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Everything posted by azhuntnut

  1. I started off with a samurai that I totally tricked out for offroad and ended up not liking it. I then bought a new ranger and completely enclosed it, and full cage, lift, tires and wheels, plus a bunch more. I eventually got tired of eating a bunch of dust and towing it everywhere. So 2-3 years ago I bought a suzuki grand vitara 4 door for $2500 bucks and put a small lift on it, as well as some km2s. It is by far the best hunting and offroad vehicle I have ever owned. I can drive it wherever im hunting with all my equipment in the back and back home with the ac running or the heat to keep me warm. Plus I stay nice and dry. It is a v6 auto with plenty of power and great fuel mileage. Mine is a 1999 and it came from the factory with a front air locker. One of the best things I like about it is how quiet it runs. I have driven right up on antelope, deer, elk, coyotes, and pigs without them ever knowing I was there. And it looks totally innocent, so I can park it anywhere and not get hassled by he anti's. All I need now is a hiking shack sticker in the back window and I would blend right in. David
  2. azhuntnut

    Springer spaniels

    I have a springer, but we don't use him for hunting. He is more of a family dog, but he acts really birdie. I also have a Brittany that I trained to hunt when I first got him, but I haven't taken him out and shot over him. I am really impressed with the vertical jump of my Springer. David
  3. azhuntnut

    Thompson Center Encore barrel

    Stainless Encore barrel,chambered in .300 Win mag with custom Dave Van Horn muzzlebrake. This will work for a left or right handed shooter. I doubt this barrel has 20 rounds down the barrel. $300 obo. David I can't get the image to post, but if you need a pic, send me your email and I will send it directly. But if you close your eyes and imagine a stainless steel encore barrel with a muzzlebrake, then you will have an idea of what it looks like.
  4. azhuntnut

    Thompson Center Encore barrel

    My son was going through my safe the other day and pulled this barrel out. I thought I had sold it, but I guess I put it to the back of the safe. How about $250 to get it sold. David
  5. azhuntnut

    Gun yard sale plus some pics added

    Do you know what the barrel twist is on the wssm? Is it synthetic or wood? David
  6. azhuntnut

    Any Ajo members?

    Do we have any Ajo members that come up to the Phx area every once in a while. I need somebody to pick up a front tow hitch for my Suzuki from a retired fella. I can send some money to pick it up from him and then just need it brought up next time somebody is coming this way. Or even drop it off in Gila Bend. David
  7. azhuntnut

    Any Ajo members?

    I want to give a big thanks to Ajohunter(Eric). Eric did me a big favor and allowed me to mail some money to him. He then went over and picked up the part I needed for my vehicle. It doesn't end there though. He has offered to bring it to the valley next time he heads up here. Situations like these show why this website has a great group of members. This isn't the first time another member has helped my out, and I really appreciate it. Over the years I have built some relationships with some of our members and made some great friends. Thanks again, David
  8. azhuntnut

    Curtis Cauthen Memorial Shoot

    Great job Nate, that's a lot of dogs. I'm glad the mount worked good for you. David
  9. I really like the $1000 cash blitz. David
  10. That's pretty cool that they both tagged out so quickly. What is also impressive is that you got them to eat javelina that wasn't a jerky stick. David
  11. azhuntnut

    looking for a good ranch in texas?

    I hunted Quattro in November of 2012 and shot a nice Aoudad. It's archery equipment only. If you do go, try to get them to shut the feeder off near the pond. If not, most of the animals will be hitting it instead of your stand. Also make sure they have plenty of mature Black Buck if that is what you are looking to hunt. They have lots of big pigs and other exotics. David
  12. azhuntnut


    My son Ryan shot his first big game animal today. I am very proud of him. He made a perfect heart shot at 100 yards. He had limited time behind the gun due to my schedule, but he did very well when the time came to shoot. The pig only went 4 feet and tipped over. He was using my AR-15 chambered in 243 wssm, and had it mounted on the tripod using our LOC JAW mount. David
  13. azhuntnut

    Fun with my quadcopter!

    That was so awesome. I just got the latest GoPro, so now I know what I'm getting next. David
  14. azhuntnut

    Wife's Dec buck

    Pwrguy, you can find more information about our tripod mounts on our website. Plus Amanda does sell them through her website. David http://aristotleeng.com/ http://store.coueswhitetail.com/rifle-rests/
  15. azhuntnut

    Packs and camo.... Cheap

    Dan, I sent you an email, but I'm not sure if you still use that one. I can grab that stuff and ship it over to you. David
  16. azhuntnut

    WTS Badlands Superday w/ Camelbak Hydration Bladder

    Shot you a text. David
  17. azhuntnut

    Packs and camo.... Cheap

    I will take the tripod. Sent you a text. David
  18. azhuntnut

    Camp Verde Motels

    I can't remember the name of the hotel, but I stayed in the one that is just east of I17 on the north side of the road when you get off at the McDonald's exit. I think it's called the Days Inn. I got a room with a microwave and small kitchen. I stayed for three days during a deer hunt. David
  19. azhuntnut

    105 December coues 3x3

    Very nice buck Tyler. I really like the dark horns. It's something how we get more patient as we get older. David
  20. azhuntnut

    2013 Archery Rocky Mtn Bighorn Sheep Video

    Great lookin sheep. That is the type of memory that will always be with you. Not only do you have a great story to tell for the rest of your life, you also have an outstanding video to go along with it. I'm trying for the same tag so I can join the exclusive archery sheep club. David
  21. I know two game officers that handle this area. I will call them and see if they can give me any info for you. David
  22. azhuntnut

    FREE $50 Cert. Independence Training

    I would like the certificate if it is still available. David
  23. azhuntnut

    Poaching a lion - updated with pics

    Over the last three years I have had the opportunity to witness a bunch of lions up close. I have seen five lions in one night all within a two square mile area. Within this three years, the deer population in the area has been reduced so much that it would amaze you. I used to see at least twenty to thirty deer a day without even trying. Now I am lucky to see 5. Lions are killing machines and will clean out an area and then move on to another. A lion that I shot two years ago was aged at almost two years old, but it still had the black stripes on its legs and everybody was thinking it was just a baby. The young lions in your pics would most likely survive on skunks and rabbits with no problem. David
  24. azhuntnut

    Nocturnal muley

    Got a lot of pics of this buck, but only at night. I have him on two different cams about a half mile apart. David
  25. azhuntnut

    Nocturnal muley

    The camera is on a trail the deer have been using for years. He hasn't shown up for a couple weeks now, but another one has moved into his place. I have also gotten pics of pigs, raccoons, bobcat, coyote, quail, roadrunner, and skunk. I'm surprised I have gotten a lion yet. Here is a pic of a different buck from a camera about 1000 yards away. Then I have this young buck that is always interested in the camera. David