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Everything posted by buckmaster21

  1. buckmaster21

    15D North

    Great looking ram congrats
  2. buckmaster21

    Any sucess in 24A this weekend?

    Good looking bucks
  3. buckmaster21


    20b archery pig for me
  4. buckmaster21

    Results are out!!!!!!!

    22 early turkey for me
  5. buckmaster21

    Bear i got last week

    Nice job good looking bear
  6. buckmaster21

    21 wt

    Any one going to be in 21 tomorrow I'm pumped up hope to see some big bucks tomorrow good luck to all
  7. buckmaster21

    26m pig

    Pm me I'm going to start scouting this weekend
  8. buckmaster21

    My first 100" buck

    Great looking buck congrats
  9. buckmaster21

    January hunt?

    You can try some spots in 20 b it's tuff up there but if you put in the time you can find them
  10. buckmaster21

    Draw odds

  11. buckmaster21

    Draw odds

    How do you find the draw odds on turkey?
  12. buckmaster21

    21 wt

    Last buck down ill have pics and story tomorrow
  13. buckmaster21

    21 wt

    One down one to go I'll have pics later
  14. buckmaster21

    hitting cards

    I know I drew a 22 bear tag and a 20b pig tag because that's all I put in for as far as turkey it either 22 8 and 10 or 6b hope it's 22
  15. buckmaster21


    22 bear for me
  16. buckmaster21

    hitting cards

    I got hit for bear turkey and pig ya whoooo
  17. buckmaster21

    Unit 21

    I think 21 is a great unit I have killed my last 3 bucks out of there you just need to get away from people and glass glass glass
  18. buckmaster21

    Opening weekend Flagstaff area

    I was in unit 10 for 6 days seen over 30 bucks a lot of nice ones got busted on a nice 3x and missed a shot on a really nice forkey also hunted 8 and seen 6 bucks running together 4 of them were huge but could not get a shot also seen a lion but could not get a shot man I seem a lot of game untile we got a huge storm good luck to every one that is still hunting I'm going to be hunting 21 for the rest of the season
  19. buckmaster21

    20b bear

    I'm just curious to see if any one one hear has hunted bear in 20b and how it is I have tryed once and am going to try again has any one had any luck?
  20. buckmaster21

    Tags mailed yet?

    Just got my deer tag
  21. buckmaster21


  22. buckmaster21


    Hello I have 3 lad- golden doodle puppies for sail they 8 weeks old and have first set of shots they are great dogs 2 males 1 female you can reach me at 6024008066
  23. buckmaster21

    Wtb rifle scope

    I'm looking to buy a rifle scope to put on my wife's 243 wanting to spend around 100 to a 150 on one thanks
  24. buckmaster21

    2 Rifle Scopes

    Pm sent
  25. buckmaster21

    20B totally confused!

    I hunt 20b a lot I can steer you in the right direction you can pm me if you need any thing