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Everything posted by buckmaster21

  1. buckmaster21

    WTs GE sts side by side fridg

    I have a GE side by side fridg nothing is wrong with it works great 250 I can send picks by text thanks
  2. buckmaster21

    Selling rifle for my buddy 7mm-08

  3. buckmaster21

    Selling rifle for my buddy 7mm-08

    He is asking 650 sorry
  4. buckmaster21

    Wts Winchester modle 70 300 wsm

  5. buckmaster21

    More Velvet Bulls

    Thoughs are some stud Bulls
  6. buckmaster21

    Unit 21

    There's great bucks in 21 mouth Muleys and couse you just need to get away from people and work for them scouting is the key
  7. buckmaster21

    Cards are getting hit!

    I hope so but can't complain with an antelope and bull tag I'm my pocket I just hope my buddy gets a tag
  8. buckmaster21

    Cards are getting hit!

    Any hits recantley it is it done?
  9. buckmaster21

    Anyone Save that Cabelas Coupon?

    Look on eBay for that tent me and my dad bought a brand new one for like 200 cheaper and it had free shipping
  10. Wow that thing is bad a wish I had it for my up coming goat hunt
  11. buckmaster21

    WTB Timney Trigger for Rem. 700

    I thought you were a savage guy?
  12. buckmaster21

    A few fun ones

    Sweet pics
  13. 21dec couse is all I put good luck to every one
  14. buckmaster21

    A few pics from the season

    Man that's a lot of bone
  15. buckmaster21


    I'm counting the days down except it's for my muzzy goat tag good luck to all and can't waite it will be the longest summer for sure
  16. buckmaster21

    Model Seven 7-08

    My dad has one and it is awesome same set up
  17. buckmaster21

    Todays Project…Horse Drawn Fresno Wheels

    That's sweet looking
  18. buckmaster21

    Wtt 300wsm Winchester modle 70

    I would like to trade my 300wsm for a muzzle loader let me know what you have thanks
  19. buckmaster21

    trophy mule deer tag

    Nice buck love the colour of the antlers
  20. buckmaster21

    Unit 1 bird

    Congrats man good looking bird
  21. buckmaster21

    Unit 10 Boquillas

    I think they are 39 bucks plus tax
  22. buckmaster21

    Broadheads for elk

    In a fan of the g5s or the slick tricks both shoot good with my bow I would shoot what ever you shoot good with
  23. buckmaster21


    Correct I was just curious. I drew the 19b muzzy hunt