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Everything posted by azhuntnut

  1. azhuntnut

    Sharing a deal

    I was just searching the other day to replace my current Merrell’s. Thanks for the link. David
  2. azhuntnut

    WTB- 18 in wheels

    I had a mishap and damaged one of my wheels that can’t be repaired and they aren’t made anymore. I’m looking for a used set of 18 with the bolt pattern 8x6.5 or 8x165.1/GM. Let me know if you have a full set. David
  3. azhuntnut


  4. azhuntnut


  5. azhuntnut


  6. azhuntnut


  7. azhuntnut


  8. azhuntnut


    I thought I had these sold, but the deal fell through. Still for sale. David
  9. I was watching this bull several years ago on the flats. David
  10. azhuntnut


  11. azhuntnut


  12. azhuntnut

    2009 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited X

    A buddy of mine is selling his wife’s Jeep. If you have been looking for a Jeep, this is the one. It was her daily driver and not used offroad. Always dealer maintained with some nice upgrades. This Jeep looks new. I have included a link to craigslist for all the information. https://phoenix.craigslist.org/wvl/cto/d/peoria-2009-jeep-wrangler-unlimited/7145890619.html
  13. azhuntnut


    I really appreciate the offers that have been sent my way, but they are still for sale. David
  14. azhuntnut


  15. azhuntnut

    Sad news- Hoghunter

    Several years ago I took Mike out on a deer hunt and got to know him better. It’s crazy that I just sent him a PM yesterday and thought it was weird that he hadn’t gotten back to me. He was a really good guy and great family man.
  16. azhuntnut


  17. azhuntnut

    30-06 brass, once fired. About 500

    Sent you a PM.
  18. azhuntnut


    Quick update. I received the binoculars from The Outdoorsmans today and they already have their tripod binoculars stud installed. David
  19. azhuntnut

    10x50els or 10x42 ELs?

    If you had the opportunity to purchase either optic to carry full time, which would it be? David
  20. azhuntnut

    10x50els or 10x42 ELs?

    I’m gonna throw one more into the list. Anybody using the 8.5x42 ELs? Do you like them over the 10s? David
  21. azhuntnut

    Anything you refuse to buy used?

    There is good news about toilet paper. Charmin has discovered a process to recycle toilet paper. They recently brought Mr Whipple out of retirement and they are having him squeeze the $hit out of it. Your welcome. David
  22. azhuntnut

    New arrows- VIctory and Carbon Express

    This is probably a long shot, but I would be interested in trading for some Carbon Express blue streak select 350. David
  23. Both packages are new in the box. 1/2 dozen Carbon Express Maxima Red aroows with Blazer veins. Part number 50753 $50 1 dozen Vforce sport .245 new shafts-pictures show all information about the shafts. $40 I'm in NW Peoria. David
  24. azhuntnut


  25. azhuntnut

