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Everything posted by buckmaster21

  1. buckmaster21

    Ruger American 308

    Same hear about an action
  2. buckmaster21

    Suppressor Thoughts?

    I just got my second one and it took 24 days
  3. buckmaster21

    Wtb short action

    I'm looking to buy a short action preferably a rem 700 or clone but let me know what you have Thanks Tim
  4. buckmaster21


    It's pretty sad you had to say that on a youth bow for free we will see on the next one Sorry could help my self lol 😆
  5. buckmaster21

    Wtb short action

    Sorry 308
  6. buckmaster21

    Vortex viper pst 4-16x50 riflescope

    Is it the gen 1 or 2
  7. buckmaster21

    Swarovski 15/56 SLC

    I don't see a peric
  8. buckmaster21

    Donate javelina meat or give it away

    Yep my daughter shot it on the youth hunt today
  9. buckmaster21

    Donate javelina meat or give it away

    Looks like i have to prosse another one
  10. buckmaster21

    Donate javelina meat or give it away

    Not my fave to eat but you can make them tast good
  11. buckmaster21

    Donate javelina meat or give it away

    Why kill something if your not going to eat it
  12. buckmaster21

    Bison meat where to buy

    I'm not sure of the name of the place but there is a place in buckeye
  13. buckmaster21

    Taxidermy recommendations for bobcat rug?

    I would try Tom at grand canyon wildlife taxidermy he is an awesome guy and is responsible in price he has done 10+ mounts for me
  14. buckmaster21


    What's your cash price?
  15. buckmaster21

    Awesome jr elk hunt

    One for the books my daughter made an awesome shot got to experience what elk hunt was all about the bulls were going crazy we had 2 fighting 20 yards away she was amazed
  16. buckmaster21

    Spring results up

    What are leftovers lol I curious to see the list my self pretty soon they will be forgotten about
  17. buckmaster21

    Spring results up

    21 archery pig for me and 21&20 jr pig tag
  18. buckmaster21

    23 youth camp

    How many tags you got? My daughter has the 6a tag we are supper pumped up
  19. buckmaster21

    ISO 7mm08 ammo

    Sportsmans had alot last time I was in there with was like 2 weeks ago
  20. buckmaster21

    Silencer wait time???

    Got the call yesterday and was approved. I was 4 days Shy of 90 days
  21. buckmaster21

    Silencer wait time???

    I did a individual and am almost on 90 days right now
  22. buckmaster21

    Free saint berdoodle puppy's

    Last up out of the puppies my bro in law had are saint berdoodles he has 4 males and 1 female left free to a good home you can contact my brother in-law Lago at 4805896499 you can also contact me for pics at 6024008066 Thanks Tim
  23. buckmaster21

    Free saint berdoodle puppy's

    All gone
  24. buckmaster21

    Free saint berdoodle puppy's

    1 male left