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Everything posted by gearsnagger

  1. Great to see another sheep eating devil cat laid low! :blink: Great job on the write up Mark - Do they use that little doggy as bait?
  2. gearsnagger

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    My assumption is that he is referring to Pittman Robinson/ Dingell Johnson money that was passed back in the 1930's Yes ,,,, and the increases since it's inception! :huh: What's your point? Mandile!!!
  3. gearsnagger

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    Yup, I was aware of all that. When did the G&F go in the red and what did those funds have to do with this? "Prior to this the AZGFD was the only state agency operating in the black , this is because of the xtra sales tax hunters and fishermen pay every time they by gear ... We voted to have this tax under the conditions the money be spent on wildlife conservation , the politicians did the same thing then - Declaring an emergency so the money could be swept into the general fund to pay off Arizona's deficit!" "Did not say the F&G was in the red" -- Put words in your own mouth or shut the front door! "Declaring an emergency so the money could be swept into the general fund to pay off Arizona's deficit![/b]" Is the relevant tidbit , it's about the crooked a$$ politicians closed door late night pull the wool legislating.... Are you dense or are you trying to actually make a point! This style of legislation is still happening! This bill is just another example of it! Once the politicians get a hold on your money/revenue/resources/tags/ect. they won't let go!!! Any more questions ,,, "Mandile"
  4. gearsnagger

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    This is the second time you have posted this. Do you have a reference for EXACTLY when and where this occurred? OK Tony M you just had to make me dig didn't ya? Here is an article about this! In case you did not see this...From Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife Conservation: "Arizona Sportsmen Send Petition to Arizona Game & Fish Commission Urging Commission to Oppose Sweeps of Sportsmen's Dollars" "The Legislature and Governor's Office swept $7,560,695 from the Arizona Game & Fish Department (AGFD) to balance the 2008 budget deficit. The funding sweeps included $4,732,700 from the Watercraft License Fund, $395,000 from Off Highway Vehicle Recreation Fund and $2,827,600 from the Game and Fish Fund (La Osa Sheep Settlement money). In addition, another $5,600,000 ( $1,500,000 from the Off-highway Vehicle Recreation Fund and $4,100,000 from the State Lake Improvement Fund) were swept from the State Parks Department. The Legislature is now struggling with an enormous budget deficit for 2009 estimated to be in the range of $2.2 to $2.5 Billion. Where will the money come from? That is the $64 question. Arizona's sportsmen feel strongly that "No Money be Swept from the Arizona Game & Fish Department". Why should these funds be held harmless? First and foremost, AGFD monies are not general fund money. The primary source of AGFD funds is sportsmen's dollars. Except for $10 Million annually from Heritage Fund (funding source for Heritage Fund is Lottery Revenues); $7-8 Million annually in Wildlife Conservation Funds (funding source is the Indian Gaming Initiative) and $300,000 from the Non-game Fund (Source is an income tax check-off) virtually all other AGFD money comes directly from sportsmen's pocketbooks through license and permit fees, sure charges, and excise tax on hunting and fishing equipment and ammunition. Aproximately 80% of AGFD's revenue in any given year is generated by sportsmen. Sportsmen have time and again asked the legislature to increase the fees that they pay. The Joint Legislative Budget Committee estimated that the most recent fee increase in 2005 would yield a 30% increase in revenues to the AGFD by 2009. A similar amount was generated from the previous fee increase in 1999. And these fee increases were not easy to obtain as both increases required a super majority vote of the legislature. Sportsmen know just how difficult it is to get the state to repay swept funds for Arizona's wildlife. In 2006, AZSFW asked the Legislature to repay $15 million in funds that had been swept over the prior four years. Mind you this was a time when the state was flush with dollars and voted to increase their total budget expenditures by approximately 9%. After an aggressive campaign, AZSFW felt fortunate to obtain a general fund appropriation of $3.5 million for critical wildlife habitat projects. It is time for the Legislature to stand tall and cut general fund programs and require that general fund agencies live within their means rather than stealing money from agencies that do not receive dedicated non-general fund revenue dollars. Sportsmen are asking the Arizona Game & Fish Commission to support them in their effort to keep AGFD funds from being swept. While the Commission has been asked twice to pass a motion opposing all game & fish fund sweeps, they have yet to act on this important issue. Sportsmen's groups including Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife, Wildlife Conservation Council, National Rifle Association-ILA, Arizona Wildlife Federation, Arizona Deer Association, Arizona Elk Society, Arizona Desert Bighorn Sheep Society, Arizona Antelope Foundation, Anglers United, Arizona Chapter Safari Club International, Arizona Flycasters Club, Arizona Bowhunter's Association, Christian Bowhunter's Association, Arizona Trappers Association, Yuma Valley Rod & Gun Club, Navajo County Sportsmen's Club, Southeastern Arizona Sportsmen's Club, Southern Arizona Sportsmen's Alliance, Mohave Sportsmen's Club, Arizona Predator Callers, Southern Arizona Wildlife Callers and Xtreme Predator Callers LLC have all signed onto the petition. Arizona's wildlife does not have a voice at the Legislature or the Governor's Office. It is only through sportsmen that the case for wildlife can be voiced. With drought conditions and habitat reduction it is imperative that Sportsmen advocate for wildlife. The Arizona Game & Fish Commission should also advocate on behalf of wildlife by strongly opposing all sweeps of AGFD revenue. Failure to do so brings into question a legitimate concern that must be answered. Is the Arizona Game & Fish Commission fulfilling its fiduciary duty to protect and maintain Arizona's wildlife and its habitat? Not only must the Commission do its part, sportsmen must act today to save wildlife dollars from being swept. You can help by contacting your legislator and the Governor's Office and asking them not to sweep any Arizona Game & Fish Department funds. Ask them to hold general fund agencies accountable and not allow them to steal wildlife dollars. Your help is needed today. To find out how you can help click here:" http://www.arizonasportsmenforwildl...lltoaction.html __________________ Jim Warren Pinetop, AZ 520-237-5824 © 928-358-1233 (h) oldgobbler@flash.net "The government cannot give to anyone anything that it does not first take from someone else" - "Rich men save and spend what's left. Poor men spend and save what's left!" Authors Unknown
  5. gearsnagger

