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About Flatlander

  • Rank
    Premier Member
  • Birthday 07/12/1983

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Gilbert, AZ
  • Interests
    Hunting, Camping, Hunting, Hiking, Hunting, Football

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  1. Flatlander

    CW withdrawals

    I saw that Amanda had a death in the family. Maybe she needed a break from our nonsense.
  2. Flatlander

    NM youth hunts

    Nice work. Was that a Youth archery bull tag? Didn't know there was such a thing.
  3. That 27 buck looks pretty good!
  4. Flatlander

    Over The Counter Archery Tucson AZ

    As a new hunter you probably don’t have any idea the hornets nest you just stepped into. 1. People spend their entire lives hunting and learning country and finding out the logistics of the when and where and why certain areas are productive. That information is hard earned with sweat, blood, fuel and time. So people aren’t likely to give that information away easily. 2. Unlike other outdoor recreation, an increase in the popularity of hunting has a direct negative impact on those already participating. This is especially true of hunts that have no limit on participation, like otc hunts. Every person that joins the sport is one more I have to compete with for a limited resource. 3. OTC archery deer is a particularly sore subject in this state. The number of otc tags sold has skyrocketed since 2020. Which also overlapped with a game and fish sponsored media campaign where they paid influencers to come to AZ and film hunts and talk about them on their podcasts. That increase in tag sales, and subsequent harvests has lead to a decline in opportunity with several units being moved from otc to a draw and the implementation of mandatory harvest reporting and harvest limits. Simply put, hunting opportunity is declining and interest is increasing. OTC archery is at the center of this debate in AZ right now. None of this is your fault, but you also have to understand where these dudes on here are coming from. They’ve seen one opportunity after another drift away into the sunset and it’s left scar tissue. In terms of your original question, you are in a good spot for what you want. Get some bino’s on a tripod, start looking for deer. When you find one you like, sneak until you are close enough to make the shot, then do it. Good luck. Let us know how it goes.
  5. Flatlander

    Shockey’s sheep

    Can the richest and most famous guy also be the next guy in line?
  6. Flatlander

    Shockey’s sheep

    He got his tag really late, at least he posted about it late. I suspect it was a returned tag situation.
  7. Flatlander

    Anybody have beetles for euro mounts

    Ummm, see above.
  8. Flatlander

    Sheep Army, Who Wants In ?

    You found the shooter ram tho!
  9. Flatlander

    Sheep Army, Who Wants In ?

    That would probably be my buddy Mike. He is the dude on the right throwing a hang loose in the group pic. He went out the day before the hunt and covered a bunch of country looking for a ghost ram while I camped out on the one we killed. I think he saw 14 sheep that day including a 5 year old ram that one horn that was probably close to 40”. Just a baby giant.
  10. Flatlander

    Sheep Army, Who Wants In ?

    Hands down my favorite pic
  11. Flatlander

    Sheep Army, Who Wants In ?

    Well, it nearly took an army but we got it done. I don’t have the time or the energy to write it all up now, I will have to do that later. But suffice it to say that @1denogean, @bonecollector, @wish2hunt, @trphyhntr and a group of others all pitched in big time to make this happen and they will forever be part of our sheep army. @lancetkenyon thanks for the range time making sure the gun and charts were ready when the time came. This was our longest shot ever, 542 yds. We killed a good ram and it was amazing for my kid to experience. But more importantly my kid got to see men being men. He got to experience what it means to be part of something and to have others support you in accomplishing a goal without taking any credit for themselves. Here are some pics, I will write up the story later.
  12. I’d be spending my time in 27. Should be amazing.
  13. Flatlander

    Sheep Army, Who Wants In ?

    Sorry dudes, I swear I am not intentionally dragging this out. Just up against a deadline and trying to catch up with life after spending 7 of the last 9 days in the desert. Here is something to tide you over.
  14. Flatlander

    2025 Elk & Pronghorn Hunt Proposals

    Big increase in some units. Be some happy dudes in February, we’ll see about November.