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Everything posted by buckmaster21

  1. hello im new to this form! i was just wondering if any had some good info on were to start couse hunting in unit 21 any advice would be much appreciated. thank you.
  2. buckmaster21

    Draw Results post here

    I got 21 wt october
  3. buckmaster21

    couse hunting in unit 21

    got my wt tag in 21 october hunt
  4. buckmaster21

    couse hunting in unit 21

    no I have a white jeep. Wasn't me
  5. buckmaster21

    couse hunting in unit 21

    thanks for all the info I went up a cupple of weeks ago and found a really good sopt I'm going to keep my eye on
  6. buckmaster21

    couse hunting in unit 21

    thats cool im going up tomorow to set a few cams up also for the archery hunt. ill keep you posted on what i see
  7. buckmaster21

    couse hunting in unit 21

    see any thing good on the cams?
  8. buckmaster21

    11m cow

    hello i have a 11m cow tag. this unit is new to me i was wondering if any has a good area to start scouting and any tips for me thanks
  9. buckmaster21

    11m cow

    thanks for the info
  10. buckmaster21

    9 Scouting Memorial day

    I like the pics hope you get a big one
  11. buckmaster21

    couse hunting in unit 21

    thanks I hunted 21 last year I'm going to try again with rifel and or archery
  12. buckmaster21

    couse hunting in unit 21

    This post talk about every area in the unit where coues deer live and the type of terrain the live. It also talks about preseason scouting. I think you will find the forum very friendly and informitive. Very rarly on any forum would a few time poster asking for help be replyed with directions or gps corrordnates. No one know if you have any experiance hunting or deer hunting or coues deer hunting. As with any unit with coues hunts there are coues in 21 in "typical" coues terrain. Most succsesfull hunters in 21 scout a lot and kike far while scouting aswell as during the hunt. thank you i hunt alot but dont couse hunt very much i am now just geting in to it had alot of fun hunting them last year even know i had no luck.i think im geting hooked on hunting them thanks
  13. buckmaster21

    couse hunting in unit 21

    is there any good tips you have on Pre-season scouting