    Tom Lion

    Yes you houndsmen are the bear in the cave , don't git alL butt hurt over my comments - Great cat you caught - Ted Turner is still a POS!
  6. gearsnagger

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    During Janet Napolitanos term the money in the AZGFD was lumped into the general fund ... Prior to this the AZGFD was the only state agency operating in the black , this is because of the xtra sales tax hunters and fishermen pay every time they by gear ... We voted to have this tax under the conditions the money be spent on wildlife conservation , the politicians did the same thing then - Declaring an emergency so the money could be swept into the general fund to pay off Arizona's deficit! This new bill doesn't add or benefit conservation directly because the money from the tag sales is still going into the general fund to be used for non AZGFD purposes , until this is changed our tax and tag fees are not being managed with the sportsmen in mind!
  7. gearsnagger

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    There just ain't enough Governors tags as it is so the rich folk can't go hunting????? BOO HOO This is probably Outfitter and Guide driven!$ $ $ The next step is land owners/grazing rights tags again $ Outfitter and Guide biz driven$! When I get drawn for a hunt I have waited years for I sure as heck don't want some rich a$$hole and his guide anywhere in the unit! Just make a few more governors tags and leave the draw tags for the working folks! Just another way that whitey keeps us down!
  8. gearsnagger

    Tom Lion

    Congrat's on a great lion! Ted Turner and the Ladder Ranch , oooooh now there is a choice source of information! :lol: You sound like a college educated expert... :lol:
  9. gearsnagger


    The cost of an out of state hunt is probably close to the amount you could get a Az Govenors tag for!
  10. gearsnagger

    Less Elk Permits, Increase Tag Fee ?

    Thank Janet Napolitano and her cronie game commissioners for the tag and fee increase's ... They are the ones that lumped the $$$ from the AZGFD into the general fund! These idiots looked at the tag fee's as a source to pay off Arizona's state deficit! Prior to this the AZGFD was the only state agency operating in the black. Perhaps with the new game commissioners Jan Brewer has appointed some of the damage can be reversed! I am all for less tags for elk and for deer... but I don't want to pay more for them! The extra sales tax that we pay for hunting and fishing gear needs to stay in the AZGFD and not be swept in the states general fund! Sportsman voted to pay the extra sales tax's under the condition the $ would be used for hunting , fishing and wildlife conservation! There would be no reason to rise tag and License fees if this $ was used as intended!
  11. gearsnagger


