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Everything posted by twigsnapper

  1. twigsnapper

    Tripods for sale

    I have three used tripods for sale. They are all in good shape with no defects other than a little wear from use. Slik 330 with Slik ballhead and quick detach plate. (Bought from Jim White at archery shoot last summer). $75 Slik 330 with Slik panhead and quick detach plate. (bought from a buddy) $85 Velbon Ultra Lux with Velbon Panhead (picked up in Cabelas Bargain cave) Cabelas Pirce $169, my Price $125 I am selling because I picked up a use Outdoorsmans tripod. Thanks Call, PM or Text Andy 602-881-0610
  2. twigsnapper

    Bushenell 10x42 Elite ED glass

    Pm sent
  3. twigsnapper

    Pre-made camp meals

    Instant Oat meal, not home cookin but it is super easy and sticks to your ribs. I bought some that came pre-packaged with a little bowl(like $1.50 each too) for our youth deer hunt two weeks ago and it was a hit. Just boil water when making some coffee in the am and bam! Warm breakfast.
  4. twigsnapper

    Quad Abuse

    The last thing we all need is more regulation!!!!! It is all on the shoulders of the operator. I use a quad often. I would submit that responsible quad use causes less damage to roads then using a truck or suv, but remember I used the term responsible. My old Honda starts everytime and she has seen some nasty roads and she only cost me $2000 and that was 10 years ago. No way I am tearing up a $20-30K pickup or Jeep, just can't afford it. Don't like quads then hunt wilderness or just get off the roads. Use a pickup or suv when the terrain allows and a quad when it doesn't. I have seen plenty of idiots with big ole jacked up trucks stuck way too far back in as well. It's all about the operator. Maybe the G&F should have a idiot hunting season and a non-idiot hunting season
  5. twigsnapper

    Recent history of Spring draw results

    That's a low blow!!
  6. twigsnapper

    Recent history of Spring draw results

    OHHHH, I love rumors and AZLance that is a juicy one for sure!!!!
  7. twigsnapper


    My work schedule dictates my scouting. I also like to scout during hunting seasons, helps understand hunting pressures and animal movements. However if scouting during a hunt I am very cautious and careful not to pressure animals or crowd hunters. my 2 cents
  8. When I moved to AZ in 2003 I had no idea what Outdoorsmans meant. All I knew: it was a magical place that sold great tripods that were way out of the budget for a broke college kid. Fast forward 8 years. We are on our deer hunt this year and my uncle's Outdoorsmans tripod comes apart in a spot where it is not built to come apart. I felt bad for my uncle but deep down inside I am thinking "see now you know why I don't spend that kind of money for a tripod, they all break eventually" He limped through our hunt with his busted tripod and we had a great hunt. Last Friday night at dinner he tells me that he went over to the magical place(Outdoorsmans) to buy a replacement part for his tripod. After completely taking apart the tripod, cleaning every piece, dumping out the pound of sand from the legs, and reassembly with the new part there was no charge!!! None at all, zip, zero, nada. The only hassle they gave him was for packing around all the extra weight from the years of sand packed into the legs Even my uncle was blown away, after all, the tripod is at least 9-11 years old, never been maintenance and never been left at home either. Yes, Outdoorsmans tripods are worth the money, every hard earned penny. I admit I don't own one yet but I will, soon. PS. I have a couple nice used tripods for sale
  9. twigsnapper

    Wanted Tripod with pan head

    I just picked up a Velbon Ultra Lux at Cabelas in the bargain cave. They retail for 169.99 I would take $145. It has the Velbon Panhead that is sold here on CW.com It's used, but barely. thx http://www.cabelas.com/product/Velbon-Ultra-Tripod/1210043.uts?Ntk=AllProducts&searchPath=%2Fcatalog%2Fsearch.cmd%3Fform_state%3DsearchForm%26N%3D0%26fsch%3Dtrue%26Ntk%3DAllProducts%26Ntt%3Dvelbon%26x%3D16%26y%3D10%26WTz_l%3DHeader%253BSearch-All%2BProducts%253BSearch-All%2BProducts&Ntt=velbon&WTz_l=Header%3BSearch-All+Products%3BSearch-All+Products
  10. twigsnapper

    credit card hit!

