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Everything posted by az41mag

  1. What is the brace height on this bow? Also, what poundage limbs are on it? (I think PSE used limbs with different pound ratings, ie; 50-60#, 60-70#, etc.). Thanks.
  2. az41mag

    Bow hunting gloves

    Thanks for the feedback, it's very appriciated. And I agree; practicing with gloves on or any other hunting gear on is a must.
  3. Has anyone tried the Manzella bow hunting gloves? From what I gather, they have a split in the cuff that allows you to wear the gloves and keep your release on your wrist. I thought they looked like a good idea, but just wanted to ask for some input from others. If there's any other suggestions on gloves that don't interfere with your release, that would be welcome too. Thanks.
  4. az41mag

    3A-3C General Mule Deer Hunt Success! Big Bucks!!

    Looks like some really good bucks harvested this year, thanks for sharing. What ever happened to Lucky?
  5. I was wondering if anybody has had any experience with the SwingBlade knife made by Outdoor Edge. The advertisements make the gutting blade look pretty slick, but sometimes advertisements can be a little deceiving. So I wondered if anyone had some experience using one in the field and would like to share. Thanks.
  6. az41mag

    Anybody used a SwingBlade knife before

    So I thought I would post a follow up on this since I was fortunate enough to harvest a deer this fall, and in case anybody was wondering about this knife like I was and did a topic search, (I've done that frequently on here and I have to say that this site can be a great resource for information). Anyways, I purchased a swingblade knife and as some have said it was not a very sharp edge, but if you can sharpen a knife this is no problem. It worked well and seemed to not leave as much loose hair as other knives do. What ever you do, don't wash this knife in bleach water... it will rust like crazy. Unfortunatly I learned this the hard way. I also purchased a havalon knife since everybody I've talked with seems to love theirs. It is a remarkable knife and yes it's crazy sharp. I used them both on my deer, and think that they pair well with each other.
  7. az41mag

    Father & Son's First Arizona Mule Deer Bucks 2012

    Congrats on your first pair of mulies!
  8. az41mag

    Great Mule Deer Hunt

    Congrats again to you and your brother Devan! Good write up and some really nice bucks. That looks like a steep area to be packing meat out of.
  9. az41mag

    My lunchtime buck

    Well, I thought I would share my recent deer hunt. To sum up a long story; I located three very mature bucks that morning, and then lost them when moving to the next ridge for a better shot. Isn’t it funny how sometimes they just seem to vanish? After glassing hopelessly the rest of the morning, I decided to find a shady spot to eat lunch. I found a shady spot to eat my lunch, and across a wash there was a buck starring back at me. After about a 2 minute starring contest he eventually presented me with a perfect broadside shot, and the 140 gr. Accubond from my 7mm mag at 127 yards dropped him. Needless to say, I didn’t get to eat lunch until later that evening, hence the name “lunchtime buck”. He’s no monster, but for my first deer and hunting solo I am very happy. Being that this was my first successful deer hunt (with many unsuccessful deer hunts under my belt); it sure is a good feeling when everything comes together and it all works out. When all the planning, preparation, scouting and time invested finally pays off, it sure is worth it. Good luck to all those with upcoming hunts. Here is my 1969 Rem 700 in 7mm Mag. I refinished the stock, installed the recoil pad, and glassbedded the action just prior to my hunt. This is a shed I found in one of the areas I was hunting... just couldn't find the buck that it came from. I'm guessing this guy was a fighter, a couple of the tine tips are broken and there are lots of chips and scrapes.
  10. Just curious if anybody else has had this issue before: After developing some loads for my 7mm mag using Accubond bullets, I noticed what appeared to be either more copper fouling than usual, or a more stubborn copper fouling than usual. I have used factory ammo prior to this, and there has always been some copper fouling to remove. I have used Butch's Bore Shine in the past and it has worked pretty well. For whatever reason, this time it's taking a lot more effort to remove the fouling. Any thoughts or ideas on this would be appriciated. Thanks.
  11. I thought I should post a follow up to this, since I solved part of my problem. The bottle of Butch's that I was originaly using was about 1 year old, and used for many cleaning sessions. That bottle ran out at the end of the last cleaning session. After another trip to the range (using Accubonds again), I had more copper fouling to contend with. I opened a new bottle of Butch's that I already had, and it worked flawlessly like it should. I also noticed that the ammonia smell from the new bottle was much stronger. So I'm guessing that after a period of time where a bottle is opened up, it may start to degrade slightly and be less effective. Thanks again for all the input and suggestions. I am still wanting to try some of the other products mentioned on this post.
  12. Guess I'll have to give some of these other products a try. I usually clean my rifles within a day or two of shooting them, and usually less than 10 rounds through them. Butch's has worked well before, but for some reason it's just not getting it out. I wonder if Butch's has a short shelf life where it could lose their potency after a while and doesn't work as well.
  13. Thanks for the input so far. Yes, I'm using Nosler Accubond's. Will the CR-10 or t/c's T17 cleaner do any damage to bluing?
  14. az41mag

