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Everything posted by bigorange

  1. bigorange

    WTB cots or campin pads

    I need to do this...good idea!
  2. bigorange

    Spot and stalk or hunt from a blind?

    Some of the best naps I've had were under a tree after glassing for hours. I won't mention my buddy on here who I've watched falling asleep while in his binos.
  3. bigorange

    Leftover deer tags

    Good country and not a zoo during that hunt hopefully. Yeah I was surprised to see those leftovers...
  4. bigorange

    Leftover deer tags

    LOL I know that voice..The first time I heard that voice I was like " WTF " She's one of Marge Simpson's sisters...
  5. bigorange

    WTB good pellet gun

    My dad has the same gun...I grew up shooting it over 30 yrs ago. Started losing pressure earlier this year and I helped him replace the seals in it while we were there on vacation and good as new! Not bad for almost 40 yr old air rifle.
  6. bigorange

    Ayone else going to the youthoutdoors hunter ed camp?

    Didn't work out for us schedule-wise. Will be there next year hopefully with my daughter. Took my son 2 years ago and loved it...have a great time!
  7. bigorange

    any one know much about mountain bikes

    Mulepackhunter is spot on. You can rebuild it but a lot of work and new one is more value.
  8. bigorange

    Anyone have this book I can barrow or buy

    Bought mine from the same link Desertbull provided...yeah the Amazon price is crazy. I'm in Tucson if you want to borrow mine...
  9. bigorange

    water to fill a trailer

    My thoughts exactly...
  10. bigorange

    Found: Handgun magazine in 35A

    Nope and it's long gone. Nobody claimed it so I gave it away. It was a Ruger.
  11. bigorange

    Taxidermist in ABQ?

    My buddy just moved to ABQ and is looking for taxidermy recommendations. He also drew a sheep tag so definitely hoping to have some taxi work in Dec.
  12. bigorange

    AZGFD Ammunition Testing Event Today

    Very cool. Thanks for sharing. I used Barnes (the free box with voucher plus bought some) in my .270 on my Kaibab hunt a couple years back. Very pleased with how they shot from my gun and very effective on the buck at about 250yds. Petals left a broadhead-type hole through the lungs and large exit hole. As long as my gun likes them I'll keep using them.
  13. bigorange

    Shoulder Rehab

    There and strengthening is good advice. Lots of youtubes out there. If you want to take it one step further take a look at the Dry Fire Pro training device. www.dryfirearchery.com Invented by a bowhunter in Pinetop...great for strengthening and form. If you're able to draw and shoot get some good lessons on form and start right. Then shoot a lot of bows and find one you like in your price range. Maybe one of the more adjustable ones so you can start with a low draw weight if needed due to injury and work your way up. Sorry I don't have any advice on shops in the valley. Archery is great! Good luck and enjoy!
  14. bigorange

    Do apps need to go in mail today

    I bet you'll be fine.
  15. bigorange

    Spot and stalk or hunt from a blind?

    This. I've always been told that you see more glassing (and I do) and tough chance for a shot, but if you sit long enough you'll get a better shot opportunity. I've never sat long enough for deer myself. Grew up hunting out of treestands and got my fill of sitting. I'd much rather spot n stalk. But I haven't had many shot opportunities in August either.
  16. bigorange

    Leftover deer tags

    It's confusing to say the least if you haven't gone through the process a couple of times. One person can only be on one application per genus of wildlife per draw. (Well I suppose you could be on more than one app, but only one app will be allowed to draw a tag) I think it's already been answered, but if you want to guarantee you hunt together put all 3 on one app together. If you want to better the odds that at least one of you draw then put in 3 separate apps. If you put more than one hunt choice and separate apps then you run the risk of drawing different hunts too...which could be good or bad depending on the dates.
  17. bigorange

    Leftover deer tags

    Seem to be fewer and fewer leftovers every year...getting more popular I guess.
  18. bigorange

    Leftover deer tags

    I've seen screenshots like this one but no link and I can't find it on the site either.
  19. bigorange

    Leupold vx-3L 4.5-14x50 duplex $450

    Ctrl-Alt-down arrow works too. Used to do that to people at work. LoL Nice rig...looking for something in the.243 ballpark for my kid but this is way too much fun for him.
  20. bigorange

    First scouting trip

    I met him on my archery hunt...nice guy. That ranch was walk-on access and open during archery last year. Not sure about rifle season.
  21. bigorange

    Leftover deer tags

    Unfortunately that list gets shorter every year...and yes that's a lot quicker turn-around than usual.
  22. bigorange

    Leftover deer tags

    I didn't realize it was that soon but yeah the "apps accepted" starts Monday...hope they post the list soon.
  23. bigorange

    36A/B deer camp dates?

    I remember the 36A/B deer camp being in Nov, but is it usually during the youth hunt or the regular hunt? I vaguely remember in years past it was the regular hunt so folks could get leftovers...has anyone seen when it will be this year?
  24. bigorange

    36A/B deer camp dates?

    Cool...didn't find that on YOU site under upcoming events, but now I see it's on their calendar. Thanks!