    It lived a full and long life as did many of the animals my friends had. I do not know of anyone whom released them back into the wild. It wouldn't make much sense to do that. Oh it was your friends wolfdog or you gave it to your friends ........? Halfbreeds always have a hard life wether it be man or beast , take for example Lark I heard he was a Morman - More man than woman... :lol: :lol:Just kidin Lark just kidin... Seriously Griz tell us more about your dogwolf! Check out this video about wolves!
  12. gearsnagger


    Yes these hybrids have been around for a long time - Many states and counties have laws prohibiting owning or breeding these dogxwolves and in Arizona it is illegal to release these hybrids into the wild a law I happen to agree with! As far as being an expert I probably know more about predators than most of the agenda driven retards in the Mexican Grey program! What happened to your wolfxdog?
  13. gearsnagger


    Chimpanzee and Human DNA are 99% the same - Whats your point! Monkey's can scratch their heads also?????? :lol: So by your thinking it would be OK to release Chimpxhumans into the jungle or have them as pet's , maybe even work for you oh that's it train one to scratch your head! :lol: Would it make you feel closer to nature?
  14. gearsnagger

    private property

    Real Property laws are state laws! County laws do not supersede state laws concerning real estate issues! Bill Quimby posted the Arizona law concerning posting of private property...He is correct!
  15. gearsnagger


