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Everything posted by Becker

  1. Becker

    Pictures through optics

    +1 on the tines up adapters. Another thing to do, if you are taking photos, is to set the timer on the camera so that you are not touching it when it takes the photo. Push the button then pull away and 5 seconds later the camera snaps the photo. Takes your wobbles out. Or you can put the camera in burst mode so that it takes rapid multiple pictures and then pick out the clear ones. Makes a lot to go through but makes sure you have lots of chances to get the GOOD one!!!
  2. Becker


    Ah so Bone777 you want them to SPEND MORE MONEY to hire the best company for the draw system then???
  3. Becker


    You guys crack me up!!! They do have a date. Correct me if I am wrong but April 18th I believe. You are just getting spoiled when they release them early! And now you are complaining because they won't and probably don't know the exact early release date??? HAHAHA
  4. Becker

    #14 and 15

    Ah so you guys want them to waste more money to transplant the sheep back home now???? That doesn't make sense if you think they wasted money in the first place. Now you want them to spend more?
  5. Becker

    jag critical habitat established. any predictions?

    Whether theres 1, 2 or 5 of them still doesn't make much sense to me. Is it habitat that they use??? YES. Is it prime habitat that is going to make the species go extinct if it is lost??? NO. It doesn't appear that there is any negative affect on them currently, unless captured. The one or ones that Lance is watching seem to be doing A OK so what gives by potentially closing off those areas??? Every Species has some sort of range/habitat that it lives in. On the edges/fringes of those ranges there are fewer animals. Thats just the way it is. Just an example but look at Coues deer. They seem to me to be somewhat similar (range wise). And you could use many different examples. BUT Arizona and New Mexico are on the very north end of their range. I grew up in St. Johns, there are NO Coues there. However 30 miles south and the closet I have seen a Coues to St. Johns is just out side of Springerville along the Little Colorado River. I have seen a few there from time to time. Does that mean we should set aside that very north fringe where they MIGHT/SOMETIMES inhabit because I saw some living right at the edge and got tons of pictures of them because I figured out where they eat, drink, and sleep. Probably not. Thats where the habitat starts to change and their range doesn't extend any farther north. Same case here with the jaguar. It just so happens there is an International Border right in that fringe. I am sure Lance knows a lot more about the history of them in our areas here but from what I understand it seems that history has shown there have not been very many that actually live in southern AZ and NM. Was it more than there is now??? possibly, probably. What that number of actual jaguars that live north of the Mexican border I do not know. But starting to shut stuff down because there are a few, on the very edge of their MAIN range????????? Not right IMO
  6. Hit the white mountains early last week. Fished for 3/4 of the day Tuesday. Caught this gorgeous male midday!!! Weighed 3.5 lbs on my scale The fishing was pretty slow. Fished the whole rest of the day with only one other bite that I missed. Then late in the evening when I was about to pack it in I headed over to an old honey hole of mine and I hooked into this 4.5 lb female. Got her unhooked and got hit on the very next cast. I hooked it but it jumped out of the water and got off, it wasn't very big anyway. A few more casts later and a little farther down the bank had another GOOD fish come up the bank. Followed again on the second cast, then barley bumped me on the third and never showed again!!! Man it was exciting to say the least!!! Anyways thought you all would like to see these, they were such pretty fish and tasted DELICIOUSOOOOO!!!
  7. Becker

    Beware of Sonoran Outfitters!

    Just got an email TODAY about a GREAT DEAL on a desert sheep hunt!!! Some how I got on their contact list???
  8. Becker

    Which Scope for ML

    Hahaha. Want to see and count hairs. Hard to miss at 200 yards if you can't wiggle the cross airs out of the kill zone!!!
  9. Becker

    Which Scope for ML

    I would go with the best you can afford. I'm getting ready to put a luepold 8.5 to 25 on mine with turrets. The more the better IMO!!!
  10. Becker

    Taxidermist in Tucson?