    WTS 2 Rem 700 SA stocks

    Sent ya a PM.
  15. az41mag

    Anybody used a SwingBlade knife before

    Thanks for the input so far. I do have a follow up question about the Havalon; how sturdy are the blades? They look a little thin, but the idea of simply replacing a blade is appealing.
  16. az41mag

    Results Are Out!

    3A / 3C general tag for me... needless to say I'm excited.
  17. az41mag

    Shed from the desert

    I found this one while on a recent pig hunt and thought I would share... nothing really spectacular, but I was sure surprised when I found it considering this came from an area not really known for having any great numbers of deer.
  18. az41mag

    Blued stainless barrel?

    I am also interested in this issue; I also have a Rem 700 in 7mm mag that has the stainless steel stamp on it. I beleive mine was made in 1969. It has made me wonder too about a blued stainless steel barrel. Any insight on it would be appriciated. Thanks.
  19. Hi. I'm looking to invest a rangefinder, but was hoping to get some feedback from someone experienced with rangefinders. So my questions are; what range of measurable yardage do I really need? I don't feel comfortable making shots over 400 yards. Also, does anybody have a recomendation for one brand or another? I have found a source of "refurbished" Nikon rangefinders, but don't know if it's really that good of a deal. So any feedback would be greatly appriciated. Thanks.
  20. Hi, I was wondering if anybody could recomend a good tumbling media for cleaning brass. I have been using Lyman treated corn cob media and it does a pretty decent job, but my gripe is that some of the pieces get stuck in the flash holes. Needless to say they are quite a hassle to remove, and especially on longer cases. So can anybody recomend a good tumbling media that won't cause such frustrations? Thanks.
  21. I was able to find some squirrels in 3c two weeks ago, but there were no where near as many as in years past. I wonder if the weather conditions this year affected the squirrel populations.
  22. az41mag

    Looking for some advice on rangefinders

    Thanks to those who have replied, it is very much appriciated. The angle compensation and accuracy on foul weather days are two points I hadn't thought of. The top of the line rangefinders may be a little out of my price range; are there any recomended models in the middle of the road catagory? Thanks
  23. az41mag

    2011 unit 1 archery bull

    Congrats. Did you happen to score him?
  24. That's a great hunting story. I would encourage everybody to go hunting with your Dad while you still can; I know some of my fondest memories are of the few hunts I got to go on with my Dad.
  25. Hi. I'm kind of new to hunting doves and was curious if anybody would be willing to share a good recipe for doves. I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I thought it might be helpful since dove season has begun. I prepared some dove breasts last night by marinating them in italian dressing for about 2 hrs., wrapping them in bacon, skewering them and cooking them on the grill like a kabob. Just wondering how others cook their dove meat. Thanks.