    Even though Lark has to get computer help from his 12 year old neighbor kid he is intelligent enough to recognize when he is being lied to! Here is another 2011 news piece from Alaska about hybrids - The DNA testing for wolfxdogs is now simple enough that the local Sheriff dept could get it done... Troopers test for wolf DNA at Valley tourist business Hybrids linked operation may be involved in attacks on people By CASEY GROVE casey.grove@adn.com By CASEY GROVEcasey.grove@adn.com Published: June 17th, 2011 12:13 PM Last Modified: June 17th, 2011 03:06 PM PALMER -- Alaska Wildlife Troopers served a search warrant Thursday on Wolf Country USA, testing the DNA of dozens of suspected wolves or wolf hybrids. Story tools 125 Comments mi.commenting.displayCommentCount(); E-mail a friend Print var tmpURL = window.location.href; function im_story() { var action; msg = 'aim:goim?'; msg += 'message='; msg += tmpURL; document.Form.action = msg; document.Form.submit(); } function newsvine_story() { window.open('http://www.newsvine.com/_wine/save?popoff=1&u="' + tmpURL + '"','newsvine','toolbar=no,width=590,height=600,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes') } Share on Facebook Digg this Seed Newsvine Send link via AIMTweet this Font size : A | A | A tool name close tool goes here Troopers say the roadside attraction, north of Palmer, recently billed itself online as home of "the largest wolfpack" in the state, even though it's illegal to possess wolves in Alaska without a state permit. The business holds no such permit, officials say. Dog-wolf hybrids are illegal as pets under any circumstances. Troopers say they also are investigating reports of attacks on kids and pets by wolf hybrids thought to have been born at Wolf Country USA. Werner Schuster, 80, who owns the gift shop and animal enclosure with his wife, said he hasn't broken any laws. For more than seven hours, the investigators seized documents, pictures and two or three computers, Schuster said. They also tranquilized his animals, swabbed the insides of their mouths to collect DNA and implanted the animals with microchips, he said. "I can't see any rhyme or reason. It's just idiotic," Schuster said. "They're going to put me out of business." DOG OR WOLF? In particular, authorities were looking for evidence of the possession and sale of wolves and wolf hybrids as well as evidence of game meat being used as animal food, the search warrant said. "The main reason we're here is it's a public safety issue," said trooper Lt. Bernard Chastain. "One case we had recently is we had an 8-year-old boy bit in the face, and that was a wolf hybrid." One woman told troopers she paid the Schusters $500 for what she believed to be a purebred timber wolf, according to a trooper affidavit. Genetic testing showed the animal, which bit a person earlier this year in Chugiak, was part wolf, troopers said. Fish and Game officials say wolf hybrids can be unpredictable and possibly more dangerous than their purebred cousins. "In addition to having the prey drive and willingness to bite someone, they (might) lose their wariness of humans because of the dog genetics," said Fish and Game spokeswoman Cathie Harms. ADVERTISEMENT Advertisement Schuster said he hadn't heard the stories of hybrids attacking humans. "Just cause a wolf does something, they're going to blame all the other wolves?" he asked. Nobody's been bitten at Wolf Country USA, Schuster said. Out back, some of the animals were still drowsy from the testing. One, named Sir Lancelot, slept under a tree. Another, Sheeba, walked back and forth, chained to large metal pipe protruding from the ground. "We've seen kids come up and feed 'em, kiss 'em," Schuster said. "I'm not saying they're all meek and gentle. Some of 'em I don't even go to, but that's their culture." NEW DNA TEST In an effort to eliminate wolf hybrids from Alaska, the Board of Game in 2002 expanded rules to make it illegal to own, breed, market or sell wolf hybrids. Existing hybrids could remain alive if their owners got them neutered or spayed, implanted with a microchip, licensed and vaccinated. But all valid hybrid permits have since lapsed, Harms said. If unregistered animals born after 2002 prove to be wolves or closely related, Wolf Country owners Werner and Gail Schuster could be breaking the law, said Chastain, the trooper lieutenant. "That's the problem in this situation, because it's this year's puppies, this year's litter," Chastain said. The state prohibition on wolf hybrids has historically