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About Flatlander

  • Rank
    Premier Member
  • Birthday 07/12/1983

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  • Location
    Gilbert, AZ
  • Interests
    Hunting, Camping, Hunting, Hiking, Hunting, Football

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  1. Flatlander

    Utah NR Hunt Fees- Huge Increase

    I’d say that CO benefited big time last year from years of loyal hunters caring and getting involved. I don’t know if UT or NV would have seen the same results because so few people have hunted it over the years. In terms of wild horses, public opinion is slowly turning and pressure is mounting to do something about it. Getting hunters to weigh in on public comment periods is absolutely a driver in that effort. During the last comment period for the Heber Wild Horse herds territory management plan, hunters flooded the public comments requesting the herd be reduced to pre-rodeo-chediski numbers. It was successful and the USFS is proposing to remove 900 horses. ESA removals are similar. And had hunters mounted a stronger effort in CO when the wolf issue was on the ballot, the outcome could have been different. It’s just my opinion, but I think it’s wise to find an equitable price point that contributes significantly to wildlife conservation while also maintaining the interest of a broad community. On the contrary, if the suggested approach of intentionally excluding as many people as possible were to be taken (by pricing NR fees as high as possible) it’s inevitable that many people would be at a minimum disengaged and at worst vengeful about our state.
  2. Flatlander

    25sst load data using retumbo

    You need to connect with @lancetkenyon
  3. Flatlander

    Utah NR Hunt Fees- Huge Increase

    California is my top choice. Close to the beach. Close to the mountains. Low taxes. Moderate politics. You guys should give it a run.
  4. Flatlander

    Off-Range Oryx success in New Mexico

    Awesome dude! You are such a beast at figuring these adventures out! Man, this is a dream hunt right here! I need to talk with you about this, definitely a bucket list.
  5. Flatlander

    Utah NR Hunt Fees- Huge Increase

    I agree, AZ isn’t the worst place, but it’s not my top pick. I’ve lived in 4 other states, there is only 1 I would pick over this one. And I am working on getting there.
  6. Flatlander

    Utah NR Hunt Fees- Huge Increase

    Nah man. Still stuck here.
  7. Flatlander

    Utah NR Hunt Fees- Huge Increase

    Yeah, cause that’s the same thing. Ok.
  8. Flatlander

    Utah NR Hunt Fees- Huge Increase

    Sounds good until you need public support for a federal issue like wild horses or wolf or grizzly bear reintroduction. If you are setting NR prices to appeal only to the 2,000 highest bidders for elk but the other 100 million people in the west don’t give a crap about your state and you are screwed.
  9. Flatlander

    Utah NR Hunt Fees- Huge Increase

    When you say “levels out”, are you suggesting that we should raise prices u til the number of NR applicants reaches equilibrium with the number of tags available?
  10. Flatlander

    27 late rifle for disabled youth.

    4B Archery in Sept, 3A antelope in October, 3A3C cow in October, 23 in November (then over to 1 if I can swing it) and 27 after that. Be putting some miles on the Fix or Repair Daily.
  11. Flatlander

    27 late rifle for disabled youth.

    See you there. I have a friend with the tag.
  12. Flatlander

    Savage Axis 223

    Appreciate it. Looking forward to smoking some yotes
  13. Flatlander

    Remington 700 LA

    Barrel taper?
  14. Flatlander

    4B Roll Call

    There ain’t gunna be no second draw for us. We’re booked.
  15. Flatlander

    Dream Hunt?

    4B archery bull