don't even notice the heavy blood trail. Scanning for movement on the far side of the cut I see antler sticking up next to a yucca...he's down and thanks to the Swhacker he went maybe 100 yards despite a bad hit. Couldn't be happier with my first archery deer and biggest buck yet! Gonna be a long 363 days before I can hunt AZ deer again...
  2. bigorange

    Blue Xterra

    Yeah that's Ben. Coatimundi on here I think...or something like that.
  3. bigorange

    New hunting Truck

    Nice ride. Hopefully you guaranteed yourself a tag...still waiting on my elk tag since upgrading my truck. I bought it for towing though and have done a lot of that since.
  4. Nice streak. Great job.
  5. bigorange

    Looking for a good Crossbow broadhead

    +1 on the swhacker. The AZ Extreme guys have posted several videos using the same crossbow (I think) for deer and javelinas using Swhackers. They seem to do very well.
  6. bigorange

    RDS Fuel Tank/Toolbox Combo - 60 gallon

    I feel your pain. I've been shopping these too. I only have about 18-19" space between wheel wells and bedwall too.
  7. Anyone have experience with Traeger wood pellet smokers? Might be able to pick one up free or very cheap...wondering if it's worth trying (free is good...I don't see why not) or any pointers you could share? Edit - picked it up this evening. Now I need some recipes!
  8. bigorange

    Let's talk tires

    What's the load rating and any experience with towing performance on the Toyo AT2 and the new BFG KO2? Sounds like Mulepackhunter has similar driving habits to me and a little more towing...I'm interested in what folks think on the towing side.
  9. bigorange

    Hunting stereotypes- Best thing I've seen in a while.

    Awesomeness...and nice pic of the Pyramid Bass Pro in Memphis at the end. Last time I was in that place I was working concessions for either Metallica or Kiss concert when it was an arena.
  10. bigorange

    Vortex Viper HD Bino's

    Nice glass. Make sure you put them in the Classified section too...maybe you did already and I didn't notice.
  11. Check out the Dry Fire Pro...great for strengthening and shooting form too. www.dryfirearchery.com Inventor is an AZ hunter and on here sometimes...
  12. bigorange

    Awesome new website

    Probably seen it already, but I didn't see it on here...check out www.jebbush.com Whoever caught that domain when it came up for renewal deserves a promotion.
  13. bigorange

    $350 stainless single six

    Trade for a 22mag lever? Just kidding...couldn't resist. Bump for a sweet looking revolver.
  14. bigorange

    I just GOTTA

    Awesome job dad and big congrats to your boys... Just hitting that point with my kids and gymnastics, and I'm not even coaching. They have meets every weekend from Jan-Mar with State and Regions in March. Luckily tagged out archery deer on Jan 3 this year...no chance at javelina.
  15. bigorange

    Wts ruger single six 22/22mag

    Sweet...very tempting.
  16. bigorange

    Recipes needed - Traeger wood pellet smoker

    Based on the model number I'm pretty sure this is the same one I have. Older model with a different control, but basically same. Thanks for all the suggestions...can't wait to try it out!
  17. bigorange

    Recipes needed - Traeger wood pellet smoker

    Picked it up this evening...now looking for recipes and pointers...
  18. bigorange

    Dunk contest

    I know the free throw line is a long way and not many can do it, but doesn't really impress me anymore like it did when Jordan did it the first time. I think Gordon got robbed.
  19. bigorange

    ~~~~New Dewalt 20v drill

    Elkhunter1 can teach you to jumpstart your truck with this...
  20. bigorange

    15X56 Vortex Binoculars

    This. Love my 15s on tripod with 10s to carry. But yeah I always seem to look way too far away with them.
  21. bigorange

    desert monument and shooting

    BLM_AZ_SDNMtargetshooting@BLM.gov Email address without the ending period.
  22. bigorange

    Bowhunting in Arizona Record Book

    Yes they're still eligible...and yes they're modified from the natural state? Seems contradictory.
  23. bigorange

    Bowhunting in Arizona Record Book

    Especially now that I see a pic of my January buck is already on the site...
  24. bigorange

    Bowhunting in Arizona Record Book

    Maybe a dumb question on the entry process, but please educate me...haven't bothered to even measure my antelope from last year or my January mulie, but since my antelope is at the taxidermist and mulie is being devoured by Cole's beetles would they still be eligible if meet the minimum score? I see this on the website under Entering your Trophy but is mounting or having the skull done considered modifying from the natural state? "No trophy will be considered which has been altered in any way from its natural state." Thanks!
  25. bigorange

    2016 Elk draw d-bag award

    I was a darn happy D-bag that year until I ate tag soup...