been difficult to prosecute because authorities had no conclusive DNA test, troopers said. A new saliva test recently became available, allowing for Thursday's testing, Chastain said. There were about 40 animals being tested, Schuster said as he sat on a wooden picnic table in front of his store. That included about 30 adults and 10 pups, he said. Schuster said he's "done the wolf thing" -- showing his animals to visitors -- about 25 years. All the animals are registered with the American Kennel Club as huskies, he said. "There's no such thing as 100 percent wolf. It's what you call 'em that makes it illegal," he said. When pressed, Schuster called the animals wolves, which is what he tells visitors, who, for $10, can "adopt" the animals for a week. "Yeah, they're wolves. They're wolves," he said. And the tests would likely come back saying as much, Schuster admitted. "They'll just come and put 'em all down," he said. "Of course we're worried. Those are our babies." THE INVESTIGATION This isn't the first time authorities have visited Wolf Country USA. In 1991, troopers seized 540 marijuana plants found at Schuster's home, according to reports at the time. He was convicted of growing pot and stealing electricity from Matanuska Electric Association. More recently, troopers say that three separate investigations into illegal possession of wolf hybrids in Anchorage and Mat-Su pointed authorities to Wolf Country USA as a source for the animals. As early as December of 2010, troopers interviewed Ronald West, an Anchorage man accused of owning an illegal hybrid, the troopers affidavit said. The animal had escaped its restraints and killed a neighbor's dog, troopers said. West told an investigator that he couldn't understand why he was being prosecuted for his animal when Wolf Country USA was home to dozens more -- some being used for breeding. Troopers looked up the business's website, finding a link advertising what appeared to be wolf puppies for sale, the affidavit says. Another tip came the next month, when Anchorage-area Fish and Game biologist Jessy Coltrane told troopers of another wolf hybrid. The animal had bitten a person Jan. 8 in Chugiak, she said. When investigators talked to one of the owners, the man said he'd bought the animal from Wolf Country USA, troopers said. Troopers sent a blood sample of the animal to the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory at the University of California, Davis. It was part wolf, the tests concluded. BAD FOR BUSINESS YouTube videos posted in October 2009 by a visitor to Wolf Country USA show Schuster saying three of the animals appeared in the 2007 film "Into the Wild," the trooper affidavit said. In the clips, Schuster can be heard talking about selling animals to customers in Holland, Japan and Denver. The Denver buyers spent $30,000 building a 10-foot-high fence for their wolf, Schuster said, according to troopers. Along with wolf-viewing, Wolf Country sells gifts like wooden clocks and totem poles, Schuster said Thursday as troopers searched his property. The effort forced him to temporarily close, putting a damper on business, he said. A man and a woman in a motor home pulled into the parking lot as Schuster talked. They walked toward the door next to a neon "Open" sign that was now unlit. The woman held a camera and wore a visor. "We're closed," Schuster said, offering no other explanation as the couple left, glancing at the trooper vehicles parked in front. A tour of Wolf Country USA uploaded to YouTube Daily News reporter Kyle Hopkins contributed to this report. Copyright 2012 . All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. placeAd(); if(getCookies("fontSize")){ var mySize = getCookies("fontSize"); changeStyles(mySize); //alert(mySize); } var comment_display = getCookies("adn_comments_pref"); var comment_exp = new Date();comment_exp.setDate(comment_exp.getDate() + 730); function hide(){setCookie("adn_comments_pref","1",comment_exp, "/", ".adn.com", "");$("#commentingStage").html("");$(".hide_comments").addClass("hide_comment");$(".show_comments").removeClass("hide_comment");$(".comWrapper").addClass("hide_comment");} function show(){setCookie("adn_comments_pref","",comment_exp, "/", ".adn.com", ""); $(".show_comments").addClass("hide_comment");$(".hide_comments").removeClass("hide_comment");$(".comWrapper").removeClass("hide_comment");mi.commenting.display();} Read more here: http://www.adn.com/2011/06/16/1920515/troopers-test-for-hybrids-at-valley.html#storylink=cpy
  16. gearsnagger


