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Everything posted by Becker

  1. Becker

    Got it DONE!!! UPDATED

    Sorry guys I am out hunting still with a few friends. Will update shortly when I get in better service.
  2. Becker

    Taxidermy inTucson

    Thanks for the recommendations everyone. We REALLY appreciate it.
  3. My father helped a good family friend get her first deer yesterday. Big congrats to Nicole!!! Looks like we added a new hunter to the group!!!
  4. Becker

    Taxidermy inTucson

    Don't forget about us! Arizona wildlife designs. 6 month turn around times. Link below and on face book.
  5. Becker

    First Deer!!!

    The little dog scared the crap outta me when I hikes in there to help them pack it out! Hahaha was dark when I got there and he came sneaking out from under a tree into my flash light glow. Too funny!!!
  6. Becker

    Got it DONE!!! UPDATED

    Hmmm some how it posted three pics. Hahaha ohwell at least one is right!
  7. Becker

    Is it Friday morning yet?

    I WISH...... The suspense is killing me.
  8. Becker


    ^^^^^^ hahahaha
  9. This is a good subject that I have been very interested in lately. I have learned a ton about Coues bucks in the last couple of years using trail cameras. I totally agree that they have a core area that they hold to. BUT.....,,.,,,, I have actually found a lot of bucks taking long walks as I have been calling them. I am not exactly sure how often they do it (doesn't seem like its that often, maybe once every month or two) and I guess it depends on what you call long. In my case it's 1 mile or over. Might not seem far but if you consider a square mile of rugged country it's a dang lot. One particular buck that I have been watching the last 2 years comes to mind. I got 2 pictures of him over a couple month period. Went in there multiple times trying to glass him up and never could turn him. Finally have got him pretty patterned but he is living 1.5 miles from where I got those first pictures. I actually jumped him early one morning over in this other chunk of country. And from time to time he still will go all the way to the other spot. Sooooo the old spot him once you got him idea while majority of the time is very true. Be somewhat careful because it's not 100 percent reliable. He could actually be over a mile away from where you are looking living fat and happy I could have spent years tearing apart the country I originally thought the above buck was living and never seen him there again. I am sure a few of you motion camera guys have that one buck that showed up once or twice and you can never seem to find him. I think this is why. They go for WALKS Hahahaha. Seems like the more and more I try and pattern these bucks the more I notice a lot of them do this.
  10. Becker


    Plus one on everything mentioned above. Could be a loose muzzle break. If it's loose will cause change of impact. A small spot of nail Polish will allow you to make sure it isn't moving. Hot vs cool barrel. As barrels warm and cool the POI can change. Perhaps the gun just doesn't like the load but overall change of POI would have me guessing something else is wrong. Could even be faulty scope that isn't holding true if everything else is nice and tight.
  11. Becker

    Chronogragh Question

    ^^^^ I agree with this statement.
  12. Becker

    Twin Spot Rattlesnake

    Way cool. I have yet to see one of those.
  13. Becker

    How many of you have seen this?

    Hahahaha. On my wife's last elk hunt we made it back to the truck after a long morning. We were sitting the shade eating some lunch just relaxing on the edge of this meadow. As we are sitting there we hear a quad putting up the road from the far side of the meadow. Before he clears the trees he stops and turns off the quad. Maybe 1 minute later he lets out a few cow calls. I just happened to have my bugle still around my neck so I let out the biggest baddest sounding bugle I could. A short wait and out pops this young mans face from behind a tree. You should have seen his expression. We all started laughing and yelled gotchya!!! Have never laughed so hard in my life. The young man went back and got his quad and pulled up and talked with us for a bit. He said I couldn't believe that, thought I had a big ol rank bull right off the road here. Hahahaha
  14. Becker

    Monster Buck

  15. Becker

    Monster Buck

    Apparently 140 or so something inches of Coues Deer!!!
  16. Becker

    bot fly larvae

    I have seen them in the skin of bison from New Mexico. Almost like a giant pimple. When we shave off some of the think skin around the neck and fleshing the shoulder areas they are in little pockets. Just threw up in my mouth a little bit. Hahahaha nasty things
  17. Becker

    Finally My Turn!

    Man sweet bull Jim!!! Congrats
  18. Becker


    Yeah I am!
  19. Becker


    I'm sitting in Alpine. Have seen 4 bulls in trucks already. But New Mexico has had hunts going on Going on for a week or more already!
  20. Becker

    Patience pays off!!

    Beau sent me a pic of your success. Congrats what an amazing trophy !!!!
  21. Becker

    New World record typical?

    What a beast. If the score holds is the correct question. We all know the big velvet bucks are always posted with score but when stripped and entered they are always way less. We will see , but like I said beast either way.
  22. B and C used to have a velvet category where the deer was printed ONE time in the book following being measured. But I am not sure if they do that any more or not. The deer were never entered all time because of the extra velvet.
  23. First buck came through the door today and its a monster!!! Thought you guys would like to see it!!!
  24. Becker


    Once again antler configuration has nothing to do with anything!