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Everything posted by Becker

  1. Becker

    Some Mounts to Check Out!!!

    Trying to get back to work after deer season. Thought I would share a few more mounts with you all. Hope you enjoy!!!
  2. Becker

    Some Mounts to Check Out!!!

    Let me know if you guys can see the first one it does not show up on my computer unless I click on it.
  3. Becker

    Texas Bucks!!!

    I got the opportunity to go hunt texas with a good friend of mine. A little different then our Coues deer hunting but man, what a fun time. Thought I would share pics of the bucks I shot. Hope you all Enjoy The bucks down there were still rutting pretty good especially after the huge storms that rolled through Saturday night. This buck came walking out crazed out of his mind so I had my friend Bob take this pic for proof of how close he really was!!! This was all one days worth of hunting!!! Amazing how many deer our down there!!! Good thing I could not stay longer not sure what I would have done with any more deer
  4. A few successful hunters During the month of December that I had the pleasure of taking out and hunting with!!! It has been awhile since I have hunted for myself, but I also managed to put a tag on a buck this year! Hope you all enjoy, and good luck to those still with tags for 2010!!!
  5. Becker

    Sadie Anderson got a nice one!

    WOW!!!! Well done young lady!
  6. Becker

    Lost Dog in 36C!!!

    Yep they have left the blanket and been back for the last couple of days. We have had similar experiences. They mentioned there were lots of hunters around so we are thinking someone picked her up but you never know.
  7. Hey everyone, Was not sure where to post this but my parents lost a white with black spots female english pointer in southern portion of 36C She ran off and never returned. If any of you are out and about down there and see her or pick her up please let me know. Her name is ANN. Thanks
  8. Becker

    Lost Dog in 36C!!!

    Thanks guys we have already contacted BP and ranch owners with contact info and everything. We will see thx for keepin an eye out
  9. Becker


    My wife and I and my Brother in law shoot the G5 montecs. They are awesome. We have shot three bulls with them and all three have died in thirty yards or less!!! They flew great out of my omen at 343 ft per second. Just cranked it up a little though will have to see about 353 ft a second but I think they should work.
  10. My Dad and I got lucky and he managed to take this buck. After another hunter blew the buck out of his hiding spot we managed to relocate him an hour and a half later. My dad made an incredible 590 yard shot and the buck was his. Hope you all enjoy. Congrats to all the other successful hunters and good luck to the rest who are still hunting.
  11. Becker

    Not a monster but it will do

    Man Cole you guys sure did your fair share of killing!!! Congrats
  12. Becker

    Arizona Wildlife Designs

    Hey Everybody, Hope you all are as excited about the hunting season as I am. Just wanted to let you know a little bit about Arizona Wildlife Designs and what we can do for you. We are located in Tucson making us a perfect option for all you hunters chasing Coues in the best habitat in the state. We can take the struggle out of transporting your hard earned trophy back home. Drop it off with us. I offer a free delivery service. Call for details Also, since I am such a huge fan of the website I would like to offer CouesWhitetail members a 10% discount on your first trophy you leave with us!!! Give us a call or stop by and check out our work. We can take care of all of your Taxidermy needs.
  13. Becker

    Arizona Wildlife Designs

    I have gotten a lot of questions about where Chris Harlow is going or what he will be doing. He is still here. We are just changing management around down there. Nothing is going to be different other than I am changing the name and running the business. We are still the Devin and Chris Team!!!
  14. Becker

    23 youth hunt

    Way to go!!! Congrats on a great Buck!
  15. Becker

    Arizona Wildlife Designs

    Nope, not affiliated with Danny Crain. I am very familiar with the ATAA, but thanks for the heads up!
  16. Becker

    Welcome to 3 new sponsors!

    Thanks Amanda, Could not be happier about finally being able to sponsor THE BEST Coues deer site there is!!!
  17. Becker

    Courtney's 2010 buck

    WOW that is something you don't see everyday!!! Congrats
  18. Becker

    boy did it again 5 straight

    The pics come up really small on my computer. Congrats!!!
  19. Becker

    What am I doing wrong???

    how long have you had the mineral and stuff out? I have had areas where the bucks hammer the minerals and others where they never do. Not exactly sure why they don't use it in some places. Perhaps they get it naturally in the different soil types. Not exactly sure. Interesting topic though would like to see what others have to say. All I know is the big ones are super sneaky even with the cams.
  20. Becker

    Nice Bull Down

    Jody wanted me to tell you all Thanks for all the positive replies. To have this much support only fuels her fire to hunt some more, we all better watch out, even me!! Thanks!
  21. Becker

    Nice Bull Down

    Well Jody made good on her Elk tag. 7 Days of fun filled hunting and this is what she ended up with. She made an incredible 73 yard shot on this bad boy!!! These PSE bows impress me more and more everyday. She still got a complete pass through right through the boiler room. The bull managed to run a WHOLE 30 yards before he fell over dead!!! Wished I had carried my video camera so you all could see how it went down. Anyway a great start to our hunting season this year, can't wait for hunts to come. Enjoy
  22. crazy4COUES and I spent the last week looking over some great bucks. Thought you guys would like to see one of the big boys to get the blood pumping for this last few days of the archery deer season. Good luck to all that can get out. Looking forward to some more great bucks with happy hunters behind them. Becker
  23. Becker

    Nice Buck!!!

    DDS my brother in law was tryin to get him with his bow. Mostly just watching him though he is in some pretty nasty stuff to really be able to get after him with archery tackle. None of us have rifle tags for the unit. Hoping to find him in January rutting does and maybe thump him with the bows!
  24. Becker


    Me Toooooooooo was checking them out last weekend! Too bad the one messed up his right antler