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Everything posted by bigorange

  1. Hopefully mine doesn't notice anytime soon.
  2. bigorange

    Archery OTC

    Buddy killed one yesterday sitting water in southern AZ unit...had a lot of coues coming in and shot his early afternoon.
  3. bigorange

    Rookie long range shooting mistake!!!!!

    Man this thread had me nervous on my buddy's ram hunt. He borrowed his neighbor's long range gun with turrets and I was the one who understood the turrets the best. No zero stop and he kept telling me he couldn't remember which way to turn it. I was 25 yds behind him when he set up for the shot and luckily he remembered and turned it the right way!
  4. bigorange

    46BE Quality

    Awesome ram. Congrats!
  5. bigorange

    REI and Free Victim Zones

    "I didnt see the sign" is a valid argument. Impossible to prove you ignored the sign, so I'd think as long as you leave if told to leave there's no law broken. Of course I'd like to think "I didnt see the speed limit sign" would work too...
  6. bigorange

    Direct tv vs Cox

    Used to have Cox and never had issues with them. Cut the cord years ago and never looked back between Netflix, Hulu, and Sling we stream everything at less than half the cost.
  7. bigorange

    Unit 33

    Sorry to give away your honey holes.
  8. Very nice! Especially without a dog...
  9. bigorange

    Binelli Super Black Eagle 12 ga

    Dear Santa...
  10. bigorange

    Out of the Mouth of Babes

    Good stuff.
  11. bigorange

    Unit 33

    Right there off Catalina Hwy...glass from the parking pullouts, especially the scenic overlooks with tourists. Piece of cake.
  12. bigorange

    What's a decent head for Slik Sprint Pro

    Nice thread. I have same tripod and have often wondered the same about upgrading the head.
  13. bigorange

    Some Days??

    I seen what you did their.
  14. bigorange

    Ruger .22 handgun comparisons

    .22 handgun near the top of my list for next purchase...wondering if anyone has specific recommendations or comments between the various semi-auto models Mark I-IV, 22/45, etc...just looking for all-around plinking and teaching the kids handgun safety and letting them learn to shoot. Single-six revolver already on the list in and of itself.
  15. bigorange

    Ruger .22 handgun comparisons

    Right I meant the single six with the added capability of also shooting .22 mag. Not familiar with the pmr 30...might have to take a look.
  16. bigorange

    Ruger .22 handgun comparisons

    Yeah I may start with the single six plus 22 mag cylinder. That would be fun for many years.
  17. bigorange

    Female Lions

    Thought it was interesting that you posed the question the same day I had listened to that podcast. He does give a good angle on it and I'd never heard that before that they let females walk. I guess I assumed like anything else they were lookin for the biggest and that's usually the male.
  18. bigorange


    Dear Santa...
  19. bigorange

    What am I

    LoL I know...nice!
  20. bigorange

    Awesome ram for a good friend

    Now that I know who he is...yeah we ran into him. In fact there's no way we would have killed that ram without him. Super friendly and helpful both before and during the hunt. Could never say thanks enough for all of his help.
  21. bigorange

    Razor HD Spotting Scope 85mm Straight

    Nice glass...used same scope on my buddy's ram hunt and worked great!
  22. bigorange

    Awesome ram for a good friend

    If we did I didn't realize it. Met a lot of folks but didn't make cwt connection with any of them.
  23. bigorange

    Good Luck!

    Another red ram from the Gilas down today. I'll post pics when I have the hunters permission.