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Everything posted by Becker

  1. Becker

    Follow up or Not?

    Keep shooting as long as you can no matter what!!! its a RULE in my hunting party!!!
  2. ^^^^ I agree. Also, Adding another archery hunt will most likely hurt the mule deer numbers in those units that already tend to have declining mule deer numbers?
  3. We recently were brought a lion mounted by one of our competitors to try and fix. The customer was disappointed to say the least. There is nothing we hate more than seeing people get BAD taxidermy. Please, PLEASE, guys do your research and pick a quality Taxidermist. Here's some before photos: Here's what we were able to accomplish: Our new customer was "Speechless"!!!!
  4. Becker

    Not ALL Taxidermist are created equally!!!

    Just bring your mounts to us and you won't have to worry!!! Right?
  5. Becker

    WTB 7mm ultra mag brass

    Willy I got a large bag of 7mag stuff. Let me see what kind of numbers are in it. It's moslty remmington brass but there's quit a bit there. You can just have them. Kind of a pay it forward deal!!!!! Like I see happening on this site all the time. If you want it it's yours.
  6. Becker

    WTB 7mm ultra mag brass

    Once fired ok?
  7. Becker

    WTB 7mm ultra mag brass

    How much you looking for?
  8. I use Julio, through Dean Lippert's Taxidermy shop. I don't have his number but I am sure you could call Dean and get it.
  9. Becker

    first browns of the year

  10. Becker

    When to expect drops

    If you're on a smart phone you just have to click the full version tab at the bottom and then do the same as on a computer. Just have to click the use mobile version again to flip back
  11. Becker

    Results are Out

    Rats, was thinking if you did I might get Ya to let me tag along with Ya and help you out 👀
  12. Becker

    2014 Coues Deer Kill Distances Poll

    I agree guys!!! In the end to each his own. I respect the guys who have their limits and stick to them. My crew of hunters has had the discussion many times. Where do we draw our limits? I dang sure have my limits set and those depend a ton on the conditions at the time. I just don't like it when others try and determine what my skill sets are and how close or far I should be doing my shooting. I will continue to try and get close as possible but please don't tell me that my next 500 to 1000 yard shot that I decide to take is "unethical". And so far thanks to everyone here involved for being able to have a discussion!!!!
  13. Becker

    2014 Coues Deer Kill Distances Poll

    This topic always make me scratch my head. I am set up to shoot out to 1000 maybe even 1200 yards. I killed a COUES in Mexico this year at 876 yards!!! While all the bucks we killed in AZ were pretty close other deer I have taken have been at some pretty long distances. 630 or 680 I can't remember in 2013 was close as I got. What I take from B and C and mulepacker is that the group of hunters I whitnessed in 36b a couple years ago that lined up, jumped a buck that I watched bed down at about 80 yards and proceeded to unload their guns at it, blowing off a front leg and never recovering the deer are more Ethical than me shooting a deer at 800 yards that I know I am going to hit because of the time spent behind my gun. That I am not the same class of hunter? That I don't hunt just as hard if not harder? That the deer has better odds that it won't get away from me as the previously mentioned hunters? The main argument always seems to be not about distance as much as the deer's/animals ability do detect and avoid said hunter! My argument against that is that the vast majority of deer are killed not knowing the hunter is there, are they not? Really how is 200 yards any different than 800? Having the wind in your face sneaking around at 200 yards is pretty easy to stay undetected by an animal??? Or say 20 yards vs 50 If your posted up 40 feet high in a tree stand. The goal is always the same. Being at your effectiive range without the animal knowing you are there. Is it not? Technology is always getting better. The long distance topic is no different than if I came on here and said anyone using a compound with a sight is not ethically the same as using a trad bow. You can't tell me that shooting my deer at 876 yards with my 338 edge topped with a 32 power scope doping atmospheric conditions after months of practice is less ethical than the guy using an open sighted 30-30 jumping deer and shooting at them from 100 yards as they run over the ridge! The main issue is the guy trying to shoot that far without the proper practice and knowledge. The long range guys I know usually aren't taking those shots, they are good hunters, BUT when they do I bet you money it's more "ETHICAL" than those hunters I mentioned before! Anyway, I'll probly get bashed left and right but that's my view. If I can get closer I will, but when that once in a lifetime buck steps out at 800 to 1000 yards and I have no way of getting closer you can bet I am going to shoot it!!!
  14. Becker

    Results are Out

    Did you draw?
  15. Becker

    2014 Coues Deer Kill Distances Poll

    Of the three bucks we killed in AZ this yeaR, first one was killed at 301, second was shot at 80 yards, and the third was shot at 200 yards!
  16. Becker

    Javelina ideas

  17. Becker

    2006 Dodge Megacab 5.9 diesel 4x4 6 speed manual

    Def need more info plz
  18. Becker

    BIGGEST pig you've seen? (Pics)

    Hahaha. Ooooops!!!
  19. Managed to get Amanda to stop by on her way to the Women's Javelina Camp and officially score Jody's and my 2014 bucks!!! Looks like my buck will gross 117 and 7/8 and net 113 and 5/8!!! Jody's is going to net 125 and 1/8 non typical!!! It has a 121 and 3/8 gross typical frame. Hers would actually make the all time book both typical and non typical but goes higher in the non typical category!!! Thanks again Amanda!!!!!
  20. Becker

    Stained too dark

    Water based paint!!!
  21. Becker

    17 bonus pts...what to do?

    I don't understand all the anti-guide stuff. A hunt is what YOU make it. 15 to 17 years waiting is a dang long time. I would want to make the most of it. Yeah you can be a lazy guy and show up expecting them to have something tied up for you. OR you can hunt your tail off right along side of your guides. Hiring a guide wouldn't take anything away from your hunt. Actually and usually IMO what happens is the exact opposite. Most of the time you end up with new friends and actually LEARN new techniques and tactics that will aid you in the future. Again The hunt is what YOU make it!!! Guide or no guide!
  22. Becker

    Stained too dark

    If you just goob thick white paint on you will loose all the detail in the antlers and will always be able to tell they were painted!
  23. Becker

    Stained too dark

    ^^^^ yep! If the stain soaked in you are going to have to white wash them. The key is to not lay the paint on too thick. Watered back white and be patient. Start slow and really thin and add coat by coat until you think you would be able to re-stain. It doesn't hurt to have a little under color show through. Obviously antlers aren't one color or perfect.
  24. Becker

    Scope reticles

    Kind of depends for me. I find myself using hatch marks for wind more than dialing the windage. I do find having hatch marks nice for quick follow up shots if you happen to miss. Helps me to have some kind of ruler to make the appropriate corrections. Majority of the time though it's just extra stuff in the scope but I have used it 😜