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About gearsnagger

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 01/19/1961

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  1. gearsnagger

    Leupold Vendetta Rangefinder

    I am sure Leupold field tested them - Yes I am sure people have used them! :lol:
  2. Hey I just called the AZGFD lion hotline 877-438-0447 and units 31 & 32 are closed for the multiple bag limit (night hunts)! The quota was 20 lions.... Anyone heard anything about lions harvested in these units since these new hunts started?
  3. gearsnagger


    CLICKY > mUmBELs > Used girlfriend sales > http://FunnyOrDie.com/m/6254
  4. gearsnagger

    called in lion

    Congrats on the lion - Please post pics - We will keep this going until you do - Posting pics ain't that difficult , I am almost twice your age and was computer illiterate until a few years ago.... A young pup like you should be able to post a pic from your phone without looking at the keyboard!
  5. gearsnagger

    What Happened to Gino's thread

    I think we did a fine job of abusing another complainer , he sowed what he reaped! He asked us to look out for some supposedly bad person that had offended him , like he wanted us to punish the guy for him.... WA WA WA call the friggin WAMBULANCE... Gina or whatever his name needs to rely on his Cop friends instead of annoying people that are trying to have a good time.....
  6. gearsnagger

    Show on the sportsmans Chanel

    That show sounds like they would fit right in with some of the posts on this site!
  7. gearsnagger

    This makes me sick!

    Stop making wisecracks about my friends :lol: CLICKY > <HILLARIOUS
  8. gearsnagger

    This makes me sick!

    I think was caused by either out of state hunters from New Mexico or it's Couse&Sheep's blind location!
  9. gearsnagger

    I found the Hybrids again...

    Great Pics - The black border on the ears is unique!
  10. gearsnagger

    LOOOONG Posts

    It's their website - ! Meaning it's Amanda's & associates(if she has any???) website!
  11. gearsnagger

    What Church do you attend?

    The latter Day Frsibitarian Synagog of Spinning Bottle Cap Flippers!
  12. gearsnagger

    Flying The Crack

    The flying in your video choice was way better but I liked the music in my choice!
  13. gearsnagger

    Interesting Brain Game

    Red Tree Stand with my naked X wife painted blue sitting in it...
  14. gearsnagger

    Flying The Crack

    < CLICKY[
  15. gearsnagger

    Shame on you

    This is only allowed on the reservation! +10