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About az41mag

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  1. az41mag

    Wtb spring tooth harrow

    Did you want a 3 point mount or pull behind?
  2. az41mag

    Garmin Xero Case FREE

    Also got mine today. It's a very well made case. Thanks for offering these for sale.
  3. az41mag

    Garmin Xero Case FREE

    I'd like to buy one. I'll send a PM shortly.
  4. I can't speak about the Hornady model you mentioned or to the other brands out there, but I have a Dillon 550c that I use for bulk pistol loads that I really like. The only issue I have ever had was one of the linkage rods needed to be bent ever so slightly to make it line up correctly. After that it's been smooth as silk. I will say that it took a little time to get everything set up the first time using it, but I think that's more a case of learning and understanding a new machine than difficulty of operation. Good luck in your search.
  5. az41mag

    DIY Home Pesticides

    Depends on what you're trying to control of course, but I use Demand CS as an exterior treatment around the base of the house for crickets, beetles, etc. It works well and has a long residual effect. Whatever you decide to use be sure to read the label, and apply it in a safe manner.
  6. az41mag

    How much meat?

    Good to know. Thanks
  7. az41mag

    How much meat?

    Just out of curiosity how did you make it, and how much did you drink?
  8. az41mag

    Muzzle loader pellets & bullets

    Bump for the pellets. Open to offers if someone can use them.
  9. az41mag

    RV on cold hunt question

    My experience has been that the water lines will freeze before the tank since they're smaller diameter and less water mass to freeze. I once had to leave my trailer for a few days with temps around 20 at night. The kitchen faucet froze up and cracked the faucet housing (plastic rv style faucet), but tank had no ice from what I could tell. If nothing else, I'd suggest draining the lines if you can, or winterize as previously suggested.
  10. az41mag

    NM muzzie coues

    Thank you both for the input. I'll be trying one on my hunt in a couple weeks as the grass is way higher this year and prone shots will be tough. Thanks!
  11. az41mag

    NM muzzie coues

    Darn good buck! thanks for posting! Side question, does the triclawps change your point of impact much?
  12. az41mag

    WTB IMR 7828 SSC

    I've got a partial 1 pounder left over from some load development if that helps any. A few years old, but was stored inside.
  13. az41mag

    Reloading bench ideas

    Lots of good ideas posted here. One thing I will add is that when I ended up building my own, I intentionally made it 37" high to the top of the bench. This allows me to either stand or sit (with a tall shop chair), while doing tasks at the bench. I found that to be helpful for me since I sometimes like to stand while trimming brass on a hand trimmer if it's just a small batch. As others have stated you will want something with a heavy top that is sturdy and won't wobble every time you resize a piece of brass.
  14. az41mag

    Muzzle loader pellets & bullets

    Barnes bullets and sabots are SOLD. Make an offer on the pellets... they need to go