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Everything posted by bigorange

  1. bigorange

    Outdoor Edge or Havalon?

    Both as a couple have mentioned above. But if I had to pick one I'd go with the Edge.
  2. bigorange

    freezer type

    This. Or whichever you can find the best deal on. I found an upright Fridgidaire at Lowes on sale, plus discount for floor model, plus added 10% promotion discount. Ended up more than 50% off.
  3. bigorange

    Just a Reminder

    I could see some folks needing help. Even though I was familiar with it, the first time I sighted in by myself it was nice having a little help from the range staff. I wasn't aware that was something G&F normally did either.
  4. bigorange

    Pistol Emoji Change

    I still see them viewing this post on my phone...maybe on a computer browser they disappear? I've seen that with other emoji before...
  5. bigorange

    Pistol Emoji Change

    I haven't installed the upgrade yet...👹🔫
  6. bigorange

    Pistol Emoji Change

  7. bigorange

    Wyoming Antelope First Timers

    Sounds like an awesome trip...thanks for sharing.
  8. bigorange

    Easton Camo Hunter XX75 2216 LITE

    Good memories there...I probably still have a handful of these in my parents' garage somewhere. My old bow in my garage has the "Autumn orange" ones instead of camo.
  9. Anyone else going to the sheep hunters' clinic this weekend in Scottsdale? I'll be there with my lucky tag-drawing buddy.
  10. bigorange

    WTB camp chef 2 burner stove

    +1 on the griddle...works fine as long as it's seasoned. Love the grill box for mine too, but I'd get the hinged 2-burner grill box instead of the single burner with removable lid if I had it to do over.
  11. Cool...glad I'll be in good company. I'll probably be wearing something "big orange" for Univ of TN if you spot me...
  12. bigorange

    Unit 27

    403 road is always crowded, but sounds even moreso this year. I've had good luck both north and south of that road, but you have to hike a bit. But there's a lot more to 27 than that road... Agree if you're not hearing bugles you gotta ambush them coming into the meadows at dusk or heading back up at dawn. Hopefully the moon and weather improve things for you. Don't give up and enjoy it man...there are a lot of us not hunting that would love to be in your boots.
  13. bigorange


    Get out, get my kids out, and have a great time helping my buddies on their hunts...no tags for me until Jan.
  14. bigorange

    Vandals hit 3C

    So hyped up they were making weird screaming sounds the whole time too...sickos.
  15. bigorange

    Kinetic energy or arrow weight?

    Agree with leaving it alone if shooting well. If you wanna tweak something try a 125gr head...a little more weight and increased FOC. When I did this my groups at longer range improved and theoretically better penetration at longer range too. But yeah...shot placement.
  16. bigorange

    Ruger American .270 Reviews?

    My buddy has one in 25-06 and has been very pleased with it.
  17. I enjoyed it...ironic that no deer in the video but maybe it was one of those hunts and the deer didn't cooperate.
  18. Squirrels in the yard with a bb and pellet gun at about 7. Don't remember what age when my dad took me out for squirrels and rabbits but not much older. Dad didn't hunt big game, but my uncle started taking me deer hunting at about 12 or 13.
  19. bigorange

    FS Winchester 9422 Magnum $550

    Man these are tempting...sweet shooter.
  20. bigorange

    Trophy cow

    Great job. I don't care what anyone says archery cow is a tough hunt. Can never seem to get close to them without getting busted.
  21. bigorange

    My first antelope (pic heavy)

    Congrats! Beautiful buck and with the family too...awesome!
  22. bigorange

    To the generous members of Coues Whitetail

    Love seeing stories like this. Great stuff.
  23. I will say I'll take the 870 reliability over the 140. Have to keep the gas tube clean between dove shoots or it has cycling issues.
  24. LOL - The guys who could afford those guns in the 80's (at that time I was a broke high school kid with a hand-me-down 870 pump - that I still have) have reached an age where they're selling them back because they don't use them any longer. Nice old guns with that hot 80's styling. Parachute pants - Aqua Net - Loverboy's "Get Lucky" album and, yes, Winchester 140's And Gemco! My cousin lived behind the Gemco at Baseline & McClintock - we used to shop there and Smitty's all the time. We'd buy stink bait at Gemco or Smitty's and ride our bikes to Kiwanis Park to go fishing. Now the kids chase Pokeman characters on their phones. I'd take fishing over that any day. Never...I still remember the Christmas when I got my 140. My dad must have found a heck of a deal on it for me to get a semi-auto and not a pump like my brother. Hopefully my son will enjoy shooting it too when he finishes chasing Pokemon on my phone.
  25. bigorange

    Chair for blind

    My buddy loaned me a Primos stool...tripod stool with a back on it but no arms. I didn't sit from dawn to dusk, but was in it for 4 hours a day for about a week with no issues with comfort or noise. I've also tried camp chairs before and had issues drawing due to the arms and also noisy when shifting to shoot.