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Everything posted by Flatlander

  1. Flatlander

    WANTED! Antelope decoy

    Well if you decide you want a second for the same price let me know.
  2. Flatlander

    The way life should be.

    I agree. Make those thugs think twice before storming a room full of citizens.
  3. Flatlander

    Bison Wall Ped and an Elk Pedestal

    Love that elk pedestal. Very nice work.
  4. Flatlander

    WANTED! Antelope decoy

    PM Sent
  5. Flatlander

    15A / 15B Buck

    Looks like a shooter to me!
  6. Flatlander

    Two Javelina Bag Limit (under some circumstances)!

    How else do you determine age of a buck? Bushwhack it and check the teeth? Hunter's have to make a conscious decision not to harvest young animals. Using trail cams and scouting provide opportunities to evaluate deer and unerstand more about its age. But honestly in the Western US, I don't know of a good way to ensure young animals arent harvested. But having hunted in 4 point only units in ID, I will tell you that the system is ineffective at developing older age class animals.
  7. Flatlander

    Two Javelina Bag Limit (under some circumstances)!

    I would certainly not use ID as a model for wildlife management. Point restrictions really have not proven effective in those areas. I like the idea of trying to target the harvest but point restrictions aren't really the answer. You just end up encouraging bad genetics.
  8. Flatlander

    need info on leftover tags

    OTC First come first serve start Monday. Lots of tags left.
  9. Flatlander

    Real good lookin buck! (pic heavy!)

    What kind of cam are you using for that first set up? The range on that thing is very impressive.
  10. Flatlander

    Two Javelina Bag Limit (under some circumstances)!

    If Game and Fish is proposing the tags already, how would this obliterate our herd? According to their survey data the herd sustains those tags and the associated harvest. This just allows the AZGFD to maximize the use of their resources.
  11. Flatlander

    Two Javelina Bag Limit (under some circumstances)!

    I would love to see this happen with leftover deer tags. I have been chomping at the bit for an excuse to go down south.
  12. Flatlander

    Hope they stick around!

    I think that long haired black bear would be my sole purpose in life. If the date and time is right you may have yourself a spot there.
  13. Flatlander

    Leica 900 scan

    Dang that was a steal.
  14. Flatlander

    Congrats Team USA

    I think Italy beat them. US beat N. Korea in the semis. Glad to see an AZ boy with a hunting background representing us. (And his dad is a heck of a taxidermist)
  15. Flatlander

    i found one

    I have done that a couple of times. Not a lot of fun.
  16. Flatlander

    unit #31 & #32 .....any info, would help!

    Hunted 31 Oct WT a couple of years ago and we went into Aravaipa from the West side. Saw one nice ram during the 2 days we were in there. A couple of years ago a ram was killed in there that went high 180's.
  17. Flatlander

    Lots of bears

    I have always had a thing for big blondes . . .
  18. Flatlander

    Questiom about leftover tags

    If none of your hunt choices are available they do not cash your check so there is no "app fee". I believe you can put the full 5 choices on your app.
  19. Flatlander

    need info on leftover tags

    You will know before walk-ins are available whether you were drawn or not. You can usually call like Wednesday and they will know whether you were drawn,
  20. Flatlander

    Where will you be huntin Elk?

    Jim - Congrats on the tag. I have been holding out for that tag since helping out on the early rifle hunt a few years back. Let us know how you do.
  21. Flatlander

    270 elk load

    I have shot all 4 of my elk with a 270. All but one were with 150 Grand Grand Slams, the other was with Core-Lokt. All of them died (but the GS was definitely more devastating).
  22. Flatlander

    Swacker Broadheads

    I was 16 not 10. I was shooting 60 lbs but a 60 lb bow in 1998 was shooting like 240 fps, nothing compared to today's bows. Still after those two experiences I switched to fixed blades and haven't ever looked back.
  23. Flatlander

    Swacker Broadheads

    I hate to say this for fear of getting ripped but I did have some concerns with the Sonorans after my hunts. I actually lost elk on both hunts, both were cows. The first one was due to a bad shot, I hit her in the shoulder and only got about 3 inches of penetration. My fault, no doubt about it. The second shot was a little high but still what I would consider in the vitals. I only got about 5-6 inches of penetration and the arrow came back out. Unfortunately we ran out of blood in a very short distance and sere never able to recover the animal. I was only 16 at the time with a fairly short draw length and I was shooting a bow with below average KE. I think that perhaps with my setup i was just not producing enough KE to open the broadhead and get good penetration. Like I said, I don't want to get blown up here, I am just pointing out a situation where I believe this BH may not be the best choice, and that would be in bows with low end KE.
  24. . . . your back up bow? I pulled out my 00 PSE Durango tonight and flung an arrow, and man, I don't know how I shot that thing for all those years. Do you guys tune your old bow up every year just in case?
  25. Flatlander

    Swacker Broadheads

    Wasn't this broadhead originally called something else, Sonoran maybe? I remember using these on my first two elk hunts when I was a kid, would have been 98-99.