    The problem with wolfxdog hybrid's is the loss of fear/shyness of man - this is a well known documented fact! This is not a natural trait...... This is not a problem with sharks , bears and other wild beasts that xbreed.... The key word being wild , as in not domesticated! I am all for having wild populations of bears , lion's , wolves , sharks - I am against introducing wolfxdog hybrids and using it as a ploy to highjack the game management programs of other wild species... Like I stated and supported with scientific fact the animals in the Mexican Greys in the AZ and NM program could not have been DNA tested because the test did not exist until 2008.... They need to be tested now that the technology is available! Go eat your sardine's or herring's somewhere else and take your Jimmy Jone's lemonade with ya too!
  17. gearsnagger


    First off, I find the pictures of the canines in flagrante delicto to be gratuitous at best, uncalled for and offensive at worst. I just thought they was wrestling a bit!
  18. gearsnagger


    Here is a National Geographic write up on wolfXcoyote... Coyote-Wolf Hybrids Have Spread Across U.S. East Predators bred with Great Lakes wolves, then moved south, DNA shows. Coyote picture: A coyote in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia. A coyote is seen in Virginia's Shenandoah National Park in June. Photograph by Elijah Goodwin, Whimbrel Nature Photography Christine Dell'Amore National Geographic News Published November 7, 2011 Hybrid offspring of coyotes and wolves have spread south along the eastern seaboard, a new DNA study confirms. Scientists already knew that some coyotes, which have been gradually expanding their range eastward, mated with wolves in the Great Lakes (map) region. The pairings created viable hybrid offspring—identified by their DNA and skulls—that have been found in mid-Atlantic states such as New York and Pennsylvania. Now, new DNA analysis of coyote poop shows for the first time that some coyotes in the state of Virginia are also part wolf. Scientists think these animals are coyote-wolf hybrids that traveled south from New England along the Appalachian Mountains. The study also identified another coyote migration route moving through the southern states. "You have a situation where you have these two waves of coyotes coming into the mid-Atlantic, a terminus for coyote colonization," said study leader Christine Bozarth, a former research fellow at the Center for Conservation and Evolutionary Genetics at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. Northern Virginia in particular seems to be a convergence point for coyote migrations, Bozarth said—and the animals' numbers are increasing there, especially in suburban areas where food is more plentiful. (See "Coyotes Now at Home in Eastern U.S.") Versatile Coyote Already Widespread Coyotes are originally residents of middle America, particularly between the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi River, as well as parts of Canada and Mexico. By the end of the 20th century, the versatile animal—which can eat almost anything, from shoe leather to fruit—had spread to nearly every corner of the U.S., even New York City. The coyote is "one of the animals that will be left at the end, like the cockroaches, raccoons, and rabbits," Bozarth said. For the new study, Bozarth and colleagues collected coyote scat samples in northern Virginia and extracted DNA. The team then compared the coyote DNA with that of representatives of every canid species found in eastern North America. (Get a genetics overview.) The study, published October 17 in the Journal of Mammalogy, found evidence that Virginia coyotes mated with Great Lakes wolves but not with the rare red wolf, which is hanging on in just a few isolated spots in the U.S. South. That's "good news for the red wolf," whose survival is already threatened by inbreeding, which reduces the species' genetic diversity, Bozarth noted. Hybrid Coyotes Taking Down Deer? For now, it's impossible to say how "wolfy" the newly identified coyote-wolf hybrids really are, Bozarth added—just that "at some point down the line, a coyote mated with a Great Lakes wolf-even generations ago." Scientists have not yet studied the behaviors of the Virginian hybrids to see if they're killing bigger wildlife or otherwise changing the ecosystem, Bozarth added. But other East Coast hybrids seen alive or identified by their remains are noticeably larger, with more wolf-like skulls, jaws, and teeth, Bozarth noted. (See pictures of new hybrid species appearing in the warming Arctic.) Given this, coyote-wolf hybrids "should be able to do things like take down deer, which a little, scrappy Great Plains wily coyote would not be able to do on its own," Bozarth said. Indeed, the research highights "just how successful and adapted these hybrids are to the eastern forests," said Roland Kays, curator of mammals at the New York State Museum in Albany. For instance, Kays's research on the previously known eastern hybrids has shown that a third of their diet is deer—a much higher proportion than in western states. Coyotes in Mid-Atlantic "Here to Stay" Jonathan Way, a wildlife biologist and head of the Massachusetts-based education group Eastern Coyote Research, called the new paper "timely." Coyotes coming from the west are moving not only through the Great Lakes but also south of the region, through Ohio. But until now, it was unknown how that southern route of colonization was influencing coyotes in the mid-Atlantic region, Way said by email. According to Way, these two fronts of coyote expansion have probably made the Virginia animals "hybrids of a hybrid." That's because the Virginia hybrids are most likely a combination of northeastern coyote-wolf hybrids, which are slightly bigger and more wolf-like, and nonhybrid coyotes coming through Ohio. "The results of the paper are clear and important, and confirm that mid-Atlantic coyotes have DNA from [Northeast] animals ... and western coyotes," Way said. Whatever their exact genetic makeup, one thing is clear, study author Bozarth emphasized: Coyotes and coyote-wolf hybrids in the mid-Atlantic are "absolutely established—they're here to stay." This poses new questions about what is legal to shoot in Arizona - If a hunter shoots and tags a CouesXmuledeer hybrid its legal in either season! Why would it be illegal to shoot any of the wolfXyote or wolfxdogs???????
  19. gearsnagger