    Can always call me!
  11. Jim was one of kind! He will, with out a doubt, be missed. The passing of such good honest and true people always stings but they never really leave us as long as we hold on to their memory!!!
  12. Becker

    WTB Berger 338 Bullets

    The hunting vld and tacticals are the same thing. Just trying to snag up multiple disciplines
  13. Man tough choice as they all have their pluses and minuses. I have a couple friends with the Samys. They all have said the same thing. Try to buy one with everything that you want in it already. You will save not only time but money! Seems to me you can get a tricked out rigg for 4 to 6K if you are willing to shop a little and wait for a good deal. I have a side by side. I like it, but it is dusty and noisy but sure beats driving down crappy dirt roads in my dodge. I have been looking into getting a full cab for it to cut down on the dust and am getting ready to tear the back end off and make a custom one for all my gear to combat those issues.
  14. SHAMEFUL ???? My post was MEANT as do you know what it costs to manage ALL of our wildlife??? Any kind of figure. What does it take??? I don't know and obviously you do. Our wildlife handled by the private sector, HA. Our wildlife would benefit but you guys would be priced out so fast you wouldn't even have time to blink. I really doubt your face would be smiling anymore. The following two paragraphs are merely my opinion. So I don't get in trouble I don't think G and F can REALLY manage our wildlife. They don't have the resources. They can't afford to pay enough people to do it. You might say oh yes they can but they barely pay the ones doing it now! The unit I hunt, and I am out there 2 days a week, I have only seen a warden 3 times in 8 years! I know why though. There are only 2 of them for the HUGE unit. Most of the time they are busy doing reports, darting javelina out of people's yards, going to court for tickets they have written, responsibilities I think a lot of people don't realize they have. They have soooo much on their plate they barely have time to do MANAGEMENT!!! Sure G and F has done some good things for wildlife. They really do have management plans and strategies in place that dictate how many tags they give out and what not (not saying they are the best by any means) but they are in place. Something that really showed this lack of management to me was a presentation I saw on mule deer numbers in a particular unit. Mule deer were on the decline. Then amazingly a giant fire rolled through the unit. Guess what??? Over the next few years mule deer numbers began to rise again. What did G and F do??? Absolutely nothing, but the G and F guy was pretty proud of it and now they had a pretty awesome mule deer unit again. My guess??? The trend will happen again and before you know it mule deer numbers in that unit will be on the decline, unless some crazy fire or force of nature comes through a strikes again. Why? because in all reality all that they are currently doing is observing wildlife numbers for the most part and handing out a set amount of tags based on those numbers. That warden doesn't do anything that really helps that deer herd. Doesn't have the time or resources. He only has time to survey/count them, turn in his count, and try and write all you guys tickets! So I guess the circle comes back around again and THAT IS is what does it COST to manage wildlife??? In the end that really is what this topic is about right? They take OUR money and do a job for us. We want them to do a good job. Things that they are doing right now we do or don't like. I personally don't know the cost, I don't even know what G and F's budget is. But like I said before, sit down and take some time to figure some stuff out about WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT if you want it changed. That way you have an actual VALID argument! OR you can say screw the MAN I don't like him or what he does just because I DONT............... and get absolutely NO WHERE!
  15. I mentioned this in another thread complaining about G and F......... Why don't YOU come up with your own management strategy??? Not just for deer or elk that you like to hunt, but for everything! Even the fishes!!! There are many many branches of our wildlife, not just Big Game. Figure out what it would take, how many employees you would need. Surveys on populations, enforcement, tag delegation, the whole thing and come up with a budget and see what it would cost you. Then I think you could come back with a valid argument. Not just OMG they raised pricing and I don't like it. Doesn't FEEL right to me. There isn't any valid info behind your questions. Post some facts. Why is G and F spending X amount of dollars on such and such project? Do some research. If you are serious about making changes show up serious with some facts and reasons for why. I said this before as well, I don't support everything they do either. But I think you need to come with some better A Game if you want to be taken seriously and actually make some changes.
  16. Becker

    Swarovski 12x50 EL Swarovision

    Whatchya getting instead Phil???
  17. Becker

    San Carlos Draw

    I had a customer up there said it happened. They called out names. I am assuming if you weren't there they should be letting you know soon.
  18. Becker

    Which Pack??

