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Everything posted by LJSIII


    The New Leoupold 1200 DNA TBR range finder

    Just wanted to let you know you may want to drop the price a little they are selling online for $357 http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=&sku=1059069&gclid=CjwKEAjwiumdBRDZyvKvqb_6mkUSJABDyYOzAoQtIXlNemy3Yr9RBDCkLjkArqCxWUOpxv2Z-DPmEBoC5YTw_wcB&Q=&is=REG&A=details


    Give Brian or Cory a call at Robinsons Archery in Tucson. They will help you. Big on Mathews and usually have all in stock. (520) 298-6501

    Eberlestock J107 Dragonfly

    Google J107 Dragonflly and you will get all the specs on it.....
  4. Any pics of anything? Interested in the cot.

    Round mini mag muscle brake

    You may want to fix the spelling in your topic from muscle to muzzle so that people searching will be able to find it.

    Ruger 77 lightweight 257 roberts

    I am tad confused, hoghntr are you selling this rifle?

    FS---Vortex Razor 10X42 Binoculars

    Are these quite a bit older? I was looking for specs on line and can't find any that look like these. Are they HD?

    Pop up trailer for sale

    I have my 87 Rockwood XL for sale. It has been a great trailer but I recently upgraded and its time to go. It has new tires (including a spare), I have repacked the bearings 3 months ago, new crank up roof vent, new seals, 12 coats of rubberized roof coating to protect the fiberglass roof and help make it cooler, new propane tank, surge brakes (recently serviced). Original propane cook top in excellent condition. 12ft box with two king size beds. One of the larger pop ups ever made and still quite comfortable. 2" coupler and easily tow-able by a small suv. $1,900 OBO. All lights work and it is wired with a flat 4 pin connector. Would consider a trade for a quality generator.

    Looking for a pair of vortex

    Cabelas has 15x56 Kaibabs on sale right now for $799.99
  10. LJSIII

    5'x8' APC Trailer

    Trailer is sold, Thanks everyone!!
  11. LJSIII

    5'x8' APC Trailer

    I have a 5'x8' APC SA trailer with tail gate that I am selling. I have recently bought a ranger and needed a bigger trailer. This trailer is a 2003 with new tires, freshly packed bearings, a tailgate, tool box, permanent plates, and diamond plate deck. I am located in Tucson and asking $1,000 OBO for it. No trades please just need to sell to recoup some money for the new trailer I bought.
  12. LJSIII

    5'x8' APC Trailer

    Still looking for cash.......what do you have in mind? Curiosity killed the cat but you never know.
  13. LJSIII

    5'x8' APC Trailer

    How about $900 any takers?
  14. LJSIII

    5'x8' APC Trailer

    Yeah I could imagine, I had to take the tailgate off of this one to get it in there.
  15. LJSIII

    5'x8' APC Trailer

    Thanks I appreciate it, actually no story. Bought brand new in 2003 and that was the color straight from APC. Wish there was a more entertaining story for yall. Yeah I agree if it was a 5x10 I would be keeping it. Way too tight of a squeeze for my ranger.
  16. LJSIII

    5'x8' APC Trailer

    Yeah that would be a haul. It's a great trailer if you end up down here for something
  17. LJSIII

    5'x8' APC Trailer

    New week, price drop $950 OBO
  18. LJSIII

    Matthews Passion bow 40-50#

    Adjustable cam?
  19. LJSIII

    Used Cabinets

    Thanks everyone I really appreciate it!! Thanks rstahl, desert sheep, and POB I'll call you this afternoon.
  20. LJSIII

    Used Cabinets

    I am in the process of remodeling my garage and the budget for cabinets and storage isn't there. If anyone has any old cabinets laying around that you want to get rid of I would be happy to come pick them up so I can throw them up on the wall of my garage. Thanks in advance for anyone who responds.
  21. LJSIII

    Garmin GPSMap 60CSx for sale

    I completely wore one out and have been on the second one for a year now. They are hands down the best units available.
  22. LJSIII


    Any idea on how much it will cost to get that dent fixed or at least popped out?
  23. LJSIII

    WTT: Black gold rush

    They are the best, guarentee on everything even if it is our fault as hunters no questions asked.
  24. LJSIII

    Sold please delete

    I do but the gopro black 3+ just came out with some very significant upgrades.........