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Everything posted by twigsnapper

  1. twigsnapper

    15x bino dilema

    Thanks guys, I sold both my other pairs and found a used set of Kaibabs for a great deal. I will move up to the swaros as soon as the budget will allow. Now my next questions is what is you all's favorite tripod adapter. The Kaibabs come with the Jim White unidapter but I don't love it. Should I go with the outdoorsmans one or the Swarovski one. Thanks again!
  2. twigsnapper

    Recipes while out in the sticks...

    We prefer to grill: steaks, pork chops, chicken breasts, burgers, brauts, We also boil veggies: corn, potatos Bagged salad is super tasty after a hard day in the field. We try to avoid doing dishes as much as possible. Dutch oven liners rock!!!!
  3. twigsnapper

    Recipes while out in the sticks...

    Like these ideas. I Always take extra aluminum foil and put a double laying in the bottom of the pot or pan. No dishes. Love me some Dinty Moore stew!!!
  4. twigsnapper

    Giant Sportsman Yard Sale

    I should be there. Here is a quick list of items I would take to sell. Ramsey 5000lb winch on portable hitch mount, Cargo box for quad, front hitch for 88-98 chevy, folding quad ramps, sure fire flashlight, cargo hitch rack, binos, broadheads, nice camos, carter release. How many sellers are there?
  5. twigsnapper


    I have two: 1) I'm chasing Antelope with my brother about 10 years ago in Wyoming. A fresh blanket of snow had cover the ground and it was cold. Mid morning I had to go #2. My brother was driving so he pulls over. I'm leaning against the rear bumper(there are no bushes to hide behind only sage brush) doing my business, when my brother says, "Oh s%%%%% big goat grab your gun!" Kinda tough to grab your gun and wipe at the same time, let me tell ya. I could tell by the sound of his voice that he wasn't messing with me. I didn't even take the time to pull my red long-johns over my shoulders. I grabbed my 7mag and my back pack from the truck, laid down in the snow with no shirt and my red long-johns hanging out and shot the antelope! When I stood up to look back at my brother he had almost fallen out of the truck in laughter. To make the story even better I forgot to put the knives back in the truck from the day before and we had to use an old two blade broad-head to clean the antelope. 2) I had an archery bull tag in 2008 for 6a. My brother and I were sitting up high on some rocks eating lunch around noon. Across the canyon was a hunter who must have been practicing his Bugling cause he probably bugled for 20 minutes straight. Drove us nuts! The best part was, this other hunter was calling in a nice 6x6 the whole time and never knew it. We watched the bull come in silent across the hillside from a long-long ways off. After about 20 minutes the other hunter quits bugling and heads down the canyon. Not even two minutes later and the big 6x6 was sniffing the exact spot where the hunter had been sitting! I learned two things, we think we know way more about elk then we do, and you don't have to be a great caller to bring in nice elk.
  6. twigsnapper

    Hunting mistakes and misses

    Love it!!!!!
  7. twigsnapper

    Hitch Mounted Rasmey Winch 5000LB

    I have a 5000 Lb Ramsey winch mounted on a removable quick mount. This set up is $849 on Northern tool. Mine is a little older but in good working order and has not been abused. I Just can't mount a hitch I like on the front of my H3. Just like this one: http://www.northerntool.com/shop/tools/product_808_808 $550 obo or trade for Kaibabs plus cash or a nice tent: Cabelas Guide Series or Kodiak Canvas Pics to come call text or email Andy 602-881-O61O
  8. twigsnapper

    Drawing Results Contest "OVER"

    My crystal ball says: July 19 2:42pm AZ time
  9. After getting you guys's advice I am sell my 15x60 Docters and my 15x50 Vipers. I am trying to move up to a set of Kaibabs or SLC 15's. The Docters are the Nobilem model. They are in very nice shape and come with Objective lens covers, ocular lens covers, tripod adapter, bino strap and Crooked Horn bino Shield. I also have a new set of Vipers in box with everything. I have never had them in the field. Docters-$650 obo Vipers-$390 I would trade them both for a set of Kaibabs straight across or a set of SLC's plus cash. call, text or email me if interested 602-881-0610
  10. twigsnapper

    Hunting mistakes and misses

    After many years of trying I finally convinced my Dad to make the trip from WY and come chase pigs with his bow. It had been a few years since we hunted together but we got on pigs opening morning. As we are creeping in on the pigs my Dad is in front of me but as all hunters new to pig hunting he was walking way to fast and he must have envisioned some huge oinkers because he was not seeing the heard standing still at maybe 20 yards. I tried the pissst, pissst, hey pops, whisper but he wouldn't stop walking. Opening day came and went as my Dad stomped by pig after pig. Finally at dinner I say "Dad, why don't you stop when I tell you to." His response "I can't hear sh@# anymore, and I never heard you" For the rest of the hunt I had to carry a pocket full of rocks and every time I needed him to slow down or stop I would reach into my pocket and pelt him in the back with a stone. The next time I saw him he was sporting a new set of hearing aids! My Mom road him for years and he never got em but one failed pig hunting trip was all it took.
  11. twigsnapper

    This post is for the dogs

    My 2 year old goldendoodle Rugby is the best Dog I have ever had. Whether we are glassing elk/deer/sheep or working on the cars he is always right there. If he hears me pick up my keys he is sitting at the back door ready to go before I find my wallet and shades. And man does he get pissed if I leave the house before sun-up and he doesn't get to go! All dressed up Fixing broke shock:he told me it was a bad idea! Elk hunt last year: he packed out a backstrap First Scouting trip 10 weeks old