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Everything posted by Becker

  1. I have the Remington ultimate. So far way better than any other muzzleloader I have had. I haven't tinkered too much with it. with the BH powder I can reload it over and over and over again without any problems. I was shooting 3 inch groups at 300 yards with Parker ballistic extreme 300 grn bullets with I think 105 grns by weight of BH. Factory trigger was crap so I put a new trigger in it. Haven't shot it since then but I'm thinking my group sizes should shrink without having to yank on the trigger to get it to go off. Lol Still have some tinkering to do. But the Remington primer case things are available. I've reseated primers in them too and works fine. So if you don't want to order new ones every time there is that option. Not sure how many times you could reload the primers but I'm guessing a ton since there's no pressure in the little cases. Any way like I said I have some more tinkering to do but so far I really like the gun!
  2. Becker

    AZGFD and Portal for Leftovers

    I put my wife's in the normal envelope......forgot about the different address myself. Sheesh. You guys freaked me out. Called and she pulled the only choice I put her in for!!!!! Thank goodness. I'd a been in deep doodoo
  3. Definatley. My mother just went in to have one removed. Let's just say an eight inch scar from her elbow up to her shoulder and at least an inch wide swath of skin as well as some lymph nodes and various other tests later..........she's all clear for now 😊
  4. Becker

    Zeroing your scopes!!!!

    I agree with you Vowell!
  5. Becker

    Zeroing your scopes!!!!

    I meant new to me technique. Just thought it was interesting.
  6. Becker

    Zeroing your scopes!!!!

    I guess it helps in making sure that you are close to zero in the scope so you get the most adjustment possible and helps to make sure when you click the turret they actually click the correct values?
  7. Becker

    Zeroing your scopes!!!!

    Apparently you can do the same thing by simply counting clicks. Rotate your turrets to one side and then all the way to the other noting how many clicks. Then centering them by dividing in half.
  8. Becker

    Zeroing your scopes!!!!

    Seems easy. You get your scope and place the objective up to a mirror. Then look through the scope. You will see your reticle, then if the scope isn't lined up or centered you will see a reflection of the reticle in the mirror. You then need to use your turrets to make the two reticles line up.
  9. Becker

    A little diffrant colored .22-250

    Oooooooooooooooooh. I like that!
  10. Becker

    Boone & Crocket on Auction Tags

  11. Becker

    Custom Loads

    I think western precision rifles will do that for you.
  12. Becker

    Anyone seen this bull? 436" velvet

    Man some of you guys sure get your panties in a wad over this topic EVERY year!!!! Enough with the ah it ain't fair. Rich people suck. Ah poor me I can't buy one. Last I checked we are 'Merican. You can do and be anything you want. Go make a couple Million "cause you can" and be THAT guy and quit whining about "fair"
  13. Becker

    A Little Pre-Draw Results Research

    I would second A3 and Matt Schimberg!!! They are the best IMO.
  14. Becker

    2 spotters as binocs

    It really depends on how much time you want to put into them. You can get them ( 2 spotters) set up for yourself rather quickly. Whether or not you can pinch them in or widen them so someone else can also look through them is another story. It all depends on your set up and brand of scopes etc. I believe I saw a picture of Craig from ORG using a different scopes then the swaros. Depends on how they are mounted too. The eurooptic bracket for the 80mm scopes actually fixes them in place and moves one out and in where as most of the simpler set ups let the scopes rotate on their own axis to pinch the eye pieces in or out.
  15. Becker


    Generally Coues don't shed until end of April and May. The occasional few monsters can loose their antlers in early April but majority will be in May.
  16. Becker

    Antelope taxidermy

    Don't forget about us either!!!!!
  17. Becker

    anybody have exper. w/colored night time photos

    ^^^ OMG. Lmao
  18. Becker

    How far is too far of a shot?

    Hmmmmmm. I actually agree with with (can't believe I'm saying this!)............ .270 LOL
  19. Becker


    They could still be in your boots!!!
  20. Becker


    OHHhhhHoHOHo we do have chiggers. Like mentioned above they are similar to a tick. They crawl on you and end up biting you usually where you have some restricting clothing. Sock lines waist band. But they will bite you anywhere. Once they bite you and it starts to itch first time you scratch the bite you scrape them off. The only thing to combat the bites afterwards is some kind of anti itch cream. Prevention..... Bug repellent!
  21. Becker

    2 spotters as binocs

    You can use fixed eye pieces/or you zoom one up to whatever power you want and then bring the other one up until your eyes settle out. Pretty simple and easier than you would think. Your eyes will tell you right off when they are the same!
  22. Nice!!!! Still got my list of all the nay sayers!!!! There's a bunch!
  23. Becker

    New guy question

    I don't think you can go wrong with any of the top brands. Swaros, Leica, zeiss....... I haven't really looked through any of the newer zeiss stuff for a long time but my father still has his old big pair of 15's. He's had them for over 30 years. I'm a Swaro fan. My business partner uses the Leica 15s with the range finder in them. I have a couple different range finders for different applications so I didn't see the need to have the built in but it sure is nice just to be able to range right through the binocs. I have looked through some vortexes from time to time. I even have a set now that I won in a raffle. I just don't like them. They just don't seem to focus up for me very well. Not sure how to explain it but they ARE NOT the same as my swaros!
  24. Becker

    2 spotters as binocs

    There are a couple outfits making the brackets commercially. Euro-optics is one of them for the big spotters. My friend and I made our own. Feel free to PM me if you are really serious about this route and I will give you some more detailed info.
  25. Becker


    Well after my recent good luck post......figured I would post up a few sheep mounts for you to enjoy as well.