Devil Diver, there are a lot of variables when it comes to yields on wild game. A few of these are:
Cleanliness of the carcass
Shot number/placement
Outside/inside fat content
Health of the animal
As a general rule, with a good one shot kill on a healthy animal that is found immediately after it dies, field dressed properly, skinned immediately and kept clean, you should yield approximately 50-55% of the hanging carcass weight. Please also consider that if you weigh the animal on a bathroom scale or other non platform scale , you may not be getting an accurate weight on the finished product. If an animal is broken down into pieces in the field, has excessive outside/inside fat, shot multiple times, slightly/extremely dirty or hairy or is in poor physical condition your yields will be proportionately less. Whether you process yourself at home or at a processing facility, you will trim excessive fat, dry outside covering, all bloodshot meats and any dirt or hair on or in the carcass.
108 lbs. on a 240 lb. carcass is 24lbs light of what a perfect carcass should yield (120 lbs) or average yield is more realistic and 12 lbs light.
Hope this information is helpful.
Mike Miller
Southwestern Processing Inc.