    My buddy put in for a combo unit archery javelina tag which usually has several hundred left overs but he has not been charged yet. Anybody else have a similar experience? I am worried the online system has killed the odds.
  11. twigsnapper

    Outdoorsmans Tripods worth the money?

    One thing I didn't know until recently is they are manufactured right here in AZ as well. Just a thought.
  12. twigsnapper

    credit card hit!

    $36.00 is probably 2 turkey tags $25.50-$7.50 = $18.00, x 2 = $36 Congrats Thanks GCMBOB
  13. twigsnapper

    credit card hit!

    Looks like me or my wife got a bear tag! What would equal a $36 charge? Can't figure that one out.
  14. twigsnapper

    best bang for the buck

    I used the 15x50 Vipers for years and loved them. I sold a pair of 15x60 Docters and a pair of 15x50 Vipers to get some Kaibabs. The Docter's are great but they are big, heavy and aren't worth a dang if you wear glasses. Buy a set of 15x50 Vipers and you will get great use of them and then move up when the budget allows. For a long time I used a Slik Sprint tripod with a Slik ball head(bought from Jim White) but once I moved up the the heavier Kaibabs I was not happy with the tripod so I moved up to panhead! Heavy binos like the Docters or Minox 15x56 require more stability IMO. I hear the new HD's are nice!!! PS. I loaned my Vipers my brother, hes lives in Wyo, he called me on a WED and said he could not get the Vipers to focus and he was headed hunting SAT. I called Vortex and they were going to overnight out a loaner pair so he had some 15's for his hunt. Turns out he didn't know how to adjust the diapter Vortex service is great. Jim White is a Vortex dealer you might give him a call For what its worth you might check out Brunton Eterna 15x51's on Ebay. I had them for a back up pair, they were not as good as the Vipers but they are around $300 shipped to your door. Great service too!!!
  15. twigsnapper

    Take the time

    Great post, we can all slow down a bit in life. Also take more pictures and keep a diary in the field. I hunted/camped lots with my grandfather and now that he is gone I would love to have a pic of him and I chopping wood or setting up a tent. Because it's part of what I do, for goodness sake if you don't have enough money in the bank to take care of your family if you are gone, go buy some life insurance! We insure our cars, boats, toyhaulers, quads, homes, but we all too often forget the most important thing: our family. Glad to hear you are ok.
  16. twigsnapper

    tough times and drastic measures

    Sell your wife and keep the hunting gear! Just kidding, I was in your shoes in 2008 and I sold most of my stuff, optics, bows, tool boxes, BBQ all kinds of stuff. It is only stuff and it can be replaced. Now I am back on my feet and even got some better stuff.
  17. twigsnapper

    House Broken Into, Everything Gone

    My Aunt N Uncle had their house broken into about a year ago in Peoria and had tons stolen.(25 firearms) I am sorry to hear about your stuff elk77hunter. I learned a ton from their experience. Here is a little insight: Pawn shops are flooded with tools so they leave them alone cause they just can't get much for them and they are heavy. The only reason they didn't take you guns is they were in the safe. Sounds like all the stuff they took was light and for the most part impossible to track. In my uncles case, of the 25 fire arms that were taken he only had serial numbers from about 7 of them. Many of the guns were gifts from grandparents as we have generations of hunters in our family. The 7 they had serial numbers for were purchased recently. They have gotten 5 of the 7 back. They have not gotten any of the guns that they did not have serial numbers back and some were rare and very sentimental. I can go on for hours about this but here are a few quick tips: typically your renters or home owners insurance only covers a couple thousand dollars in personal items so you will need an additional rider for things like guns, optics, jewelry ect..... but it is usually a few bucks a month, heck a couple thousand won't even cover one set of bino's for some people. I know elk77hunter did not lose any firearms but this is the best tip I have ever heard. If you have firearms or expensive outdoor items take pics of each one and also take a pic of the serial #(don't forget optics n GPS), then email the pics to yourself and your hunting buddy and make him do the same to you. Make a folder in your email labeled "kids homework" or something silly in case you leave your email open. If your house burns down and you have the serial numbers written down on a note in your desk well guess what? The other thing is if you have pics of your guns and stuff in your email you can easily send them to pawnshops, police, insurance company, whoever........ This takes literally about an hour and if you involve your buddy you will have some accountability to someone else. Once again sorry to hear about your loss... PS. with the help of the few serial numbers from my uncles case the police were able to make a couple arrests in a drug ring, kinda cool
  18. twigsnapper

