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Everything posted by Becker

  1. Becker

    Two Javelina Bag Limit (under some circumstances)!

    I like this idea, and agree we should open up the same scenario for deer tags. I would have no problem picking up an extra deer tag every year!
  2. Becker

    Just can't be...

    Jody's is a keeper for sure. We never did enter it into the books. She did not want to strip the velvet off. I am sure there are some other ladies who have nice ones as well!!!
  3. Becker

    Anybody used a SwingBlade knife before

    I also use the havalons, for hunting and all taxidermy work. They are sweet. As mentioned they are thin, meant for cutting. If you know your joints they zip right through. I have used them on lots of coues, and 4 elk over the last couple years, never had a problem. Again though I don't cut through bones, just joints.
  4. Check out tinesup.com. They have pretty sweet setups for digiscoping!
  5. Becker

    Results Are Out!

    Yep a friend talked to G and F the results were not supposed to be out, something went wrong and they caught on to it and now they shut it down.
  6. Becker

    Telephoto Lens Options

    Dont discount digiscoping. Check out tinesup.com. They sell a sweet adapter to hold you camera to the scope. Obviously you have to focus the scope to the camera, but also put the camera on timer mode so that the setup is completely still when the camera goes off. Just a thought for those long shots.
  7. Becker

    Hunting Season Closing IN!!!!

    Hunting Season is almost upon us. Chris and I are hard at work trying to finish up last years projects before the new season starts. Thought you all might like to take a peak into the shop here. Come by before season and chat with us about your upcoming hunts, and services we provide. We would love to see you!!! Our Front Room!! My full sized desk is somewhere in there!!! The shop End!!! And Some KUNG FU!!! HAHAHAH
  8. Becker


    I am not sure but guessing its probably an escape artist from someones bait bucket that had the chance to grow up. Some gold fish or koi is my guess.
  9. Becker

    Hunting Season Closing IN!!!!

    usually 8-5 but give me a call Ill be sure to be here if you want to stop in. 520-282-3444
  10. Becker

    Some advice

    I would contact Game and Fish. I would think that they could issue him some kind of CHAMP/HANDICAP type permit so he can still hunt. I think I had heard from a friend that they can do that. Don't quote me on it. Anyone else here of this???
  11. Becker

    Tecnique - Camera Saturation

    Thats AWESOME rifleman
  12. Becker

    Hunting Season Closing IN!!!!

    Oracle and Roger, behind the Pollo Feliz, across the street from the Lucky Wishbone. 460 West Roger Road Suite #102
  13. Becker

    Hunting Season Closing IN!!!!

    Thanks Ilene, You might have to let me mount one of your trophies one of these days!!!
  14. Becker

    Hunting Season Closing IN!!!!

    Well Only one pic is sideways......Hope some of you can make it by and check us out!!!
  15. Becker

    Tecnique - Camera Saturation

    I got a camera and tree stands back one time. I had been hunting this spring way back in the woods, we were done hunting and I came back a couple days later to find my tree stands and camera gone. I followed the horse tracks back to the ranch house. The cowboy that was working the ranch had taken my camera and my two tree stands. When I questioned him about it he said man I new there was a tracking device in that camera!!! He gave back all my stuff. Just lucky on that one!!!
  16. Becker

    Info on Strip guides

    You might want to check out Arizona Strip Bucks LLC. as well. arizonastripbucks.com
  17. Becker

    Hunting with the aid of a Vehicle

    Guilty until you prove your innocent anymore! Its a shame so many young guys get the almighty power, stick their chest out, I'm the LAW, going to catch you, I know you are doing something wrong, attitude these days.
  18. Becker

    scope for a1000 yard gun

    Don't forget luepold
  19. Becker

    Arm Strength

    I believe short practice sessions are better. Maybe 10 to 15 shots or perhaps less, once in the morning and then evening or whatever your schedule permits. Remember you don't have to shoot long distances to practice. Check out Cameron Hanes. He shoots in his office all the time!!! hahaha Just need a small target and five or ten yards to shoot. Using this technique has allowed my wife and I to get into archery shape rather quickly. By this I simply mean developing your muscles and muscle memory to make a repeatable shot. I notice a lot of people feel the need to go out and shoot 1000 times everyday, but I think practice as long as you are fresh. When you start getting fatigued and keep shooting I think you start developing bad habits. Remember MOST hunting situations only require ONE shot, maybe a follow up shot. I don't personally see the need to be able to pull my bow back 100 times, when all it takes is one or two shots. Being confident in your ability to draw the bow and make that first shot count is the key to me. Make every shot count when you are practicing, just like it is an actual hunting situation. Thats just my 2 cents and I might get ripped for it but it works my myself and my wife.
  20. So I have seen some posts about the closure of some of our December archery hunts, and have heard many people complaining about how Game and Fish has changed some units over to a draw permit for some of the archery hunts. I have been thinking and wondering if Game and Fish is so concerned about the harvest rates on deer during the archery hunts, WHY don't they change it over to be the same or very similar to the bear hunts. Have Game and Fish set a Quota for the number of bucks they want harvested. Make it mandatory reporting, which it already is pretty much. When the quota gets met, shut down the unit the following Wednesday. If they put this into place it seems as though they (GandF) would get both of what they want. Controlling the number of deer harvested by archers, plus still providing OPPORTUNITY for every to still hunt their favorite units. The revenue off tag sales would stay the same because everyone is still going to hit the hills come opening day of their favorite archery season. What do all you guys think about this idea??? VS draw permit tags VS closing units......
  21. GotBowAZ exactly my point!
  22. Becker

    Trail Cam Pics

    Those are some sweet eye guards!!!
  23. Becker


    I had the pleasure of mounting one of the strip giants from last year. I believe its on the cover of Muley Crazy if you all want to read the story. Hope you all enjoy!!!
  24. Becker

    Elk Pedestal

    Thought you guys might like this one!!!