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Everything posted by huntlines

  1. huntlines

    Any youth drawn yet?

    Yes I know several friends that had hits for juniors tags last week.
  2. huntlines

    They are starting to hit CC

    Thanks for the answer regarding antelope guys. Am still holding out hope, have 11 points and am looking for an archery goat tag...........
  3. huntlines

    They are starting to hit CC

    rossislider -Take your son on the Jrs turkey hunt next month. It is over the counter for the kids so he can hunt for sure. I know it isn't an elk tag but at least the young man can go hunting!
  4. huntlines

    They are starting to hit CC

    Has anyone got any hits for antelope?
  5. huntlines

    They are starting to hit CC

    My daughter and her boyfriend got hit today. I put them in for either early rifle or archery. They are going elk hunting and can't wait to see which one! I put in money order so I will have to wait for my results........ fingers crossed I can go with her in the archery hunt with my bow, if not I will be the guide.
  6. huntlines

    2nd Archery Buck

    Wow that is a very cool looking buck. Congrats on taking one heck of a trophy.
  7. My daughter had a juniors tag back in October. With little time to scout I knew we would have a tough hunt and I was correct. I was very proud of my daughter for passing up a few small bucks. She was very patient and didn't get depressed when we were not able to find her something to shoot. Because of this I decided to sign over my December whitetail tag to her. Not to mention I am very unhappy with the hunt structure and amount of tags given for the supposed "trophy" hunt. I remember not to long ago there was a two week break between hunts and only fifty tags, now the hunts last from October right up until the late hunt which has 150 tags but I digress. The scouting had not found a lot and I was getting worried. My daughter would be on cloud nine if I could just find her a decent three point. She has only taken one other deer with a rifle and it was a small forked horn. We hunted hard and were finding very few deer let a lone bucks. The bucks we were seeing were spikes and small two points. I kept telling her "when the rut kicks in we should be able to find better bucks." However when we finally started seeing rut activity it was again spikes and small two points doing the chasing. On my last day to take her out we hunted all day. Early morning was promising with a few small bucks chasing does. As the day went on and activity slowed I was really wondering if we would ever find a decent buck. About 3pm my daughter started to dose off. I was thinking of doing the same when I found a doe being pushed by a spike. Figures. I was just about to close my eyes when I caught movement, a bigger bodied deer moving through the brush heading toward the doe and spike. When he cleared and I saw rack, I about knocked my daughter out shaking her awake. She was able to get her senses just in time for the buck to come into an opening and she made a great shot. It was over in a mater of seconds. I jumped up and gave her the biggest bear hug as she screamed with excitement. The smile in the pictures says it all! The buck was better than we both could believe. I took him to get measured for a local big buck contest and he scored 104 2/8ths.
  8. huntlines

    Son's first archery hard horned buck

    Yes this is the same son that shot the 116 velvet buck last year.
  9. My son got his first hard horned buck. He has been hunting hard this month and found this buck chasing a doe. He made a perfect heart shot at 15 yards and watched him go down 30 yards after the shot. He was using a gravedigger broadhead and we were both amazed at how it performed. I attached a picture of the exit wound which shows what this broadhead can do.
  10. huntlines

    # 1 ranking

    Cats may drop a game in conference play but will get #1 seed and play Kentucky for national championship. 74 69 cats win title!
  11. huntlines

    Finished my sons huge buck!

    Xforcebaby, just curious how many coues deer you have taken with a bow over 110? Maybe you have taken a lot and your comment is justified. Either way you have the right to your opinion. Anything over 110 to me is a monster and that is my opinion...........
  12. huntlines

    Finished my sons huge buck!

    Here is one from the side and I will try to take some better side pictures of the mount and post later.
  13. huntlines

    Finished my sons huge buck!

    He actually scored just over 116
  14. huntlines

    Finished my sons huge buck!

    This is actually my second mount I've done. Thanks I think he turned out really good too. I'm getting ready to do an elk next. Hope it turns out just as good.
  15. huntlines

    Finished my sons huge buck!

    This is my sons buck he took last year. You can read all about it under "Persistence = MONSTER first buck for my son". Thanks,
  16. I have not had any luck finding a buck to shoot but I have got in some great elk scouting and got this bobcat.
  17. huntlines

    4A Bulls

    Nope I have not seen or heard crap in unit one either. Unit 1 sucks..........
  18. huntlines

    2013 archery velvet coues deer

    Nice buck, love the extras on him. Congrats
  19. huntlines

    Gotta love august

    Very nice buck! Spot and stalk on a coues is truly an accomplishment.
  20. huntlines

    2 for 2 Archery Antelope 2009 and 2013

    Enjoy the tags. I was drawn back to back in 3B north in 2002 and 2003 but have not had an archery goat tag since....... Never connected either! One thing I have not taken with a bow yet is a goat. One day, one day.... Congrats on the two nice goats.
  21. huntlines

    No buck yet but got this guy

    Yep, he was too preoccupied looking for lunch. Got to 10 yards and he didn't see me until I raised up to shoot. The shot pinned him to a pine tree he was standing next to. He broke the arrow off in the tree and went only ten yards. This is my second one with a bow but still amazing. Going to full mount him but have a sewing job from the swacher........
  22. huntlines

    Unit 1 archery bull

    Seen a nice group of four big bucks on the north east side of the unit. Also heard a few bugles too! :-) Can't wait for Sept 13th.....
  23. huntlines

    The RUT

    I saw little bulls this last weekend with the cows. Jumped a group of three big bulls out hiking and they didn't have any cows with them. Come mid September the big boys will be with the cows......
  24. huntlines

    The RUT

    In 2006 I saw two spikes taking turns giving it to each other so this just might be a few gay spikes......
  25. huntlines

    Advice Please - Wary, Mature Coues Bucks

    This is solid advice. Blinds don't give you any advantage when it comes to scent control. This is my opinion based on years of experience and I prefer stands and climber stands are my first choice if the trees in the area will allow them. Sprays that claim they eliminate or even reduce human odor are bogus. There is no way to eliminate human odor, your body is constantly shedding skin and sweating even when your not hot. Breath is another odor you will never be able to control scent wise. Best thing I have found are cover scents which of course are not 100%. I only like a few brands and if you want to know which ones PM me. The biggest issue here is the wind. These bucks didn't get big because they are stupid. They are doing what I have witnessed for years,circling down wind of the salt before they come in. Moving you stands will be a must. Don't handcuff yourself to one spot that they will get used to picking you off in. If both of you can hunt leave one stand in its normal position, then place the second down wind of first stand and down wind of the trail they use to circle down wind of the first stand. If you are by yourself leave the one stand in it's original position and hunt the second stand down wind of both the first stand and the trail they use to circle you. Also if you notice they come in from the same general area and then circle down wind of the salt, then put a stand up about 150 yards from the salt along the trail or area they come in from. One other thing, once you find a cover scent you like to use, I start spraying the area I hunt month in advance. This will get the deer used to the new smell....... Good luck