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Everything posted by Becker

  1. Becker

    English Bulldog Puppies

    Guys come on. Give me a break. Was set on getting a hunting companion and now you keep harassing me about these to where I am almost gunna do it.
  2. Becker

    English Bulldog Puppies

  3. Becker

    English Bulldog Puppies

    You gettin one TAM?
  4. Becker

    English Bulldog Puppies

    Oh you name it on the sharpei!!! Was a great dog but had serious problems. Poor thing thanks for the info desertbull.
  5. Becker

    English Bulldog Puppies

    How high maintenance are these type of dogs? Wife had a sharpei that was big time maintenance. Just curious.
  6. Becker

    How old and what does he score

    This is what you should be looking for!!!!
  7. Becker

    Need a taxidermist for my Goulds!

    This is the number I dug up for Sven Eberson. 623-451-7836.
  8. Becker

    Need a taxidermist for my Goulds!

    Sven Eberson, Wildlife Wings and Designs, up in phoenix is who all my customers take their birds to. Thats my recommendation.
  9. Becker


    Bait piles!!!! I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the tip Seldom!!!! Bwahahahaha
  10. Becker


    So I was just wondering if you guys have any tips/secret spots for me so I can go find a BIG COUES DEER???
  11. Becker

    Is this a set?

    I would think that those are not a set. Like mentioned usually the Pedicles are very similar. In rare instances they are different due to damage of some sort. Similar in your case here but the burrs around the bases would be simililarly formed. In your last picture you can clearly see the how the nontyp antler's burrs have distinct Bumbs and lines that make voids between those Bumbs. The other antler has very smooth burrs with no separation between the bumps. Not sure if that makes sense to you but I would definitely say two different deer!
  12. Becker

    Question about "Premier Member"

    Awesome!!! :0
  13. Becker

    Bonus Points Are Updated

    Well guess my post went through too late. Was laughing at your comment trphyhntr!!!
  14. Becker

    Bonus Points Are Updated

    ^^^^^ Bwahahahha
  15. Becker

    127" coues sheds

    Oh my!!!!!
  16. Last time I checked we (AZ) have a posted date as when results will be out. Our G and F just usually posts them sooner than that! Unfortunately we have a bunch of people who complain when they don't come out as early or earlier than they did the last years!!!!
  17. Becker

    Results available

    ^^^^^ exactly!!!! Let's whine and moan and call them names. Last time I checked they have come out way earlier than they have advertised. Personally I am Tired of seeing the negative comments.
  18. Becker

    Two years in a row!

    Not to derail the thread but I have asked many times before. Alpinebullwinkle where do you get your info? Can you please post links to verified data for me to review?
  19. Becker

    Mule Deer

    Thx for the compliments guys. The biggest factor on velvet is "HANDS OFF". Don't touch it. As hard as it is be super gentle and try not to handle it. Everytime you touch/grab it you mash down the velvet hair and there is no way to get it to stand back up. Just FYI if you want nice velvet antlers on your mount don't touch 😜
  20. Becker

    2a antelope

    Did you draw a tag there huntermnbc?
  21. Becker

    2a antelope

    2a is not really known for big bucks. IMO a monster in the unit would be 80 inches. Lots of bucks but 70 to 78 tend to be the big boys.
  22. Becker

    2a antelope

  23. Becker

    Bowfishing Pleasant

    The big buffs right now are in open water. They are skiddish at times, others just sit there. Elevated deck is a necessity!!! middle of the lake, along cliff lines. No real rhyme or reason just gotta cruise until you find some and then stick to it or move if you quit seeing fish. They are always up somewhere! All about covering water until you get into good numbers. Good polarized glasses are a must as well. I can hardly do the night fishing stuff. Run out of juice and takes me forever to recoup. Certain hours of the day will be more productive. Just depends on the fish. On Roosevelt you can shoot at common carp all day long. Shallow or open water. But skiddish fish are the norm. If you time it right you can catch the big buffs spawning up shallow but most of the time they are in open water and can be running deep. That's part of the challenge though. Night fishing does produce easier shots but I just don't like it and seem to get bigger fish in the spring months during the day but I don't night shoot very often so.......
  24. Becker

    Bowfishing Pleasant

    Nice!!! Buffs were up at Roosevelt over the weekend!!! A guy shot a 40 pounder in the big fish competition Saturday.