    I had the eberlestock dragonfly for years. Problem I have with it is that it is HEAVY. I just bought a Kelty. Weighs like four lbs and was only 130 bucks!!! The more I get farther into the back country the more I realize how bad a lot of hunting packs are. I figured maybe I should start trying out packs designed for backpacking. Been impressed so far! my 2 cents
  19. Becker


    Nice Buck!!!!
  20. Becker

    Custom Turret Systems

    Just keep in mind, and if I am insulting you I apologize, but your custom turret will be elevation dependent. Basically it will be for your gun at some fixed elevation. If you plan on say hunting around the desert 2500 to 3500 and only there you will be good but if you take that gun say on an elk hunt at 8500 ft the turret will be off. Might not be too far off depending on what ranges you are shooting but long range it will be. Thats why I usually use MOA vs having a custom turret built. Its way easy to print off a new chart for wherever I am hunting. Just my 2 cents!
  21. Becker

    Unit 27 Late Rifle

    Alpinebullwinkle, Can you post a link or something to where you are getting your 50% decrease statistic in the elk heard so I can check that out???
  22. Becker

    134 Yard Archery Shot on 6x6

    HAHAHA You guys crack me up. Todays bows are far better then 10 years ago. Most top of the line bows are advertised with IBO speeds well above 300 feet per second. At 300 feet per second arrow flight is just 1 sec to reach 100 yards, I doubt very much a deer could get 30 yards away before the arrow got there like someone else mentioned. At 350 feet per second the arrow will hit target at 100 yrds in roughly .86 seconds. Still one second is enough time to have things go wrong. Brings to mind the first shot I took at the buck I took in 2012 with my rifle that I had missed TWICE with my bow. It was 73 yards. Pretty far shot IMO but one that I was very capable of making. The deer was perfectly broadside feeding, the air was dead still, the sun was shinning on him, I was in the shade. He had no clue I was there. I was confident and I chose to take the shot. What happened??? Well that old sneaky wise buck pulled the old matrix move on me "String Jumped" and I missed over his back by an inch or two!!! Should I have gotten closer??? Would that have changed the out come??? Food for thought on what happened to me Even with todays super fast bows you can still perform a pretty neat trick. Most of you probably have seen it on TV and I have tried it myself. Take a pole and attach a piece of card board to it say 15" square, something anyone could hit at that distance. Find a corner of a building or what ever so you can get out of the line of fire. Stick the pole out with cardboard target and have your buddy go back 20 or 30 yards. have him shoot at the target and you with only listening for the sound of his bow and the arrow in flight try and move it out of the way. You can cause him to miss almost every time!!! What does that tell us????? Mostly that it doesn't matter how close you are or how fast your bow is things can go wrong with archery tackle. You can be the best shooter in the world and miss an animal at 20 or 30 yards simply because of their senses and agility!!! Where does that leave us??? Well almost no where. How can all the ETHIC POLICE put tabs on my above topic. When can you take a shot where you "REALLY" know the outcome??? Because that seems to be the bottom factor in all of this topic. I say NEVER.
  23. Becker

    i wanna shoot a big mule deer

    If you are looking for giants right now I would say 13b. 13a is still recovering from a few years ago. The hunts on the strip can be extremely tough but the deer are abnormally giant. The Kiabab, yes they shoot some big deer but year in and year out the strip consistently producers more and bigger deer. Can you find big deer in other units..... Yes. But the strip is a magical monster growing place. Keep in mind the preparation to not only find and then to harvest one of the strip beasts is no easy task. They are there but you better have the drive, time, and then some to find, figure out, and maybe get a shot at one.
  24. Becker

    BIGFOOT KILLED!!!! Proof

    HAHAHA I saw that the other day!!!
  25. Becker

    Swarovski STS 80 spotting scope

    do you still have this available