    went and checked on an old friend!

    Love this story, I had a bull in 6A I named "one eyed willy" He had one horn that was just a huge sword no points but it was super long and his other side was a perfect six. The first time I saw him was on my archey bull hunt in 08, then on cow hunts in 09 and 10. I got a smile whenever I saw him. Didn't get up there this year though.
  19. twigsnapper

    2011 my first Bull Elk Hunt adventure, begins today!!

    It's only a hunting tale until we see pics! Can't wait.
  20. twigsnapper

    Early Rifle Bull Trifecta

    Good work, I have a feeling that it had more to do with experience then luck.
  21. twigsnapper

    Wallow Fire

    Here's my 2, I mean 10 cents: I don't now these two guys from Sunday but there are a few things that seem @$$ backwards with our system as a whole. Chances are these two don't have any assets to take so why fine them at all? If they truly did not have criminal intent then I think we can all agree that they have suffered more personal anguish and heartbreak for their actions then any monetary punishment can ever bring. Also, if you slap a big fine on them you do two things: One, put a huge amount of pressure on them financially which only hurts their landlords, finance companies, other people they owe, employers ect.. so if you fine them who really gets punished? Two, it gives the government more money to improperly spend. The best thing these guys can do is pull up there boots, go to work and try to create as much awareness for their mistake and make as much money as possible to increase their contributions(taxes) to help fix future problems. If the theory is true about the improper response time then we have to believe there is some truth to these guy's word, right? The only thing that doesn't add up for me is why the dogs were tied to the tree and did not go on the hike? Call me crazy but when I take Rugby(see this ones for the dogs) to the woods the last thing I do is tie him to a tree in camp while I go out looking for berries? Also, government agencies have no immediate accountability. We pay their salaries yet they tell us what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. Yet when they screw up it takes us forever if ever to get a resolution. If a government Official is held accountable for an "alleged" improper action/reaction they will long be retired and milking their fat pension paid for by who? Aw yes friends, you and me and the two fellas who "allegedly" started the blaze. Pissed off Hunter/Tax payer... Andy
  22. twigsnapper

    Fantasy Football

    I'm in. I like ESPN and I strongly vote for a pay league! People are more accountable in a pay league and we could donate the money to Coueswhitetail.com Say $20 entry, half goes to Coues and the other half to the champ! Also I say we do an autodraft if we have some fantasy football rookies. My 2 cents, either way I'm in!!!
  23. twigsnapper

    15x bino dilema

    It is not that I don't like it but I just am not in love with it and wanted to hear opinions on the other options.
  24. twigsnapper

    15x bino dilema

    I am new here and I know this is an old topic of discussion but I need some advice. I have Vortex Viper 15x50 and have used them for years and they have served me well, however, I just traded for a nice set of Docter Nobilem 15x60's which seem to be great. I sat next to my buddy last Sunday and his 15x56 SLC's did not appear any better then the Docters. My questions to all you experienced 15x bino owners is what would you do if you were me? Sell both my 15's and buy Kaibabs or SLC's? Keep the Docters? My biggest concern is service if I need it on the Docters. Any input is appreciated.
  25. twigsnapper

    15x bino dilema

    Thanks guys, I sold both my other pairs and found a used set of Kaibabs for a great deal. I will move up to the swaros as soon as the budget will allow. Now my next questions is what is you all's favorite tripod adapter. The Kaibabs come with the Jim White unidapter but I don't love it. Should I go with the outdoorsmans one or the Swarovski one. Thanks again!