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Everything posted by huntlines

  1. huntlines

    Tick Tock

    All this freaking out for nothing? For a while there it was like a bridal shower where half the room was filled with xgirlfriends.
  2. huntlines

    Tick Tock

    Yup, I’m starting to think they were hacked and have lost everything.....
  3. huntlines

    Take a break from the drawma

    Thanks for the distraction.
  4. huntlines

    A bunch of BS!

    Thank you! Hopefully this will calm everyone the heck down. Things were getting a little out of hand. however, this doesn’t help my odds of getting a tag.......
  5. huntlines

    A bunch of BS!

    Nope, not today!
  6. huntlines

    A bunch of BS!

    See I understood this was hyperbole therefore I wrote about you needing a stimulus check or your card would be declined. Hyperbole, you can google it for the definition. I don’t have time to explain it ,cuz I think it would take a while for you.
  7. huntlines

    A bunch of BS!

    Lame, I thought you’d do better than that.
  8. huntlines

    A bunch of BS!

    For all you guys who’s cards have been deactivated due to fraud, just pretend you didn’t get drawn and your card wasn’t hit anyway. There, I fixed it and now you will sleep better.😎
  9. huntlines

    A bunch of BS!

    The $13 must have broke you, if you don’t get the stimulus money your card will be denied.😋
  10. huntlines

    A bunch of BS!

    Hahaha wait for that Biden stimulus check! 🤣
  11. huntlines

    A bunch of BS!

    Game and fish delays their draw for two weeks and we are losing our minds. Can you imagine the total chaos if they were hacked and the draw doesn’t happen for a month or two......
  12. huntlines

    A bunch of BS!

    dang sh!t just got real, popcorn ready for a long night!
  13. huntlines

    A bunch of BS!

  14. huntlines

    A bunch of BS!

    I apply family members with different last names. When it ask for cc info like a name I just put my name. This information isn’t critical and won’t reject anything. Not an issue. I do like the gift card idea from game and fish though. Game and fish are you listening?
  15. huntlines

    A bunch of BS!

    It’s an app fee for crying out loud. You applied so you paid the fee! Geez
  16. huntlines

    A bunch of BS!

    They already admitted the portal isn’t working, nice try though
  17. huntlines

    A bunch of BS!

    Nope, $13 was app fee, you applied so you were charged. Different
  18. huntlines

    A bunch of BS!

    He is referring to using a prepaid debit card....using a prepaid card is just like paying upfront. Don’t have to worry about canceled cards.
  19. huntlines

    A bunch of BS!

    Hahaha tomorrow will be the day alright, the day we really start lashing out at each other due to more frustration.
  20. huntlines

    A bunch of BS!

    I doubt they give a rats assss about credit card issues. More likely they’re having other issues. Probably got hacked....
  21. huntlines

    A bunch of BS!

    Honestly, the only reason they give a date to update cards is so people can’t btch about not having an opportunity to update.
  22. huntlines

    A bunch of BS!

    Not game and fish’s problem if people don’t balance their check book. G and F isn’t your mother....
  23. huntlines

    A bunch of BS!

    Look, I hate being a G&F defender but nowhere does G&F say, "the draw will take place the day after the credit card update deadline." It's been really smooth the last few years and we have all been spoiled but it's not a date set in stone. I wish the cards would get hit the day after too but only because I WANT TO KNOW.
  24. huntlines

    A bunch of BS!

    The prepaid card is the only way to be sure. I don't believe Arizona will ever go to pay upfront due to state laws prohibiting taking money without providing a service or product. It's a pain but one which gives a person a little peace of mind. I personally wish Arizona would charge up front because I think it would limit the number of applicants. Would definitely limit some from putting in every family member with a pulse for a tag to sign over. Anyhoo good luck in getting your issue fixed.
  25. huntlines

    A bunch of BS!

    Agreed, I'm not trying to start a keyboard war either. I'm not concerned because I take precautions like the pre-paid card to avoid this very issue. As for common sense with the game and fish, heck no, hardly anything they do makes any sense. Complaining to them never helps and only raises your blood pressure. I've been there and done that. I've been more frustrated with them than you probably have but maybe not. I feel for your situation, I really do. It sucks especially when trying to get a tag for an aging family member. I've been trying to get a few who have cancer a tag for the last few years but to no avail. Hope your emails get you somewhere but I wouldn't hold your breath.....