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Everything posted by azhuntnut

  1. azhuntnut

    It was an adventure... Weathered out.

    We were in the north end of 5b and decided to get out when we could. The snow was really coming down good by 8 am this morning. David
  2. azhuntnut

    Scope, Grill for sale

    I will take the scale. I'm out of town until Tuesday. I will get with you and set up a day and time to pick it up. Please pm me your name and phone number when you have a moment. David
  3. azhuntnut

    Scope, Grill for sale

    Has the scale been used much? Have you had any issues with it holding a zero? David
  4. azhuntnut

    Hunting/Fishing Items (updated)

    I will take the lights. I am out of town until Monday, so I will get a hold of you and make arrangements to get them this week. David
  5. I like using the fluid heads, or even the one from the Outdoorsmans. I do not like the pistol grip type since they seem to not be able to hold tight. David
  6. azhuntnut

    Which .243?

    Get yourself an ar10 and use some 70 grain bullets. My buddy uses this gun and kills everything dead on the spot. Fast follow up shots and 20 round magazines. I carry an ar15 chambered in 243wssm loaded with 87grain vmax. It will put a cantaloupe sized hole in a coyote at any distance. Very little recoil also. David
  7. azhuntnut

    Freebie coyote

    I was out with my son this morning deer hunting when we came across this young dog. My son took a shot at him, but just barely missed. He started to run, so my son handed me his gun and I let the air out of him. David
  8. azhuntnut

    Nocturnal muley

    It is a 3x3 with a crab claw on the right side. I saw him Friday night and he is fairly tall. My son has a tag so I'm hoping he shows up during the daylight hours. David
  9. azhuntnut

    Looking for h4350

    If you are out and come across some h4350, could you please pm me the location. I just picked up a dpms 6.5 creedmoor and need this powder to reload. Thanks, David
  10. azhuntnut

    Looking for h4350

    I thought it was funny that when I bent down to grab one you made a little move like you were gonna block me. Then you looked up and got that surprised look on your face. I was actually just stopping in there to pick up some bullets for another friend of mine and there was two kegs of gold just waiting for me. Plus, they also had primers. David
  11. azhuntnut

    Looking for h4350

    I got lucky today at Brunos. They had two 8 pounders in stock. David
  12. azhuntnut

    Thompson Center Encore barrel

    Still for sale for cash or open to trades. David I would be interested in trading for a Magpul PRS stock for an ar-10
  13. I spoke with Amanda the other day and we came up with an idea to give away one of our Rifle Railz/LOC JAW tripod attachment. The rules are pretty simple. Just take a moment to check out our new website. While you are there, click on our Facebook symbol. "Like" us, and in the comment section put coueswhitetail.com and your forum screen name that you use on the CWT site. We just recently started a Facebook page, so we are trying to get plenty of "likes". We will run the giveaway until the end of the month of September. If you aren't signed up for Facebook yet, it only takes a couple minutes to get started. http://aristotleeng.com/ If you have any questions, feel free to send us an email. For those of you who are already using our products, please send us any pictures or video you have from your successful hunts. We want to add them to our website and keep our Facebook page updated. Good luck to everybody. David
  14. azhuntnut

    Win a free Rifle Railz / LOC JAW combo

    Just to make a quick clarification, I am co-owner of Grand Canyon State Outfiters, and the owner of Aristotle Engineering. Aristotle Engineering is the company that gave away the combo. sorry for the confusion. David
  15. azhuntnut

