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Everything posted by Becker

  1. Becker

    Paper tuning

    I disagree and think paper tuning is really a good thing. With the new fast bows, my wife and I both get tighter groups when the bows are paper tuned. One thing very important to remember, just because someone paper tunes it for you does not mean it will shoot bullet holes for you. Every shooter shoots a bow different. granted it should be close though. After you have someone paper tune it, you should shoot it there afterwards because many times a slight adjustment will be needed for your particular shooting style. With the split limb bows, a lot of the problems arise with cam lean and there is nothing you can do by moving the rest to correct it. My bow was doing the same thing when I first got. a Slight adjustment of the cables fixed it right up. If you are in Tucson, take it down to PSE and have Zac or Alex help you out with it.
  2. Becker

    A Few Mounts to Look AT!!!

    Wish I could say they are all MINE!
  3. Becker

    A Few Mounts to Look AT!!!

    You and me both Gino!!! All I can say is get ready! Some super secret plans are starting to unfold
  4. Becker

    Puma De Mayo!

  5. Becker

    female german shorthair puppy

    Sent you a PM
  6. Becker

    Whisker Biscuit

    I might have one at home. Out of town for the Christmas weekend, will check and let you know when I get home. Becker
  7. Becker

    My December Buck

    MAN, What a BUCK!!! Congrats!
  8. Had the opportunity to take some hunters out for this late November hunt. On Sunday we shot this nice buck. It has an inside spread of 17 inches and grosses 107 and 6/8!!! Yesterday was another great day. Diane dropped the hammer on this 4x4 that grossed 107 and 2/8!!! Hope you all enjoy!!!
  9. Becker

    How big does he have to be!

    I myself try and top my biggest deer to date. I don't have the need to kill just to kill. I almost get more joy out of just seeing deer in the wild and being able to observe their habits. If you pinned me down I would have to say something that I thought was 115 or better to get me to pull the trigger these days. Like posted before you cant shoot the big ones if you kill the smaller ones. Even if it is the last day!!!!!
  10. Becker


    Jody scored big again this morning with another fine coues buck. 3 days of cool mornings, blistering afternoons and too much hiking, wouldn't trade it for anything. More memories for the books. 103 inches, hope you all enjoy!!! Becker
  11. Becker


    Yeah GameHauler the excitement and joy on that archery buck will probably never get topped. There is not much I can say else wise except there is still a smile on my face everyday when I think about it. Jody's too. However the buck fever still gets her everytime and she was just as thrilled with this buck. I wish you all could see her when deer step out in front of her. HAHAHA
  12. Becker

    bucks in velvet

    There will always be shrinkage if you shoot them in velvet unless you are able to get them right before they scrape it off......Just something to consider if you are concerned about their size. Count on them shrinking 5 to 10 percent. Becker
  13. Becker

    Black river parasites

    I believe this is the parasite you are talking about Diplostomulum sp. Adults of most species in this genus are found in the guts of birds. Eggs are passed in the bird's feces, and snails serve as the first intermediate host. The second intermediate host (most often a fish) is infected by the cercariae, and the resulting stage is called a "diplostomulum larva" (a metacercaria). The avian definitive host is infected when it eats an infected second intermediate host. I don't know much about it but I have heard that as long as you cook the fish you should be fine......But you might want to do your own research!!! Becker
  14. Becker

    Mount it or Not Mount it

    If the cape is tanned you can put it in the freezer and it will keep for a long time!!! Should have no problem mounting it two or three years down the road!!! I work for Harlow's Taxidermy in Tucson and we do it often when guys have that problem. Being a taxidermist though I say mount it...HAHAHA....Just my 2 cents but you should be good.... Becker
  15. Becker

    Broadheads for elk?

    Shot a bull last year with the G5 montecs, the elk went maybe twenty yards. I was very impressed. When I peeled back the skin on the exit side, it was blood shot like I had used a rifle. My wife shot a deer in august with one and had the same results....They fly just like field tips out of my bow (70lbs) and my wife's (48lbs).
  16. Becker

    #2 NT Coues

    Bowsniper, I am sorry to say, no sisters!!! Hahaha Sorry for the disappointment..... Becker
  17. Becker


    Congrats on such a monster!!!! that thing is a tank!
  18. Headed out yesterday afternoon to help a friend find a buck we had been watching...130 yards and one shot later he was done!!! Congrats my friend!!!! Becker
  19. My Father managed to take his best coues deer to date!!! 17" inside spread 112" gross....Could not be more happy to take my father out and watch him harvest such a monster!!! Becker
  20. Well my mom managed to take another nice coues buck. One shot from 330 yards and down he went. Not the greatest scorer but last year during the rut he sure opened a can on some of the bigger scoring bucks. Judging by his teeth he is 6+ years old....We are tickled to death. He grosses 95 and some change. Nothing better then enjoying the outdoors with your closest family! Becker
  21. Becker

    Shed hunting dogs

    I think this was already discussed once. I have been trying to train my German Shorthair....I started out fetching, then I would make him sit and stay while I put the antler out in front of him where he could see it. Then go back to him and have him retrieve it. Once he got good at that I would start hiding it out of sight. Pretty soon he got smart to that and would just go to where I went. Keep in mind this was just in my yard. Then I started hiding multiple antlers.....after he got good at that I took him out in the wash by my house and hide them there, and so on...He is good at it around the house and in the wash but out in the field he is still a little excited about getting out so we will see! Hope that helps Becker
  22. Becker

    2008 Oct. coues hunt

    Nice Buck there crazy$coues
  23. Spot and Stalk, 45 yards, threaded the needle, BIG BUCK DOWN.......The only electronic device used here was the AED used to shock my heart back to life after I slighty caressed the smooth velvet on this beast. 117 and 7/8 green total gross.
  24. Becker


    Had some requests for some more photos, here it is as it lay and a few close ups.....As for the story, still speechless hahaha, sendin it to amanda to post Mass between the g2 and g3's is 5 and 3/8!!! Sheesh
  25. Becker

    I'm out

    Redbeard, Just was wondering how a motion camera doesn't fall under an electronic device used for locating an animal. "By the use of electronic devices for attracting, locating or pursuing game or guiding the hunter to such game, or by the use of a bow or arrow to which any electronic device is attached." If this really is a discussion about ethics and the rules of fair chase....... That describes to me exactly what a motion camera is......everybody uses them to find animals that they might never know where there......How is that fair chase? Not saying that I don't use them but as I interpret the rules of Pope and Youngs Fair Chase motion cameras should not be used. Electronic devices should not be used for locating OR pursuing OR guiding a hunter to animals. To me if someone is using a motion camera then they are not following those rules for Pope and Young. Agree or disagree? Oh yeah, I wasn't trying to undermine your credibility..... I just was trying to start a discussion about whether motion cameras are or are not fair chase too, and how you would justify using them. Not attacking you personally, sorry if I came off that way