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Everything posted by JACK

  1. How many hunters receive big game permits each year? What if every hunter in the state GAVE more to conservation than they took? But they don't...they are entitled to it right? and conservation just magically happens...I don't know...Myself I could not in good conscience call "sacrificing" a few tags per hunt for conservation and the preservation of what I love a "sacrifice"...If I did I'd call that selfishness...and we're not even "sacrificing" the tags...EVERYBODY would have the opportunity to buy/bid on the tags...that would actually be another...more...a second opportunity to get a tag. I see it as a way to use our assets (deer elk etc.) to protect our ASSets... you have an extra 50k-100k laying around to throw at an auction tag? I don't. But what most of us do have is an extra $50-$100 to throw at some raffle tags. And so do the rich guys. So that's why I'm all for raffle tags and no auction tags. Everyone on the same level and money still gets raised.I cant imagine spending that kind of $ on a tag...doesnt mean Im opposed or against to someone that does...the world will never be on the same level...And I dont see the guy/gal thats willing and able to spend 100k...200k on a tag as the enemy...I will still be benefiting from their $$$ that goes towards something that I love...
  2. How many hunters receive big game permits each year? What if every hunter in the state GAVE more to conservation than they took? But they don't...they are entitled to it right? and conservation just magically happens...I don't know...Myself I could not in good conscience call "sacrificing" a few tags per hunt for conservation and the preservation of what I love a "sacrifice"...If I did I'd call that selfishness...and we're not even "sacrificing" the tags...EVERYBODY would have the opportunity to buy/bid on the tags...that would actually be another...more...a second opportunity to get a tag. I see it as a way to use our assets (deer elk etc.) to protect our ASSets...
  3. This isn’t just about the HSUS...google anti-hunting organizations...it about being able to fight ANY group that wants to take our hunting rights away...When and where and how they will do it nobody knows
  4. The way I understood it is that the tags that would be auctioned or raffled off would not be 365 day tags they would be the same hunts and dates as the draw tags
  5. The G&F can't spend money on political issues but an organization like Conserve and Protect could...similar to the way the monies raised from the auction and raffle tags aka HPC funds are use for species specific issues when needed. Understand this: The HSUS tried to take the North American Wildlife Conservation Model away from the AZG&FD...plain and simple...They tried to do it politically via the ballot box...So the "education" that is talked about would be targeted the 70% of AZ voters that don't hunt or fish...but still vote
  6. I would say 0 since they couldnt even comment on the issue. They cant get into politicsExactly...The very agency responsible for managing wildlife in this state couldnt speak out or take a position on a proposed band against mountain lion hunting from the HSUS ....think about that for a bit...that is scary
  7. Just Curious if Anybody knows how much money the G&F contributed to fight the latest HSUS big cat ban?
  8. 👆🏻What he said...plus more archery hunters these days too...
  9. You are correct you have baffled me with your points...Since they came out...😂
  10. That mentality has been around as long as hunting
  11. There have Always been leftovers...Used to be three hunts not four...you dont think its the extra tags aka opportunity that are taking their toll?...not just 35b all the units?
  12. JACK

    Winter Olympics

    Looks like he got a handful. < a handful
  13. JACK


    They must have sold quick...
  14. JACK

    Regs are out

    17 won't guarantee any early rifle hunt, would guarantee a 22 muzzleloader, couple more years could get a 3b muzzleloader. Everything else would be 4-5 years out. Archery you could have just about every tag but 23n, 23s, and unit 9. Few guys drew unit 10 with 17 last year in the bonus pass but not many. Thank you
  15. JACK

    Regs are out

    What could a guy with 17 nonresident elk points get drawn for... early archery rifle or muzzleloader
  16. Sooooo you're worried about the germs on your buddies hands...but you're sleeping in a hotel bed?... interesting
  17. I did! I did!...but only once
  18. Drinking beer now...I got dehydrated out there...
  19. Love this weather...just have to follow the sun...
  20. JACK

    6a Help

    Go south of Apache Maid til you come to a big ditch...look there
  21. JACK

    Mayweather vs. McGregor

    Maybe with Rohnda
  22. JACK

    What is making these drag marks?

    Took this picture south of Oracle a few years ago...maybe he was passing through
  23. JACK

    Lion tag?

    so far in this thread theres been about 250 years of hunting experience and youve seen more lions than everyone combined thats posted so far, in just 12 years? you must be in the lion capital of the world, take me Take you? Ha I'd rather drink turpentine and piss on a brush fire