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Everything posted by Becker

  1. Becker


    OOOOOOh that can be a tough unit!!!
  2. Devin, we already know how corrupt our department already is, and your now suggesting that they start a black list for anybody who criticizes them? This will go over great with the hunters in AZ...HAHAHA Nice, just saying IF it works bet everyone who poopoos it will apply when there's 180s on the catalinas
  3. Hey Ben, I think you should take note of the nay sayers and if this transplant holds and we eventually get to hunt the Catalina's for sheep again, don't let those guys apply! Obviously some of you haven't been around the sheep units and watched the sheep much. In arivaipa they hang out right above the road and houses, they hang out in the silver bell mines all day long, they are all over the superstitions where people hike, four wheel, target shoot, and some are right up to the edge of town. I think some of you underestimate the size of the Catalina's and the chance is worth the risk. I think the main concern is when the sheep are initially released. It's going to take some time for them to adjust and G and F doesn't want extra pressure before they get settled in. As far as lions go you can't tell me that 31,32,22,24b, or just about any sheep unit doesn't have the same lion issue! Come on guys! Like I said if it takes hold and a new sheep hunt opens, better not see you applying for it!!!
  4. Becker

    Quick Picture

    I took a quick pic with my cell phone. This double Coues pedestal is leaving today before I have a chance to take my usual high quality photo! I wanted you all to see it before it left. I snuck a huge cougar in the background there for you all for some SUSPENSE!!! Sorry for the bit of fuzzyness but like I said it was from my phone! Hope you Enjoy!!!
  5. Becker

    stratify hunts

    The problem I see with this theory is that if they would break the hunt into two you would not see the number of tags split in two. They would add some to each hunt. Say for example they have 400 now. If they split it they would prob put 275 per hunt thusly adding an additional 150 tags all together.
  6. Becker

    370" Bull Down! Video Added (Click link to Youtube)

    WOW!!! Congrats
  7. Sweet bull!!! Man the San Carlos grows some monsters!
  8. Becker

    Freeze drying

    I sure dont but hoping I will here in the short future! Still figuring out logistics.
  9. Becker

    Elk Drop Off Location!!!

    Hey guys and gals, Just wanted to let all you lucky elk tag holders for the White Mountians know that I will have a drop off set up in Springerville at the Rusty's meat shop. We are trying to take some of the headache out of transporting your bulls from the mountain down to the desert. If its something that interests you I will personally be there for some/hopefully most of the seasons, or my good friend Justin Taylor (Rusty's employee) will be there. Hope to see some of you soon!!!
  10. Becker

    Giant Velvet Coues buck!

    Tory Brock is only involved with the strip mule deer. Thats probably what you remember seeing GotCoues! There are a couple pics floating around with some auction mule deer with Tory's logo on it. I don't believe he is ever involved with their coues deer stuff.
  11. Becker

    Looking for a Taxidermist

    Thanks guys for the recommendations. Scooter you can give me a call or drop by the shop anytime. I'm sure we will be able to take care of you.
  12. Becker

    Advice Please - Wary, Mature Coues Bucks

    Not trying to insult but wind just doesn't blow one way. Air rises and falls with changes in temp. There are those wind indicator things you can get. Not the bottle of powder but small tuff of stuff like a feather. They give you more info on exactly what the air is doing. I am drawing a blank on the name of it but that might help you out.
  13. Hard to tell exactly what going on since the pics are a little too fuzzed out. I'd say his 2's are about 6 inches. 3's maybe 4. All I can see is the eye guard on the left antler. G1 guessing 4 inches. He is super narrow so that hurts main beams. Guessing 15 ish. 13.5 inches for an average coues deer mass. So 42.5 inches per antler. 11 inch inside spread maybe. 96 ish not counting whatever extras you could see going on. That's my guess being conservative. Remember you can reference measurements of the head to give you good estimates. Front corner of the eye to the end of the nose 6 inches. Ear openings ( from the white tuff of hair in the crotch to the tip of the ear 6 inches). Cool looking buck for sure!!!
  14. Becker

    Do beards provide camo?

    Hahaha maybe???
  15. My Brother In Law came down to chase some deer around with me for the opening weekend. Well I guess we started out with a bang!!! Managed to find a small group of deer that I had seen pretty regularly. Needless to say after stalking in the arrow hit the mark!!! Congrats Jesse!!! It was short but MAN IT WAS SWEET!!!
  16. Becker

    Early Archery Deer Hunts

    You guys crack me up! How come nothing is ever good enough the way it is ??? Hunt how and what you like and be happy for the other guys that are successful. Our state is so diverse in the ranges that the species all live in there is NO way you are going to make it perfect for everything and everyone! If they did change it there would be just as many comments and complaints wanting it changed back! It didn't matter whether or not that deer was FINISHED for my Brother in Law. He shot his absolute biggest deer EVER!!! He is so tickled with himself it might as well have been a new world record. Would it have grown a little more. YEAH Does it matter to him NO. Again TO EACH HIS OWN. We know what the deer IS what it WAS going to be. It is all the same deer in the end. Even if he would have shot it right after it shed. Still the same deer. One mature big heavy short pointed deer that wasn't going to blow any the official record books out of the water. So really what does it matter. It BLEW his personal record out of the water and it was an older age class buck, and thats all I care about. A HAPPY SUCCESSFUL HUNTER and an old buck. END of story!
  17. Becker