    Win a free Rifle Railz / LOC JAW combo

    We have a winner. Bowhunter247 is the new owner a Rifle Railz/LOC JAW combo. Thank you to everyone who joined in on the giveaway. We appreciate all the likes. For the lucky winner, get a hold of me and I will get the attachments out to you. David
  16. I'm loading up some handloads for my sons deer hunt. Gonna use Nosler Combined Technology 95 grain ballistic silvertip. Anybody have a load for 95 grain and IMR 4350 powder? David
  17. Here is a homemade cleaner I started using a couple years ago. It cleans anything. For a lubricant, i use Teflon dry film made by DuPont. It comes in a 4 oz dripper type bottle. You can find it at Lowes. I started using the dry Teflon lubricants years ago on my AR and its much better than most lubes I used before. PB Blaster also makes a good Teflon based dry lube in an aerosol can. David CONTENTS: Ed's Red Bore Cleaner 1 part Dexron II, IIe or III ATF, GM Spec. D-20265 or later. 1 part Kerosene - deodorized, K1 1 part Aliphatic Mineral Spirits, Fed. Spec. TT-T-2981F, CAS #64741-49-9, or substitute "Stoddard Solvent", CAS #8052-41-3, or equivalent, (aka "Varsol") 1 part Acetone, CAS #67-64-1. (Optional up to 1 lb. of Lanolin, Anhydrous, USP per gallon, OK to substitute Lanolin, Modified, Topical Lubricant, from the drug store) MIXING INSTRUCTIONS: Mix outdoors, in good ventilation. Use a clean 1 gallon metal, chemical-resistant, heavy gage PET or PVC plastic container. NFPA approved plastic gasoline storage containers are also OK. Do NOT use HDPE, which is breathable because the acetone will evaporate. The acetone in ER will attack HDPE in about 6 months, making a heck of a mess! Add the ATF first. Use the empty container to measure the other components, so that it is thoroughly rinsed. If you incorporate the lanolin into the mixture, melt this carefully in a double boiler, taking precautions against fire. Pour the melted lanolin it into a larger container, rinsing the lanolin container with the bore cleaner mix, and stirring until it is all dissolved. I recommend diverting a small quantity, up to 4 ozs. per quart of the 50-50 ATF/kerosene mix for use as an "ER-compatible" gun oil. This can be done without impairing the effectiveness of the mix. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING Ed's Red Bore Cleaner: 1. Open the firearm action and ensure the bore is clear. Cleaning is most effective when done while the barrel is still warm to the touch from firing. Saturate a cotton patch with bore cleaner, wrap or impale on jag and push it through the bore from breech to muzzle. The patch should be a snug fit. Let the first patch fall off and do not pull it back into the bore. 2. Wet a second patch, and similarly start it into the bore from the breech, this time scrubbing from the throat area forward in 4-5" strokes and gradually advancing until the patch emerges out the muzzle. Waiting approximately 1 minute to let the bore cleaner soak will improve its action. 3. For pitted, heavily carbon-fouled "rattle battle" guns, leaded revolvers or neglected bores a bronze brush wet with bore cleaner may be used to remove stubborn deposits. This is unnecessary for smooth, target-grade barrels in routine use. 4. Use a final wet patch pushed straight through the bore to flush out loosened residue dissolved by Ed's Red. Let the patch fall off the jag without pulling it back into the bore. If you are finished firing, leaving the bore wet will protect it from rust for up to 30 days. If the lanolin is incorporated into the mixture, it will protect the firearm from rust for up to two years. For longer term storage I recommend use of Lee Liquid Alox as a Cosmoline substitute. "ER" will readily remove hardened Alox or Cosmoline. 5. Wipe spilled Ed's Red from exterior surfaces before storing the gun. While Ed's Red is harmless to blue and nickel finishes, the acetone it contains is harmful to most wood finishes). 6. Before firing again, push two dry patches through the bore and dry the chamber, using a patch wrapped around a suitably sized brush or jag. First shot point of impact usually will not be disturbed by Ed's Red if the bore is cleaned as described. 7. I have determined to my satisfaction that when Ed's Red is used exclusively and thoroughly, that hot water cleaning is unnecessary after use of Pyrodex or military chlorate primers. However, if bores are not wiped between shots and shots and are heavily caked from black powder fouling, hot water cleaning is recommended first to break up heavy fouling deposits. Water cleaning should be followed by a thorough flush with Ed's Red to prevent after-rusting which could result from residual moisture. It is ALWAYS good practice to clean TWICE, TWO DAYS APART whenever using chlorate primed ammunition, just to make sure you get all the residue out.
  18. azhuntnut

    243 bullets

    I haven't tried them personally, but I have read good feedback about them on several reloading and hunting forums. I would have used them, but I wanted a little more grains for the big bodied mule deer my son will be hunting this season. David
  19. azhuntnut

    243 bullets

    I am going to load some of the 95 Nosler balistic silvertip with the Lubalox coating. I have shot them out of my .308 and they do great. Another one I was considering was the Barnes 85 grain TSX bt. Cabelas had both in stock when I was there on Friday, plus they also had some Hornady 95 sst. David
  20. azhuntnut

    .243 handloads with 95 grain

    It is a rem 700 with the a 1/9.25 twist rate. I have 8 pounds of imr4350 and a bunch of cci 200's. I have found a few loads online starting around 41 grains of imr4350. I might even load a some with rl-17. I use this powder in my 243wssm and it is a laser. David
  21. azhuntnut

    Win a free Rifle Railz / LOC JAW combo

    Thanks everybody for joining in on the contest. There is still planting of time left to join in. Make sure you tell your friends. David This is a javelina my son shot this last fall using the Rifle Railz/LOC JAW combo. It was facing us when he shot it, so he aimed at the eye.
  22. azhuntnut

    Guess the score

    These pics were sent to me by another hunter he got from one of his trail cameras. I don't have a straight forward pic, but these should get you going. David
  23. azhuntnut

    Win a free Rifle Railz / LOC JAW combo

    Brian, You did it properly. Thank you. I have never posted on Facebook before, but I am sure somebody on this site can give an idea on how to do it. Thanks, David
  24. Here is a gun I built years ago as a lightweight pack rifle. The barrel started out as a TC pistol barrel chambered in 7mm-08. I had a muzzlebrake added to make it legal rifle length, plus the barrel drilled and tapped so I could use a rifle forearm. If I remember correctly, the entire rifle with scope was about 5.5 pounds. David
  25. azhuntnut

    Guess the score

    There is a back story on these trail cam pics. Opening morning of deer season I met a nice fella that was heading into the same general direction as myself. At the end of the weekend we had breakfast in Flagstaff and I was telling him about an antelope I arrowed up there. When I showed him the pics, he said his friend had some pics of my antelope. I was really surprised to hear this since I had several cameras set up in there area, and all the water sources covered. His buddy was nice enough to provide me the pictures of my buck. So now I have pics and video of the buck right before I shot it. The buck scored 89 4/8's SCI. It's so hard to score antelope in pics, but you guys were real close. David