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Everything posted by buckmaster21

  1. buckmaster21

    Trophy Tags out of Leftover Tags

    awesome buck very nice
  2. buckmaster21

    2010 Archery Coues Buck

    Very nice
  3. buckmaster21

    Draw reaults

    Yes. Maby you could help me out on the bear hunt and ill do the same for your pig hunt? Pm me some time
  4. buckmaster21

    Draw reaults

    Yes alot of people hunt off bloodybasin its like a highway
  5. buckmaster21

    Happy Thanksgiving And Good Luck

    Good luck on all your hunt happy thanksgiving
  6. buckmaster21

    Draw reaults

    Gut pile I hunt 21 alot let me know if you need any help we have takin alot of pigs out of there
  7. buckmaster21

    22 bear

    Cool im going to try it this yeae. I have nevwr bear hunted befor but I think im going to hit it hard
  8. buckmaster21

    22 bear

    Well im forsure going to give it a shot this year if they have leftover archery tags
  9. buckmaster21

    22 bear

    Im thinking about trying it this year. Do you have much luck on that hunt?
  10. buckmaster21

    22 bear

    Im thinking about trying it this year. Do you have much luck on that hunt?
  11. buckmaster21

    Very Nice non typical Coues

    wow nice that thing is a monster
  12. buckmaster21

    Late Archery Bull ELK (4%)

    Very nice
  13. buckmaster21

    our muledeer

    Very nicw looking deer
  14. buckmaster21

    27 Mule Deer Success

    very nice buck
  15. buckmaster21

    Vortex 6-20x50 vs. Barska 8-26x 50???

    Vortex is awesome.
  16. buckmaster21

    Opening Morning 1st deer

    Nice first buck
  17. buckmaster21

    21 bear humtimg

    Hello I would like to start bear hunting and am interested in unit 21. Was wondering if any could point me in the right direction
  18. buckmaster21

    6A october

    my buddy took a 100+ buck out of there last sat
  19. buckmaster21

    24b Second 2011 hunt

    very nice
  20. buckmaster21

    Nice Buck

    Very nice
  21. buckmaster21

    21 coues down

    thanks for all the nice replies
  22. buckmaster21

    21 coues down

    shot my unit 21 coues yesterday after work. ill post picks later today sorry for the delay hear is the pic. first whitale woo hoo
  23. buckmaster21

    Another buck down!

    nice buck
  24. buckmaster21

    21 coues down

    i will have pics up as soon as i get off work
  25. buckmaster21

    114 Archery Buck

    wow what a nice buck