    123" Velvet Buck

    Man that's a beastly looking old buck!!! Congrats!
  18. Becker

    Early Archery Deer Hunts

    I agree with your thought of the hunt staring a touch too early if you are into scores and deer being finished. However too each his own. My bro in law doesn't hunt for antlers. He just wants to shoot deer. This year his goal was three points per side, pretty sure he would have shot a forky still!!! Hahaha. This was his third deer with archery tackle and his biggest by far. Could it have grown another couple inches? YES. But for him didn't matter. He is on cloud 9! And that's what it's all about in the end. I personally am not a fan of velvet. I like shiny hard horned racks so I don't generally hunt this early season! Or if I do I wait till the end. I guess it boils down to personal preference. And deer are different across the board like you mentioned. Mule deer are almost done. And I have coues deer bucks that I'm watching in all categories in terms of the growth cycle! A couple are pretty much done and others have a ways to go.
  19. Becker

    What do do you think.

    Where all populations of Coues and Mule Deer overlap there is cross breeding. It happens pretty regular. There are lots of studies out there you can read, and I would bet a lot of the Coues that people shoot actually have some Mule Deer in them. I will have to ask my father about this study he was recently reading that went into pretty good detail about it. But the guy or gal found a substantial portion of the Coues deer in the study to have some Mule Deer in them (Not enough to make any kind of a difference but its there....). What generally happens though is the cross bred genes or DNA gets bred back out rather quickly. The first one has 50/50, then usually breeds back with the same species 25/75, and so on and so on. Remember hair color (especially on the tail) generally is not proof that anything is a cross breed. There are so many variations that hair patterns and color are not good enough to use as definitive evidence. The necessary proof is usually a lot deeper than just appearance.
  20. Man guess I REALLY struck a nerve there GOTBOWAZ!!!! Hahaha. I don't care who you are and it doesn't matter what kind of bow you shoot. THE LESS MOVING PARTS YOU HAVE THE LESS CHANCE YOU HAVE OF A FAILURE. You CANNOT argue against that!!! Yes compound bounds have tons of moving parts. And if you are up and up on your maintenance you most likely will not experience any problems. I have no argument against you there. There is no reason why you should not be able to make any type of rest work for you. Fall aways, bowdoodles, whisker biscuits, you name it they all work. In the end its what you prefer. I PREFER LESS MOVING PARTS!!! Doesn't matter if its just one out 1000. Its a difference. Its no different then having an old style peep sight with the tubing that attaches to back of the riser so that the peep lines up every time vs the common style peep sight most people use today. Yeah you keep up on your maintenance and replace that little piece of tubing all the time and you shouldn't have to worry about the tube snapping in half when you draw your bow. But if you place a top of the line new peep sight in there, make sure that the string is set perfectly so it lines up every time you draw back, you eliminate the tubing (moving part) you don't have to worry about it anymore. Whats the goal there? Same as my point with the whisker biscuit. I don't have to worry about that stupid piece of tubing attached to my peep. I don't have to worry about the little string that connects the rest in the cable getting caught on brush and pulling the serving used to hold it in place up the cable so it doesn't lift or drop the rest depending on brand. Or the internal mechanisms inside that rest not working properly. I have just seen those rests do too many weird things to make me want to get one. Yes things can go wrong with any part, set screws, whatever you want to say or compare to. Yes the whiskers get worn out. This can go wrong that can go wrong. Thats not the point. Those things can go wrong with any rest or any part on the bow for that matter. You have to compare APPLES TO APPLES. The apples to apples point is.........THE WHISKER BISCUIT HAS LESS THINGS THAT CAN GO WRONG WITH IT VS A FALL AWAY REST! I prefer them because of this. We haven't even got to the subject of whether or not the rest can actually get out of the way before the fletchings get to it either BWHAHAHA!!! Or in your case GOTBOWAZ how much does it affect the mystical flight of the arrow having those fletchings pass through those whiskers. Maybe we should have a contest and see who can shoot the best while hanging upside down!!! Bet you I would win with my Whiskers. LOL I am Just Joking of course, and please don't take any of that personal. In the end, You can say what you want but I think my point is pretty fool proof and hard to argue. My 2 cents
  21. I have seen too many drop aways fail during 3 d shoots to trust one. It only takes one time to mess up the opportunity of a lifetime!!! Whisker biscuit equals no moving parts. Nothing to fail period. End of story!
  22. Becker

    Question For all CWT members

    Prob will never have them
  23. Those were the final scores after the panel got done!!!
  24. Becker

    Limited OP hunt-Antelope Mountain

    I believe he is talking about an elk hunt. Its just in the Antelope Mountain area??? I am not aware of any limited op antelope tags.