    This really pisses me off! I hate being lied to. If AGFD and the other agencies are lying they need to answer for it. Hey Del - Thanks for actually reading my response to this.... There are other lies that the AZGFD are partner to - Not enough time to go into and off the topic! QUESTION AUTHORITY! I've read extensively about the wolf recovery project. But I never read about what you posted. It's one thing to be ignorant and another to be kept in ignorance. I'm all for the wolves. But I want the truth! I don't usually read the Wolf New's sent out by the AZGFD because I know it to be notoriously anti hunting and part of a politically green agenda - It's been that way since the beginning why would it change! The project and it's drivers need to be sued to prove that the animals are pure or not , unfortunately a legal suit is the only way to get true unbiased independent DNA testing done... Pulling teeth comes to mind!
  20. gearsnagger


    This really pisses me off! I hate being lied to. If AGFD and the other agencies are lying they need to answer for it. Hey Del - Thanks for actually reading my response to this.... There are other lies that the AZGFD are partner to - Not enough time to go into and off the topic! QUESTION AUTHORITY!
  21. gearsnagger


    Here is a little more info on wolf DNA testing This is from 2008 - Prior to this new test it was almost impossible to test for wolfXdog hybrid! A California lab recently developed DNA-sequencing techniques to genetically distinguish gray wolves (Canis lupus) from wolf-dog hybrids or domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris). The genetic make-up of wolves and dogs is so similar that previous tests were unable to distinguish the two. Wolf and dog DNA differs by only two-tenths of one percent (0.2%). New genetic tests have verified that a canine found dead on a road northwest of Spokane last month was a pure gray wolf. A second road-killed animal found slightly farther west about two weeks later was a wolf-dog hybrid, genetic tests determined. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) sent tissue samples from both road-killed animals to the University of California-Los Angeles Conservation Genetics Resource Center to determine whether they were wolves. The California lab recently developed DNA-sequencing techniques to genetically distinguish gray wolves (Canis lupus) from wolf-dog hybrids or domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris). The genetic make-up of wolves and dogs is so similar that previous tests were unable to distinguish the two. Wolf and dog DNA differs by only two-tenths of one percent (0.2%). "These new genetic tests promise to greatly assist us in the future management of gray wolves," said WDFW Director Jeff Koenings, adding that WDFW’s genetics laboratory is investigating adopting the same genetic-testing approach in the future to support the state’s upcoming Wolf Conservation and Management Plan. The wolf carcass was discovered June 5 by a Washington Department of Transportation (DOT) crew along State Route 291 near Tum Tum in Stevens County, about 25 miles northwest of Spokane. DOT staff contacted WDFW to retrieve the carcass. The wolf-dog hybrid was struck by a car June 21 on State Route 25 north of Davenport in Lincoln County, about 40 miles northwest of Spokane. The driver contacted the county sheriff, who contacted WDFW. Other genetic tests on the animal killed on State Route 291 showed its DNA was similar to that from wolves in northwest Montana and southern British Columbia. Gray wolves last spring were removed from federal endangered species list in the eastern third of Washington, as part of a recovered Rocky Mountain wolf population in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. The wolf de-listing is being challenged in federal district court by conservation groups. Gray wolves remain listed by the state as an endangered species throughout Washington. WDFW Endangered Species Program Manager Harriet Allen said verification of a road-killed wolf is not surprising because individual wolves are sighted periodically in northeast Washington. "We expect wolves from Idaho, Montana, eastern Oregon or Canada to disperse to Washington," Allen said. Verification of the wolf-dog hybrid is also not surprising, Allen said. "Unfortunately, some people attempt to raise wolves and wolf-dog hybrids in captivity," Allen said. "Wolf-dog hybrids can be dangerous because they lack the shyness of wild wolves, but they have the physical strength and predatory instincts of wild animals." Wolf-dog hybrids complicate gray wolf management in a number of ways, including attacking livestock in incidents that are mistakenly blamed on wild wolves. Pet wolves are prohibited by state law (RCW 16.30.030), although wolf-dog hybrids are excluded from that ban and remain regulated as domestic dogs. Most Washington counties have dog-control regulations and some counties and cities prohibit wolf-dog hybrid ownership because of potential safety problems. WDFW is drafting a Wolf Conservation and Management Plan, with the help of a 17-member citizen working group. The draft plan is available at http://wdfw.wa.gov/wlm/diversty/soc/gray_wolf/ . After scientific peer review this year, a final draft plan will be circulated for public comment early next year. No established wolf breeding pairs or packs have been documented in Washington since the 1930s, although WDFW and federal officials are currently working to locate and radio-collar wolves in Okanogan County, where recent howling surveys indicate a pack may exist. Reports of possible wolf sightings or activity can be made to a toll-free wolf reporting hotline at 1-888-584-9038. SOURCE: NEWS RELEASE WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE 600 Capitol Way North, Olympia, Washington 98501-1091 Internet Address: http://wdfw.wa.gov July 17, 2008 Contact: Madonna Luers, (509) 892-7853 or Kevin Robinette, (509) 892-7859 SO how can the AZGFD be so sure about the purity of the "wolves" here in Arizona? True DNA testing for hybrids didn't exist until 2008......
  22. gearsnagger


    All it will take to end this FUBAR program is a law suit - Prove that these are wolfxdog's and the game is over! The map change also proves it's not about the wolves it's about gaining control of vast tracts of land in the name of "conservation".... There you go! Where does the info that says the wolves are hybrids come from? If they are and AGFD has been lying all along I want to know and they should answer for it. I once read an AZGFD lion study – They hung aluminum pie plates up in trees and monitored them with trail cameras! Are these the experts you are referring to! :lol: :lol: As for them being liars or not that can be proved also! DNA testing was not done on most of the animals in the "Mexican Curr Introduction Program" - When the program started there were very few labs doing DNA testing.... These labs mostly did forensic and or research work! I know that the next one I shoot is going to be DNA tested! :lol:
  23. gearsnagger


    All it will take to end this FUBAR program is a law suit - Prove that these are wolfxdog's and the game is over! The map change also proves it's not about the wolves it's about gaining control of vast tracts of land in the name of "conservation"....
  24. gearsnagger


    If the AZGFD admitted they have been introducing wolfxdog then the program would be over and all of the personnel in this program would be looking for work.... So of coarse she will tell you the truth - She is an expert :lol:
  25. gearsnagger

    Intentionally rude or just ignorant?

    TWO MEN ENTER ONE MAN LEAVES - IT'S TIME FOR THUNDERDOME - http://youtu.be/3hQC3nkftrk Settle it like real men , meet up out in field and go at with weapons of choice! BREAK THE DEAL AND FACE THE WHEEL! What a wonderful world we live in! http://youtu.be/x91rBzNKvlc Get Their Shoes Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes! ;-) Posting accusations with personal info ie. License# , pictures, address’s is grounds for a liable suit!