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Everything posted by JACK

  1. JACK

    Stabilizer setups

    Just got the 8" bee stinger last week...super happy with it...groups tightened up...this was 40 yards
  2. JACK

    wtb used horse shoes.

    I can give you as many used one as you want...
  3. JACK

    Broad heads for elk, 2014

    Pick the broadhead you want to shoot and tune your arrows to them...playing with fletching is cheaper than playing with broadheads 250 grain two blade VPA...no worrying about penetration, o rings, breaking blades, early deployment, or those pesky bones getting in the way
  4. JACK


    Know it doesn't help now but four weeks ago there were thousands upon thousands of carp spawning in the Agua Fria...it was ridiculous...I got tired of taking them off the arrow...they may still be in there I dont know I havent been back
  5. JACK

    Elk setup

    VAP 250s with VPA 250s
  6. A friend of mine found a Buffalo mount along side the road...Anyone lose one or hear of anyone losing one?
  7. JACK

    Results are Up!!!

    3139- 23N archery bull
  8. JACK

    They are starting to hit CC

    I wonder what my bull is doing right now?
  9. JACK

    They are starting to hit CC

    FINALLY!!! After 12 years an early bull tag...21 muzzleloader or 23n archery
  10. JACK


    They are making some nasty wounds with two blade single beveled broadheads that are little over 1" wide...single bevels twist and cut creating L shaped cuts much bigger than their width...
  11. JACK

    Arrow builders

    Why not just build an arrow of equal weight just change the weight distribution...and see if there are any flight differences, penetration gains or losses etc.
  12. JACK

    Arrow builders

    Try throwing a dart with the point of the dart pointing backwards and you'll understand the importance of FOC. I think he was more meaning the extreme FoC trend Ohhh oakie doakie...Try throwing a dart with the point of the dart pointing backwards and you'll understand the importance of EFOC...
  13. Lets do some penetration and durability tests...mechanicals vs fixed blades at these longer distances that everybody is worried about shooting...50 60 70 80...100 yards...most of the boadhead tests I can find are pointblank and 20 yards...it would be interesting...no doubt we can get them there...but how efficient are they once they get there?
  14. JACK

    Arrow builders

    Try throwing a dart with the point of the dart pointing backwards and you'll understand the importance of FOC.
  15. JACK

    Arrow builders

    Are the two blades single or double beveled?
  16. JACK

    Arrow builders

    Which of the 175s is getting better penetration? Have you shot anything besides foam with them yet?
  17. JACK


    I've killed two deer and two javelina with swhackers...Three of the four shots I hit bone...those three were bent...at first I had a had time saying that they failed because I killed the animal...but there is no doubt that they failed...a broadhead shouldn't ever bend...never again...going to use the remainder to shoot carp...
  18. JACK


    For those who think you can't get through bone with the right arrow/broadhead set up check out this video at the 4:30 mark...
  19. JACK

    VPA broadhead flight issue

    I completely understand...Im not trying to argue either...How does each broadhead shoot on an unfletched shaft? How does each broadhead group in comparison to the same grain field point?
  20. JACK

    VPA broadhead flight issue

    Uhhkay...you're building the arrow you are in control of all the variables...Happy Hunting!
  21. JACK

    VPA broadhead flight issue

    Been playing around with some of the same stuff you are...the head isn't the only variable...FOC and spine are different too...both can make a difference...
  22. JACK


    Been to Kauai and Maui...I would never go back to Maui after going to Kauai
  23. I'm just glad conservationist, the founding members of the sheep society...heck all the critter groups for that matter...didn't have the attitude of "it's a waste of time and money..."
  24. I called my buddy to see how his wife's first elk hunt was going and he said she hit one on Tuesday night right at dark...hit him right behind the shoulder but a little high 8" or so from top of back...They searched and searched crissed and crossed zigged and zagged and could turn him up...up set, mentally and physically worn out and not wanting to shot another bull she wanted to come home. They don't know I am posting this but I figured it wouldn't hurt in case someone stumbles upon him...he is a 5x5...her arrow was still in him last they saw him VAP with pink and purple vanes and a viper slick trick 4 blade...please PM me if you have any info Thanks! Happy Hunting